John tried to ____ me that he was capable of looking after the five children and asked me to leave
D. tell someone that something is certainly true, in order to make them feel more confident.(向人作保证)
example:i assure you that this medicine can not harm you. make someone feel certian of having somthing(叫人放心那事定发生)
example:our clients are assured of a trouble-fee holiday.
enture:to make something certain to happen(使某事定发生)
if you want to ensure that you catch the plane, take a taxi to the airport.
insure :1 to prtect someone or something from the costs of damage, loss ,or an accident by making an agreement with a company that will pay those costs(保险)
exaple:my house is insured against fire.
are you insured?(你保了人寿险了吗?) tell someone that something is certainly true, in order to make them feel more confident.(向人作保证)
example:i assure you that this medicine can not harm you. make someone feel certian of having somthing(叫人放心那事定发生)
example:our clients are assured of a trouble-fee holiday.
enture:to make something certain to happen(使某事定发生)
if you want to ensure that you catch the plane, take a taxi to the airport.
insure :1 to prtect someone or something from the costs of damage, loss ,or an accident by making an agreement with a company that will pay those costs(保险)
exaple:my house is insured against fire.
are you insured?(你保了人寿险了吗?)