
(一)1.邮递员过去常常每天行走几英里投递信件.(cover,deliver)2.鸽子有识路返家的本能,因此被人们用来传递信息.(utilize,carrymessage... (一)1.邮递员过去常常每天行走几英里投递信件.(cover,deliver)2.鸽子有识路返家的本能,因此被人们用来传递信息.(utilize,carry messages)3.每个人都应该认真履行自己的职责.(perform one's duty)4.那匹马受驯之后比以前跑得快多了.(much faster...than)5.动物尽管不如人聪明,却能做很多有益的工作,如保卫财产,捕捉罪犯,给人娱乐等.(such as)6.若一切顺利的话,他的政治生涯可持续多年.(go well,last)(二)1.不幸的是,他在这次交通事故中受了重伤.(unfortunately;injure)2.如果你把这事告诉你爸爸,他会非常生气的。(more than)3.我们已经开车穿过了城市最古老的部分,那儿有许多著名的建筑。(where)4.如果开车去的话,我们能省下许多时间。(save)5.汤姆又充满了希望和快乐。(full of)6.要不是当时他太累了,他们本该轮流开车。(take turn)(三)1.大多数长寿者都是吃粗茶淡饭的。(live on)2.他虽不富裕,却资助了一些边远山区的孩子上学。(remote)3.研究表明经常运动可促进人的身心健康。(regularly)4.这个地区的水没有受到污染。(free from)5.专家们特别强调了保护环境的重要性。(emphasize)6.大量饮酒的人容易得心脏病。(tend to)(十二)1.她不但是个著名的画家还是个天才的音乐家。(as well as)2.他对准瓶子射击,不料打中了窗户。(aim at)3.我无法理解她为什么要利用我的慷慨。(take advantage of)4.如果你想把这辆旧车卖了,我建议你去登广告。(advertise)5.她拼命学习以便能在这次考试中取得好成绩。(so that)6.多亏他们的帮助,实验中的有关问题已经得到解决。(thanks to)(十三)1.大部分学生对这次考试结果不满意。(be satisfied with)2.我们学校有五十多个班级。(more han)3.快一点,否则你会误了火车。(or else)4.正如你所知道的那样,他是我的一个密友。(as)5.对不起,我不是有意要伤害你。(mean)6.这本书由十个章节组成。(be made up of)(十四)1.他感到难以适应南方的生活。(adapt to)2.我们计划扩展在这个领域里的研究。(extend)3.据预测,暴风雨将在明天上午到达我国北部地区。(predict)4.他们非常幸运地在车祸中幸存下来。(survive)5.村民们仍然遵循着妇女和孩子坐在教堂的一边,而男人坐另一边的古老传统。(follow,tradition)6.随着现代工业的发展,大家庭式企业将更少。(with...)注:我要标准答案,以上没有任何错别字。谢谢 展开
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2011-10-20 · TA获得超过1226个赞
The postman always walking every day for a few miles to deliver letters
Pigeons have to know the way home instinct, they are used to transfer information
Everyone should conscientiously perform their duties
The trained horse runs much faster than before
although the animals were not smart, they can do a lot of useful work, such as security property, catch criminals, giving the entertainment
if everything goes well, his political career is sustainable for many
Unfortunately, at this time he was seriously wounded in the traffic accident
If you tell your father, he will be very angry
We have to drive through the oldest part of the city, where there are many famous buildings
If the drive to it, we can save a lot of time
Tom is full of hope and joy
If he was too tired, they take turns driving the
The majority of longevity is to eat the homely fare
Although he is not rich, they funded a number of remote and a mountainous area school children
Studies show that regular exercise can promote people's physical and mental health
The water in this region is not contaminated
The experts especially emphasized the importance of protect environment
Drinking a lot of people are more prone to heart disease
She is a famous painter is a talented musician
He aimed at the bottle shooting, but hit the window
I can't understand why she took advantage of my generosity
If you want to sell the old car, I advise you to advertise
She studies hard so as to be able to get a good grade in this exam
Thanks to their help, the problems in the experiment have been solved
Most of the students are not satisfied with the test result
Our school has more than 50 class
Hurry, or you will miss the train
as you know, he is a close friend of mine
I'm sorry. I didn 't mean to hurt you
This book consists of ten chapters
He found it difficult to adapt to the life in the South
We plan to extend the research in this field
According to the forecast, the storm will arrive in north area of our country
They luckily survived the accident
The villagers still follow the women and children sit in the side, and the man to sit on the other side of the old tradition
With the development of modern industry, big family enterprises will be much fewer
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