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学生会体育部是集美大学诚毅学院院团委领导下的学生自治自律机构,是由优秀学生组织的中坚力量。他为打造一个积极,健康,热烈,活拨,朝气蓬勃的校园环境,继续扩学生会的影响,配合... 学生会体育部是集美大学诚毅学院院团委领导下的学生自治自律机构,是由优秀学生组织的中坚力量。他为打造一个积极,健康,热烈,活拨,朝气蓬勃的校园环境,继续扩学生会的影响,配合院团委定期举行名种体育比赛, 在院团委的指导下统一规划学生的课外体育活动,使体育贯穿同学大学生活动的始终.
组织各种比赛,为同学创造一个互相交流,互相学习的平台,从比赛中体现出诚毅学生文明干练,友爱互助的校风,树立起当代大学生内练素质,外树形象的风貌。 在活跃体育氛围的同时,引导科学的健身方法,展现大学生的运动风采。体育部成员也在活动中服务同学,塑造自身,全力提高自身的综合 素质。
组织开展学院群众性体育活动, 全面丰富同学们的课余生活,增强学院集体的凝聚力;组织训练学院体育代表队,参加校内的各种体育比赛。
体育部通过开展一系列积极向上,形式各异,丰富多彩的校园文化活动,丰富同学们的业余生活,营造健康向上、积极活泼的校园文化气氛,使同学们增强体育与健康意识,提高体育能力,树立正确的体育观念,促成积极的人生态度。我部始终把学生会的"协作,有为,高效,务实 " 精神作为行为准则,并在以后的工作中再接再厉,为体育部的辉煌,学生会的辉煌,努力作好我们应做的一切。集美大学诚毅学院学生会体育部本着“同学之家,师生之桥”的服务宗旨,竭诚为广大同学的进步成才提供帮助。
 我来答
Student Union Sports Ministry is Jimei University College Yi-lovers under the leadership of student autonomy and self-discipline, outstanding students from the nucleus. He create a positive, healthy and warm, wood allocation, vibrant campus environment, the students will continue to expand, House lovers meet regularly species of sports events of the cinema lovers of unified planning under the guidance of students in extracurricular sports activities, Sports enable students throughout Students campaign. organize various contests for students to create a mutual exchange, mutual learning platform from the competition reflected sincere Yi able students civilization, love and mutual assistance ethos, establish a contemporary college students within Improving Quality and neighborhood character. Active in sports atmosphere at the same time, the fitness guide scientific method, students demonstrated the movement style. Sports activities are also members of the Department to serve the students and mold their full improve their overall quality. Actively popular sports and enhancing the entire student of the Department of Physical Fitness. extensive students to actively promote physical exercise, join sports competition, and set off a full-house fitness campaign climax The after-school classmates rich cultural life. to the students to demonstrate expertise to the scene to organize mass College sports full of rich students after-school life, and enhance the cohesiveness of the group College; Organization Training School sports teams. participate in school sports competition. Sports Ministry through a series of positive, progressive, varied and vibrant campus cultural activities, rich students of amateur life, and create a healthy, positive, and the lively atmosphere of the campus culture, enable students to enhance sports and health awareness and improve athletic ability, the correct sports concept, contributed to a positive attitude towards life. I always put students of the "collaboration and active, efficient and pragmatic" in the spirit of our code of conduct. and in the future work of work for the sports department of the brilliant, brilliant students, we should make efforts to do everything. Jimei University-Yi College students in the sports department, "the students home, teachers and students bridge the" principle of service, best for the majority of students progress through to help. Sports Ministry officers to pick up the tie game in order to maintain order and assist records. Responsible person can contact the team, the cheerleaders participate in the competition. Is dedicated. Although the weather is very hot, but the officers who have no complaints, uphold their responsibilities. In a short span of three weeks time there are many such kind of problems, and basketball leagues simultaneously. causing staff shortage, several pick up the game almost no one; Competition on time before the scene could not help moving objects; Speakers prior to the charge, not cheerleaders performing and recording the lack of knowledge, We all need improvement. College-Yi in the playground at the hospital for 8 × 100 relay. This competition, with the class as the unit to enroll in each of the participating teams from four male and four female component. First by the faculty selection, representatives of the departments to send another team in the contest. Playing area is divided into A, B 2, two competition venues simultaneously. To reflect fair competition, the competition for the seizure was part strict checks tipo found to have serious problems such as a flat disqualification. Meanwhile the rules of the competition, though at the starting line, who will staff the order given to the great athletes right to independently choose, But get run very stringent requirements, once discovered, the results must be abolished. Competition of the staff responsibilities seriously, in the hot sun to their posts and good order at the scene, work methodically. In the course of the competition, every game of staff arrangements are in place, They arrived at the venue on time and were able to do a conscientious and responsible, well completion points, recording, maintenance of the field during the work. But the whole event or some fly in the ointment, such as Taiwan, the technical equipment shortage Sometimes not to allow timely replacement Magistrates know, the number of fouls and so on, and the cheerleaders dance, Speakers normal work, some of the team can not be disciplined or strict requirements, and so on, if in the next tournament, These details can do, the competition will be more exciting and perfect.
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