
1尽管很忙,他每天至少花两个小时上网(surftheInternet),了解这个领域的最新动态。(eventhough)2李教授在毕业典礼上做了一个简短的讲话,他的话深深... 1 尽管很忙,他每天至少花两个小时上网(surf the Internet),了解这个领域的最新动态。(even though)2 李教授在毕业典礼上做了一个简短的讲话,他的话深深铭刻在我的记忆中。(impress upon)3 在30分钟内写出一篇约100个词的短文,对于他们班大多数学生来说不过是小菜一碟。(snap)4 那家餐厅最近已经延长了营业时间。(extend)5 我刚刚读完一本从新的视角研究莎士比亚(Shakespeare)的有趣的书籍。(approach)6 随着电子邮件的广泛应用,垃圾邮件(spam/junk email)问题已引起人们的极大关注。(issue/problem;draw much concern)7 传统教育比起网络教育来说对于学生和教师之间的交流和互动有着更多的限制。(communication and interaction;limitation)8 这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚。(put one's finger on)9 这条裤子不但太大,而且与我的夹克也不配。(apart from)10 不论理由是什么,反正我喜欢流行音乐。(whatever)11 他对外国文优化怀有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以寻找有用的信息。(browse through)12 在是否要创办一个新社团的问题上,我们意见很不一致。(vary)13 我不知道事情会变成这样。(little I know……)14 他并不想买车,但是我说服他买了一辆。(be keen on)15 成为2008年北京奥运会志愿者队伍中的一员将会是我一生中难得的经历。(a once-in-a-lifetime experience)16 吸烟是导致肺癌的主要因素。(contributing to)17 这两所大学下个月联合举行艺术表演。(stage)18 这次贸易谈判非常成功,他对双方都有着特别大的好处。(be beneficial to)19 我们班的同学都或多或少的参加过学生会组织的活动。(involve,one way or another)20 对一个没有受过高等教育的人来说,这是他能得到的最理想的工作之一。(available)21 从事科研工作能激发大学生的独立思考和有效学习的能力。(spur)22 学费每年都在上涨,这已成为贫困家庭学生很重的负担。(constitute,poverty-stricken)23 罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)在诗中把他所钟情的女孩比作玫瑰花。(compare……to)24 无论你多忙,都应该抽时间回学校参加同学聚会。(no matter how)25 离婚后她需要一个能给她安慰的人。(a shoulder to cry on)26 毕业20年以后,他几乎认不出他以前的同学了。(barely)27 什么都无法替代亲密朋友之间的友谊。(replace) 展开
 我来答
2011-09-02 · TA获得超过3252个赞
1.Even though he is very busy,he spends at least 2 hours surfing the Internet to know the lastest information of this area.
2 .Dr.Li made a short speech at the commencement,which impressed very much upon me.
3.It is just a snap for him to write a short passage with about 100 words in 30 minutes.
4.The resteraunt recently has extended their bussiness hour.
5.I have just finished reading a book on Shakespeare in a new approach.
6.With the wide use of Email,the issue of junk email has drawn much cocern of people.
7.Compared with the traditional education,the Internet educatin has more limitation in communication and interaction between the teacher and the students.
8.Thers is something wrong with the pinao but I can't put my finger on it.
9.Apart from being too large,the pair of trouses don't match my jacket.
10.Whatever the reason is,I like pop music.
11. He is very interested in the foreign culture and often browse through large numbers of books to find useful information.
12.We vary a lot in whether to constitude a new college.
13 .Little did I know that things could be like this.
14.He was not keen on buying a car,but I persuaded him to buy one.
15 .It will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience to be one of the members of the volunters of the 2008 Beijing Olympie Games.
16.Smoking is the main reason contributing to lung cancer.
17.The 2 universities will atage together next month.
18.This trade talk is very successful which is beneficial to both sides.
19.The students in our class have been involved in the activitied of the students' union one way or another.
20.This is one of the most available jobs to him, as a man without higher education.
21.Scientific effort can spur the independent thinking and efficient studying of the university students.
22. The rise in tuition in every year constitudes a heavy burden to the students from poverty-stricken family.
23 .Robert Burns compares the girl he loves to roses.
24.No matter how busy you are, you should spare some time to go back to school to take part in the classmates get-together.
25.She needs a shoulder to cry on after divorse.
26.After graduation for 20 years,he can barely recognize his classmates.
27.Nothing can repalce the friendship between close friends.

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