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My favorite movie is the movie named <time machine>, the movie mainly describe a plot about a person who invented a time machine and can travelling through different period of time. I love this movie because I gained many valuable things from it, not only some basic physical knowledge but also many emotional feelings.

First, I get basic physical knowledge from this fiction movie. Personally, I love physics very much and always fascinated in such classical physic theories—the big bang, the universal of our cosmos, and so on. In the movie <time machine>, I can get access to many physical theories, it really excited me.

Secondly, the plot of this movie convey a massage to its audiences—cherish your family and your lover, they would not come back once they leave. Although with a time machine, the actor can not save his well-loved girlfriend’s life which lost in a traffic accident. The history can not be revised, even with a time machine, so the only way for us is to appreciate life and cherish our lover, family members, and our friends.

Last but not least, the movie sparkle people’s imagination. The movie is fiction, but human’s imagination is true. In reality, we have not invent a time machine yet, but only imagine it first can we have the chance to make our dream come true. Just as Albert Einstein said that: Imagination is more important than knowledge. So I think it is also one of the value of this movie—sparkle people’s imagination and let us more creative.

In summary, I like the movie <time machine> because it conveys some physical knowledge (which I loved), convey the emotional feelings let us cherish family and friends, and made people filled with imagination and become more creative.

参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/232559933.html

2011-07-01 · TA获得超过689个赞
I like of the person? Let me think about it, is he.
He literally for I like: comb a small flat, elliptic face, jiongjiongweishen eyes, walk slightly eight-he is now trying to change.
Time flies like an arrow and years passed quickly, before you know it, he has grown up. Was obedient he gradually became stubborn, stubborn, naughty. He sometimes like cats gentle and soft, occasionally and classmates play fight. But after he and fellow students and reconciliation.
He's greatest pleasure is reading, the book 10000 scene, make him with longing, and benefited a lot. A good book, can make him "joy but forgets worry", true can achieve RuZuiRuChi fields. The more he read more to experience the ancients read the book of that kind of "ShiBuGanWei", "bed not rest" the truth.
He sometimes also be cool. Sunday morning, the sun warm warm spring, general air, his mood is very good, put on the new white shirt and black trousers new, feet is shiny new shoes to brush, to go to the lectures. Vanity is a meet, and rapid expansion in the brain, took a thought: oh, this is cool. The way he break past the habit of walking in a hurry, just slowly pace forward. He downloaded from the Internet the MP3, so he sang. Although take headphones to adjust, but he sing heart is very beautiful. Just, his eyes still tight stare at a foot of those sleek new shoes.
He likes pets, but parents won't let him keep; He likes to listen to music, he has character of vocal music admitted to the seventh level, he imagined when a singer or the host.
Who is he? Ha ha, he is me!
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2011-07-02 · TA获得超过209个赞
I like my mom most. Mom is always very kind to me and dad. Mom has paid too much for my growth. When I am sick, mom always take care of me. Even at night she could not sleep well, becuase she always gets up to see how I am. I owe a lot to mom. I swear after I am grown up I will work hard to earn more, and make a happy life for mom and dad.
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