4.1 Imprecision of language, particularly in an international community,can and does lead to misinterpretations and misunderstandings. This is particularly a problem where words commonly used in a language also have specific meanings within a given discipline. That is the case with the terms price, cost, market, and value as they are used in the valuation discipline.International Valuation Standards, Sixth Edition 36 Concepts & Principles/Price,Cost, Market & Value
4.2 Price is a term used for the amount asked, offered, or paid for a good or service. Sale price is an historical fact, whether it is publicly disclosed or kept confidential. Because of the financial capabilities,motivations, or special interests of a given buyer and/or seller, the price paid for goods or services may or may not have any relation to the value which might be ascribed to the goods or services by others. Price is, however, generally an indication of a relative value placed upon the goods or services by the particular buyer and/or seller under particular circumstances.
4.3 Cost is the price paid for goods or services or the amount required to create or produce the good or service. When that good or service has been completed, its cost is an historical fact. The price paid for a good or service becomes its cost to the buyer.
4.4 A market is the environment in which goods and services trade between buyers and sellers through a price mechanism. The concept of a market implies that goods and/or services may be traded among buyers and sellers without undue restriction on their activities. Each party will respond to supply-demand relationships and other pricesetting factors as well as to the party’s own capacities and knowledge, understanding of the relative utility of the goods and/or services, and individual needs and desires. A market can be local, regional, national, or international.
4.5 Value is an economic concept referring to the price most likely to be concluded by the buyers and sellers of a good or service that is available for purchase. Value is not a fact, but an estimate of the likely price to be paid for goods and services at a given time in accordance with a particular definition of value. The economic concept of value reflects a market’s view of the benefits that accrue to one who owns the goods or receives the services as of the effective date of valuation. 展开
4.2 Price is a term used for the amount asked, offered, or paid for a good or service. Sale price is an historical fact, whether it is publicly disclosed or kept confidential. Because of the financial capabilities,motivations, or special interests of a given buyer and/or seller, the price paid for goods or services may or may not have any relation to the value which might be ascribed to the goods or services by others. Price is, however, generally an indication of a relative value placed upon the goods or services by the particular buyer and/or seller under particular circumstances.
4.3 Cost is the price paid for goods or services or the amount required to create or produce the good or service. When that good or service has been completed, its cost is an historical fact. The price paid for a good or service becomes its cost to the buyer.
4.4 A market is the environment in which goods and services trade between buyers and sellers through a price mechanism. The concept of a market implies that goods and/or services may be traded among buyers and sellers without undue restriction on their activities. Each party will respond to supply-demand relationships and other pricesetting factors as well as to the party’s own capacities and knowledge, understanding of the relative utility of the goods and/or services, and individual needs and desires. A market can be local, regional, national, or international.
4.5 Value is an economic concept referring to the price most likely to be concluded by the buyers and sellers of a good or service that is available for purchase. Value is not a fact, but an estimate of the likely price to be paid for goods and services at a given time in accordance with a particular definition of value. The economic concept of value reflects a market’s view of the benefits that accrue to one who owns the goods or receives the services as of the effective date of valuation. 展开
4.1 不精确的语言,尤其是在国际社会,可以并会引起曲解和误会。尤其是个问题的是当有些常用词语被放入一个特定的情景中会有特殊的意思。这是一个例子,关于价钱,成本,市场还有价值。
4.4 市场是在一个买家和卖家通过价格机制之间的货物和服务的贸易的环境中的。市场的概念意味着,商品/或服务可能是买家和卖家之间的交易,没有不但限制其活动。每一方都将相应供求关系和其他定价格的因素,以及自身的能力和知识,要理解相对效用的货物和/或服务,和个人的需要和期望的了解。市场可以是地方的,区域的,国家的或者国际。
4.5 价值是一个经济概念,指的成为一个可供购买的商品或服务的买家和卖家的签订时最有可能的价格。价值不是个事实,当估计对商品和服务支付的价格可能要在给定时间内按照特定的价值定义。经济的价值观点,反映了市场的惠益,谁拥有商品或接受服务作为估价的生效日期。
哇这个好累....希望翻译的还可以? 希望够专业吧....里面有的翻译成中文就感觉挺绕的
4.4 市场是在一个买家和卖家通过价格机制之间的货物和服务的贸易的环境中的。市场的概念意味着,商品/或服务可能是买家和卖家之间的交易,没有不但限制其活动。每一方都将相应供求关系和其他定价格的因素,以及自身的能力和知识,要理解相对效用的货物和/或服务,和个人的需要和期望的了解。市场可以是地方的,区域的,国家的或者国际。
4.5 价值是一个经济概念,指的成为一个可供购买的商品或服务的买家和卖家的签订时最有可能的价格。价值不是个事实,当估计对商品和服务支付的价格可能要在给定时间内按照特定的价值定义。经济的价值观点,反映了市场的惠益,谁拥有商品或接受服务作为估价的生效日期。
哇这个好累....希望翻译的还可以? 希望够专业吧....里面有的翻译成中文就感觉挺绕的

2025-02-12 广告