
快一个月没找你了,过得怎样?昨晚我发了一个梦,好真实,好想告诉你梦的内容.那个梦真的让我好开心.可惜始终会醒.昨天跟一个朋友出去了,谈起你,朋友说:如果我是你我早就分手了... 快一个月没找你了,过得怎样?昨晚我发了一个梦,好真实,好想告诉你梦的内容.那个梦真的让我好开心.可惜始终会醒.昨天跟一个朋友出去了,谈起你,朋友说:如果我是你我早就分手了.哈哈,当时我听到都不知道怎么回答.我把所有关于你的事都告诉了他,他问:这样子你不觉得辛苦吗?其实真的好辛苦的,我答:有一点吧,都习惯了.习惯了?习惯了?其实你当我是什么?爱理不理?我为你流了那么泪,你的泪却没有一滴为我而流.渐渐的开始回想,从前从未在意过的细节,直觉告诉我,你喜欢的是你之前那个女生,因为你与你的朋友都同时喜欢上同一个女生,你才选择跟我一起,<初恋这件小事>感触好深吗?在你沉默的时候,我真的好难受.忘了是怎么开始,也许就是对你有一种感觉。你的微博,你的签名,都没有一条关于我的,而你收藏了那个女生发的微博,是因为什么?我已经不想去想太多,我会尝试放弃了.只是感觉我好蠢,我已经能够微笑的接受了.做人不能太冷,否则会冻死身边的人.能不能告诉我你有什么打算? 展开
2011-05-22 · TA获得超过4114个赞
I haven't vistied you for almost one month,how do you live now?I had a dream last night,like to tell you about the content of the dream very much.The dream make me very happy,it's a pity that the I will wake up sooner or later. I went out with a friend yesterday,talking of you,the friend said,"if I were you ,I would break up earlier."haha,I didn't know how to answer him at that time.I told him everything about you.He asked ,"didn't you feel tired like this?"In fact,I feel very tired.I answered,"
a litte,maybe,I got used to it."
be used ?be uesd?What you regard me as actually?respond or not respond to?I have cried so much for you,but there is no tears of you crying for me.Looking back to the details which are not noticed gradually,the intuition tell me.The girl you love is the former girl,because you and your friend fall in love with one girl at the same time,then you choose to be with me,<the small thing of first love>touched so deeply ?When you are in silence,I am really uncomfortable.Forget how we begin,maybe just a kind of feeling to you .Your microblog,your signature,There is even nothing about me,but you collect the microblog related to that girl,why?I don't want to think too much,I will
try to give up.Only to feel that I am so stupid,I can accept it with smile.Don't be so cold,or you will
freeze the peolple around you to death.Can you tell me what' your plan?
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2011-05-22 · 超过11用户采纳过TA的回答
I haven't got in touch with you for nearly a month.How are you? Yesterday ,I had a dream.In fact ,I really want to told you the content of the dream which made me very happy.but at last we stiil need to go back to the real world.Yesterday, I went out with a friend .When we talked about you,he said :"If I were you ,I would have already broken up with her ." ha ha ,At that time ,I didn't know how to answer him,.I told him all the things about you .He asked : Don' you feel
tired?  In fact I really feel tired ,but I replyed with bitter smile " a little,I have been accustomed this .accustomed? accustomed?  in your heart ,who do you think I am?  You always treat me indiffrently. I have shed so much tears for you ,but you tears never sled for me. Then my mind began to wander back to ealier times we passed together. The details that I had never cared before recurred to my memory.  My instinct told  me  that girl really  is your ture love. th reason why you chose to together with me is that your friend and you loved that girl at the same time. touched me deeply .when you were in silence, I was indeed sad.I have fogotten how we began this relationship. Maybe just a kind of extra feeling that made me love you. You haven't wrote a message concerned me in your  microblog and signature . However you collect the  microblogs that girl sent.  Why? I don't want to thing too much,I will try  giving up. Just feeling I am so stupid .But now I  can accept it with smile. I have a suggest : Don't  be so indiffrent, or your friend will be frozen to death. could you tell me what is your plan for the future?
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2011-05-22 · TA获得超过819个赞
Almost a month did not find you, been? Last night I made a dream, so real, really want to tell you the content of dreams. That dream really made me happy. Unfortunately will always be awake. Yesterday went out with a friend , and talk about you, a friend said: If I were you I would have split up. Haha, when I hear do not know how to answer. I put all the things you told about him, he asked: Do not you like this think hard? is really very hard, and I say: of, you know, are accustomed to. used? used? In fact, you think that? indifferent? so I tear you shed your did not drop tears flow for me. gradually began to recall, had previously been concerned about the details, intuition told me that you like the girl before you, because you and your friends are at the same time with a girl like you have chosen to join me, "love this small> feeling good deep as this? you were silent, I was very uncomfortable. forget how it started, perhaps you have a feeling. Of your micro-blog, your signature, do not have one on me, and you sent the girl a collection of micro-Bo, because of what? I do not want to think too much, I will try to give up. Just feel I'm so stupid I have been able to smile and accepted it. do not be too cold, otherwise they will freeze to death around him. Can you tell me what is your plan?
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2011-05-22 · TA获得超过735个赞
it's been almost a month. how have you been? I had a dream last night. I can still see the dream and would love to tell you the dream. It is a really happy dream, but i had to wake up anyway. I hung out with a friend yesterday and talked about you. he said, i would break up with you if i were you. haha, i had no answer. i tell him eveything about you. he asked, don't you find it tough. yeah, it is really tough. i replied, a little bit, i am accustomed to it. accustomed? accustomed? actually who do you think i am? treat me like nothing? i shed tears for you, but you never shed a tear for me. looking back on the details i have never noticed, i have a feeling, that you like the girl. you and your friend liked the same girl, so you chose to go out with me. is the First Little Crush very touching? i have hard feelings when you don't say a word. i don't remember how it starts, maybe i have a crush on you. there is nothing about me on your microblog and your signature. however, the girl's microblog is your favorite. why is that? i don't want to dewel in it. i will try to leave. i feel i am so stupid. i can take it well. don't be too cool to freeze everybody. will you tell me your thoughts?
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I have not found you for about a month. How do you feel now? I had a dream last night. It was so true. I wanted to tell you about the dream. It made me so happy! But I can't. It was just a dream. I went out with a friend last night. We talked about you. My friend said he would leave if he was I. Oh, I even didn't know how to answer him when i heard that. I told him all things about you . He asked me:"are you tired?"In fact it was really tired. But I answered:"a little, I have already accustomed to this." Accustomed? Really? How do you treat me ?Cold and indifferent. I weeped so much for you.But your tears had nothing about me. I remembered about the details I had never cared, bit by bit. I knew intuitively that you loved that girl. You selected me because you and your friend loved her at the same time. <little about first love>,do you feel deeply? When you are silent ,I felt so bad. I forgot the beginning we were together. Maybe it was just some feelings. Your microblog,your signature, nothing is about me while you collected what she put out. Why? I didnt want to know about this. I would try to give up from now on. I just feel foolish about myself. I could accept it to be my best. It will be too cold to hurt people around us.Could you tell me what your plan is ?
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