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Abstract: In the economic globalization trend, the success of an enterprise depends not only on its production capacity, also depends on the ability of its culture.In international business activities, but also on his cross-cultural communicative competence.Cultural differences in international marketing to business opportunities, while there are many challenges.International marketing activities that take place across borders, which means understanding the culture of different countries take into account the business environment and the cultural differences in international marketing is very important.If you want to be successful, beyond cultural boundaries is a difficult and vital task.Therefore, the use of the positive role of cultural differences and avoid the negative impact of international marketing activities of the premise and guarantee the smooth progress.
According to the trend of globalization, the culture competence rather than the production capacity is more crucial to the success of an enterprise. The international communication is also important in the international business. The cultural diffrences bring opportunities as well as challenges in the international marketing, a transnational activity, which means the familarity with diverse cultures of countries and the consideration of cultural differences in commercial activities are greatly critical. If we want to achieve success, crossing the cultural boundary is a tough but necessary task. Therefore, in order to run international marketing well, we need to take advantage of the positive effects of cultural differences and avoid its negative ones.