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2022-10-19 · TA获得超过5133个赞

1. 中国人为什么要学英语


为什么要写作文 为什么要写作文?许多同学会说,写作,是为了应付考试。诚然,语文考试离不开写作,但写作不是为了考试。中国有着五千多年的文明史。古人给我们留下了许许多多的优秀文学作品。那些作品,犹如一颗颗璀璨的明珠,在人类文明长河中永放光芒。可是,这一大批优秀作品,很少是在考场上写出来的。中国自隋朝开科取士,清末废除科举制度,其间1300余年,科举制度的考试内容均为写作。可是,真正流传下来的应试作文有几篇呢? 作文之道,在于抒情,在于表意。写作,是为了表达情感。屈原流放而作《离骚》,司马迁受宫刑而著《史记》,诸葛亮感知遇之恩,北伐前上《出师表》,苏轼游赤壁而唱“大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物……”曹雪芹历“沃甘靥肥之日”而成就世界上最辉煌的著作《红楼梦》。这一篇篇不朽的作品均是作者经历非凡的生活后情感的流露。他们写作,不是为了应试,而是为了表达内心真实的情感,不吐不快,大抵如此。人有七情六欲。有生活,就有情感。有情感,就有作文。让自己的情感在作文中流露,那是一件很快乐的事情。那些喜欢写作文的同学肯定享受过这份快乐。而认为写作是为了应付考试的同学,不仅不能体会到这种快乐,相反会觉得写作文是一种痛苦。他们一见到老师拿着一叠作文本进教室,头就开始疼,那是一种悲哀。这样的同学,永远写不好作文。只有把写作当作一件快乐的事去做,才能写好作文。同学们,让我们把写作当作一种快乐,多享受写作的乐趣吧!

2. 以“为什么要学英语”写一篇英语作文

Why should we learn English? In today's society many of the countries speak English. English is one of the major languages that people were used abroad. Wherever u go in a foreign country the language that u mainly use to municate with others are the English. And also it will help you if you decided to study at the English speaking country. Some people might think English is not so important. But that is a negative thought. In the future u might want to have good jobs. Most of the offices require some kind of diplomas to get that job. But because of you don't have a basic knowledge of English and the others do then u will not be able to get that job. So learning English is very important it help u to achieve your future goals and make you a better life in the future.。

3. 为什么要学习英语的作文

Something about learning English

Why do we should learn English? There are some viewpoints of myself.

It's obvious that English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. For many years now we have been referring to English as global language, as the language of munication and technology. There are more than one hundred countries make English as their native language or second language. So, if you can proficient in the English. It may bring you convenience in many aspects. Well, the main advantages are listed as follows:

Firstly, time of globalization is ing, the earth bees *** aller and *** aller. Learning English gets you to travel for free, almost every place has people who can speak English, so it's more convenient for you to travel abroad and meeting new places and cultures.

Secondly, Language learning sharpens your mind. China makes the English as Second language. So learning English can improve your abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It also can get you to think the same thing in a different way.

Thirdly, learning English helps you earn more money. English has bee an international language. It plays a more and more important part in the world, especially on business and association among countries. If you can speak English, you may have more opportunities in a foreign pany. It's not bad for you to be a translator, too.

Finally, for student, most valuable books, newspaper and magazines are written in English. If you hope to get more knowledge and useful information, you must learn English.

How to learn English and make it more effectively?

As the saying goes that Interest is the best teacher. We all dislike boring way to learn English. So you can use some interesting way to improve efficiency, such as listen to the music, watching movies and reading some interesting English book.

4. 用英语写一篇关于英语学习的作文

As we all know ,English is important to us.BUt how to study English well is still a problem.I have some suggestions about this problem.First of all ,we should pay more attention to the vocabulary,this is the basis of English.In addition,we should finish our homework carefully.Only by this can we learn English well.Whats more,when we have free time, we should do more exercise.This will help us to enlarge our knowledge.If we can to do so ,you will find it easy ti study English..。

5. 写一篇“为什么要学英语”的英语作文

you ask why we should learn English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.

First of all, English has bee an international language. It plays a more and more important part in the world, especially on business and association among countries. If you speak English, you can make a round the world trip without being misunderstood. You can easily make yourself understood. Besides, English can reduce the trouble and save money when you're making a world trip.

In another hand, most valuable books, newspaper and magazines are written in English. If you hope to get more knowledge and useful information, you must learn English and try to master it as well as handling skillfully. You can enjoy some famous works and learn what the different customs are in the foreign countries with the help of knowing English.

Furthermore, it's necessary to learn English with China's entry to WTO. That can make us know more about WTO and how to use the right in WTO to solve the trade problems.

As we enter a new millennium, the ability and the need to understand and municate with each other has bee increasingly important that we must learn English. Without mastering it, you can no more find a place to settle in.

6. 为什么要学英语,英语作文100字,麻烦啦

English is the most spoken language in the world, wherever you go, you will here people speaking English.Many people in China start learning English when they are very young, learning English has many benefits.First, it can let you to have a wider choice of career, so it would be easier for you to get a job with a high salary in the future. Moreover, you will be able to municate with people in English from other countries, then you can make more friends. In addition, it will also help us a lot if when want to learn programming,since most programming languages are based on English. So it will be easier and quicker for us to learn programming.

There are many more benefits if you learn English,so please start learning now.

7. 我们为什么要学英语的英语作文怎么写

Why do we learn English

If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now, more and more people begin to learn English .And almost everyone around us can speak a little English.But why do we learn English?

In my opinion,Englishhas bee a world language .And when we do business with foreigners of reform and opening up,we should speak English.The world meeting always use English;many important books are in English .Also,we can know each other better if we understand English,we can make contrebuyions to the world,too.

I hope that every students can pay attention to study of English,and make use English often. In this way,we can improve our English .

8. 英语作文为什么要学英语

Why we should learn English.

First of all, America, England, Austrilia etc. are English Speaking countries, as those countries are develped counties, they have many advance technology and useful theories. While, they are very powerful many things we need to learn in order to develope our country effectively, but the obstacle is the language, if we can't municate with them because we don't understand English, how can we learn their technology, moreover, now globlization is implemented, and we need more elites to do bussiness with foreign people, as English is the universal language, we can talk most people in the world in English.

Secondly, it's easy to learn English as foreign language than any other language and that is a big reason for English as an universal language. English, obviously, is not very hard to study for it only has 26 different letters, and all the words in English are just mix them up in different order, if we can just calm down and try to rememberthose terms, it's not a really big deal. As for those people who say English is hard to study, I want to ask those do you really make enough efforts to learn?

Last, after we have flute English, it's not a big problem to travel all around the world, do not need to worry about the language in most counties, and we are able to learn their culture through English.


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