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2016-05-05 · TA获得超过4.4万个赞
高二英语下学期期中综合复习(一) 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 BBCDC 6-10 BDBDA
11-15 CDBCB 16-20ECABG
21-25 CBABD 26-30ADCBC
31-35 DACBD 36-40ACBAD
41. successfully 42. to pack
43. decision 44.that / which
45. in 46.increases
47. sold 48. the
49. are sent 50.taking
51. ... has been organized ... has → have
52. ... provide students for ... for → with
53. ... role in improve ...
improve→ improving
54. ... their heavily schedules ...
heavily→ heavy
55. ... enjoyed a colorful life.
enjoyed→ enjoy
56. Beside ... Beside→ Besides
57. ... to get in the touch ... 去掉the
58. ... take part these activities ...
59. ... an important mean ... mean → means
60. ... but in turn ... but→ and
One possible version:
Dear Jack,
I'msorry to hear that you have been in low spirits recently. All of us have lowspirits for known or unknown reasons sometimes, so don't be discouraged. Cheerup and do something to change your situation.
Hereare my suggestions. First, take some time to rest and think. Set your workaside temporarily, and try to find what has led you to be in low spirits. Thenface the problems. Second, talk to your parents, relatives and friends. Thatwill help remove your pressure. Besides, you can spare more time to do somesports such as running and walking, which will help raise your spirits and giveyou inspiration.
Iwill always be ready to give you a hand when necessary.

A篇 (个人情况)
本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了第一位单独飞越大西洋的美国女飞行员Amelia Earhart。
1. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的In 1920 Earhart went to her first air show and was attracted. Shetook flying lessons and bought her first plane可知,Amelia Earhart在第一次观看了飞行表演之后就被深深吸引了。
2. B。段落大意题。由第三段中的Earhart will be mainly remembered for being the first woman to flysolo non-stop across the Atlantic可知,该段主要讲述了AmeliaEarhart最伟大的成就。
3. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的while she was crossing the Pacific, contact was lost. The USgovernment spent $4 million looking for her, but she was never found可知,Amelia Earhart在飞越太平洋时失去了联系,再也没有找到。
B篇 (兴趣与爱好)
4. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的Families with children aged 7 and older are invited to enjoypainting together and have some fun和We are offering the opportunity to get out, enjoy lunch and apainting party afternoon with your child可知,Family Friendly Painting Parties给有小孩的家庭提供一起学习绘画的机会。
5. C。细节理解题。由第五段中的The tickets to the party are normally $30 per person and include acanvas for each person, all painting supplies, apron and instruction可知,派对的门票包含了每人一块画布和绘画用品,故参加者不需要自带画布和画具。
6. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的Follow this link to win a chance to win 2 free tickets ...可知,点击这个链接有机会获得两张免费门票。
7. D。文章体裁题。通读文章可知,本文是一则吸引读者参加“家庭友好绘画派对”的通知,该通知主要介绍了主办机构Lola's Brush和派对的具体信息。
C篇 (历史)
8. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的Sailors had to rely on memory and on written guides called pilotbooks可知,航海书是手写的指南。
9. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的sailors used maps, charts, and information from other explorers和Experienced sailors learned ... warn others about dangers可知,早期的探险家和水手为彼此提供信息、警告危险。
10. A。段落大意题。由第四段中的Early sailors used a tool called the astrolabe ... determine theirlocation和They also used patternsof wind ... as directional clues以及Sailors evenfound a way that clouds and seabirds could help them可知,本段主要介绍了早期的水手如何在海上确定航行的方向。
11. C。观点态度题。由最后一段中的Although their techniques were simple, they were able to achievegreat things during their adventures at sea可知,尽管过去水手们用的技术很简单,但是他们在海上探险中也取得了伟大的成就,由此可以推断,作者对过去水手们持赞扬的态度。
D篇 (旅游)
12. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的Travellers go for the experience and their journeys are usually muchlonger and more challenging可知,与游客不同的是,旅行者去体验,他们的旅程通常更长、更具挑战性。
13. B。猜测词义题。由第一段中对旅行者的描述以及avoid tourist traps和to discover newplaces可知,旅行者总是打破常规去发现新的地方,由此推断,go off the beaten track意为“打破常规”。
14. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的People can visit distant corners of the world or even little knownparts of their own country without leaving their living rooms可知,armchair traveller指的是足不出户的旅行者。
15. B。细节理解题。由最后一段中的Perhaps soon people will use interactive computer programmes andvirtual travel will become common可知,也许在不久的将来,人们将使用计算机交互程序,虚拟旅游将变得很普遍。
16. E。由该空前的Supporters say that the psychological effects of cyberbullying ...可知,设空处指反对者的态度,E项“然而,批评者认为这项法律赋予学校太大的权力”符合此处语境。
17. C。由该段中的being bullied online makes school unbearable可知,Hanna DiMassimo对这项法律持支持的态度,又由该空前的Cyberbullying may not always happen while you're at school, but italways makes school a living nightmare可知,C项“这就是为什么我们需要在学校里有更严肃的影响”符合此处语境。
18. A。由上文的描述以及该段中Hanna DiMassimo讲述的自己的经历可知,HannaDiMassimo支持这项法律,A项内容符合此处语境。
19. B。由上文中的However, Natalie Eng holds the opinion ...以及该空后的If we allow schools to punish online bullies who operate afterschool hours, then where do we draw the disciplinary line?可知,Natalie Eng反对这项法律,故B项“但是我觉得这些法律是危险的”符合此处语境。
20. G。由上文中Natalie Eng的观点以及该段中的描述可知,NatalieEng认为,“如果有了这样的法律,那我们就在我们的个人生活中给予学校太多的权力了。”

21. C。由该空后的my baby boy on my lap可知,“我”坐在椅子上,“抱着(holding)”小孩放在膝上。
22. B。由下文中的the two girls raced around the yard可知,我们租了一套带“院子(yard)”的房子。
23. A。由上文中的dropped by可知,他们一起来“拜访(visit)”我们。
24. B。由下文中的caught two of the little shiners可知,两个小女孩努力去“抓(catch)”萤火虫。
25. D。由文中的描述可知,几十只萤火虫“自由地(freely)”在院子里闪动。
26. A。由上文中的moving slowly, but always just和该空后的their pursuers可知,萤火虫总是能“躲开(avoiding)”捕捉它们的人。
27. D。由下文中的We watched them blink on and off可知,我们逮到了两只萤火虫,它们“没有受到伤害(safely)”。
28. C。由下文中的I slowly ... the cover可知,我们把萤火虫放入一个有“盖子(cover)”的罐子里。
29. B。由下文中的We should let them go可知,小女孩说:“它们看起来很‘悲伤(sad)'”。
30. C。31. D。由上文中的We should let themgo可知,“我”慢慢“打开(opened)”盖子,看着萤火虫“飞走(flew away)”。
32. A。此处指“当(As)”“我”想起那天晚上。
33. C。34. B。由下文中的Fear, anger, anddoubt have made me ... my light可知,有好多次“我”把自己的“光(light)”密封在灵魂的罐子里,“而不(insteadof)”与其他人分享。
35. D。由上文中的kept my own ... sealed in the jar of my soul可知,恐惧、嫉妒和怀疑让“我”在这几年里一直“隐藏(hide)”自己的光。
36. A。37. C。由下文中的keep you fromshining your light可知,“我”意识到,这个世界想让我们所有的人都“闪耀(shine)”光芒,抓住每一次“机会(chance)”去闪耀我们的光。
38. B。由上文中的Fear, anger, and doubt have made me ... my light可知,不要让“恐惧(fear)”阻止你闪耀你的光。
39. A。由上文中的 ... sharing it with the world可知,不要让这个世界阻止你“分享(sharing)”你的爱。
40. D。要善良、帮助别人,并带来“快乐(joy)”。
41. successfully。考查副词。设空处作状语修饰谓语,故填successfully。
42. topack。考查不定式作主语补足语的用法。beforced to do sth.意为“被迫做某事”。
43. decision。考查名词。设空处作宾语,且其前有this限定,故填decision。
44. that/ which。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰law,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。
45. in。考查介词。result in ...意为“导致”。
46. increases。考查一般现在时。possibility与increase之间是主谓关系,且由从句时态可知,此处应用一般现在时,故填increases。
47. sold。考查动词-ed形式作定语的用法。设空处作后置定语修饰cigarettes,且sell与cigarettes之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填sold。
48. the。考查定冠词。“one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数”表示“最……之一”。
49. aresent。考查一般现在时的被动语态。450,000people与send之间是被动关系,且由Every year可知,此处应用一般现在时,故填aresent。
50. taking。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词from的宾语,且people与take up之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填taking。

1-5 CDABC 6-10 BCBCD
A篇 (社会)
1. C。细节理解题。由Is there a book you read as a kid that has stayed with you?一节中的I think they must have appealed not just to my romantic adolescentsoul, but I suppose there's also an appealing darkness in both of them可知,《呼啸山庄》和《吕蓓卡》吸引Alice McDermott的是这两部作品中充满的浪漫和黑暗。
2. D。细节理解题。由Do you often have readers ... in the book?一节中的Some readers sort of suspect that you have another book that youdidn't publish that has even more information in it和They have this idea that there's a takeaway from a novel rather thanjust being there可知,在Alice McDermott看来,读者总是怀疑作者没有给出全部的信息。
3. A。推理判断题。由What’s terrible for youngwriters these days?一节中的 ... ratherthan books and sentences and characters that writers are supposed to beconcerned with可知,Alice McDermott认为年轻的作家应该更加关心书本身和作品人物,而不是他们的公众形象。
4. B。推理判断题。由What do you owe readers?一节中的that doesn't mean I avoid writing anything that's subtle. I alsohave to respect their ability to understand everything I write可知,Alice McDermott尊重读者能读懂她作品的能力。
5. C。文章出处题。由文章的内容及格式可知,本文是一则访谈。
B篇 (健康)
6. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的This helps limit the amount of swelling that occurs immediatelyafter the injury可知,冷敷法适宜用来消肿。
7. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的Neither ice nor cold packs should be used for longer than 30 minutes可知,使用冷敷法时,时间应该不超过半小时。
8. B。细节理解题。由最后一段中的When heat is applied over an area of serious damage, activeinflammation (swelling and pain in part of your body) can get worse可知,受伤严重时不宜使用热敷法。
9. C。推理判断题。由第二段中的Ice or cold packs should never be put directly on the skin due tothe risk of frostbite和最后一段中的Severallayers of towels are used between the hot pack and the skin可知,冷敷袋和热敷袋都不能直接接触皮肤。
10. D。文章结构题。通读全文可知,第一段概括全文,第二段讲的是冷敷法,第三、四两段讲的是热敷法。故D项准确地描述了本文结构。
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