
Applicantswhoareselectedforinterview/writtenexaminationorareofferedadmissiontoaprogra... Applicants who are selected for interview/written examination or are offered admission to a programme will receive individual notification by mail or by phone. If an admission offer is made, applicants must decide whether or not to accept the offer by a specified date. To accept the offer, applicants are required to pay the tuition fee for the first semester/trimester (which is non-refundable) by a specified deadline. Applicants* being put on the waiting list or fail to be given an offer place will also be informed of the application result in writing in due course, normally before commencement of classes.

* Applicants of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education programme being put on the waiting list will also be informed of the application result in writing in due course, normally before commencement of the classes. Those not received any notification from the University by early September may consider their applications unsuccessful.
2007-09-01 · TA获得超过3259个赞

1. 1 。 Application Period 申请期限
Please click < http://buar.hkbu.edu.hk/index.php/admission/postgraduate_admissions > for an up-to-date application schedule. 请点击< http://buar.hkbu.edu.hk/index.php/admission/postgraduate_admissions >一项最新应用时间表。

2. 2 。 Documents to be Submitted Together with the Application 文件须连同申请
(a) (一) Photocopies 影印
- HKID card (for local applicants) or passport/other identity document of home country (for non-local applicants # ) -身份证(本地申请者)或护照/其他身份证明文件,置国家(非本地申请人# )
- Original degree certificate(s)/graduation diploma(s) AND transcript(s) for Academic Qualification(s) -原学位证书( ■ ) /毕业文凭( s )及全文( ■ )学历( ■ )
- Public Examination Results -公开考试成绩
- Original certificate(s) for Other/Professional Qualification(s) -证书原件( ■ )其他/专业资格( ■ )
- Supporting document(s)/record of research experience/publication list (For Research Postgraduate Applicants only) -支持文件( ■ ) /记录研究经验/刊物名单(研究生申请人只)

Note 1 - 注1 - Upon receipt of the admission offer, applicants should arrange the official transcript (s) for the academic qualification(s) to be sent direct by the original institution to the Office of Graduate School, Hong Kong Baptist University bearing all the academic records of her/his undergraduate and/or postgraduate studies to date. 接到入学优惠,申请人应安排正式全文 ( ■ )为学历( ■ )将直接送交受原教厅研究生院,香港浸会大学轴承所有学术记录她/他的本科和/或研究生为止。
Note 2 - 注2 - HKBU graduates/students would be exempted from submitting certificate(s) and official transcript(s) for their previous/current studies in the University. 浸大毕业生/学生将豁免提交证书( s )和官方全文( ■ ) ,其前/电流,在研究大学。
# # Non-local applicants applying for part-time postgraduate courses should provide appropriate and valid visa to prove their eligibility to stay and study in Hong Kong. 非本地申请兼职的研究生课程应提供适当及有效签证,以证明自己有资格留在香港攻读。

(b) (二) Confidential Recommendation Form (Not applicable to Postgraduate Diploma in Education applicants) 机密推荐表格 (不适用研究生教育文凭申请者)
The two referees should be requested to complete and directly return the form to the Office of Graduate School, Hong Kong Baptist University within two weeks from the date the applicant files her/his application. 两位裁判员应要求完整,并直接返回形式向办公室研究生院,香港浸会大学之日起两周内 ,申请人档案他/她的申请。
You may submit the documents by various means: 你可以提交文件,由各种手段:
- - go to the "Attached Files" section to upload the copies; 到"附加档案"一节上传复印件;
- - by fax to (852) 3411-5133; 传真: ( 852 ) 3411年至5133年;
- - by post to the Office of Graduate School (located at Level 7, Fong Shu Chuen Library, Ho Sin Hang Campus), Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong 邮寄给该办公室研究生院(位于七楼 , 方树泉图书馆,何茜坑分校 ) ,香港浸会大学 , 九龙塘,香港
- - in person to the above office during office hours or to the collection box outside the office from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily. 亲自向上述办事处办公时间或收集箱形办公室外,从上午8:00至下午9:00 ,每天。
If you choose to submit the documents in the form of hard copies, please mark you name and application number on all pages.) 如果你选择提交文件的形式硬拷贝,请您马克名称和应用数量各页) 。

3. 3 。 Application Fee: HK$150.00 (Non-refundable) 报名费:港币150.00 (不退还)
To complete the submission of your application, you are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of HK$150 for each web application. Otherwise the application will not be further processed. Please settle the fee by one of the following methods: 完成递交你的申请,你需要支付不退还报名费为港币150元,为每个web应用。否则申请将不获进一步处理。请收学费之一下列方法:
(a) (一) through our BEA payment gateway. That is to pay on-line by credit card, either VISA or MASTER card; or 通过我们东亚银行的支付网关。即支付对网上用信用卡,要么签证或万事达卡;或
(b) (二) using the pre-printed pay-in slip (provided by the University) which is obtainable at the Office of Graduate School (located at Level 7, Fong Shu Chuen Library, Ho Sin Hang Campus) and mail us the original receipt (University’s copy); or 采用 预印付收据(由大学) ,即索取办公室研究生院(位于七楼,方树泉图书馆,何茜坑校区)和邮件,我们的原始凭证 (大学副本) ;或
(c) (三) using the “HKD Account Deposit Form” which is obtainable at any branch office of the Hang Seng Bank to direct deposit the fee to the University’s account. You must clearly fill out all details as requested and mail us the original receipt. Please click " Sample - HKD Account Deposit Form " to view the necessary details. You are advised to keep a photocopy of the receipt for reference if necessary; or 用"迪士尼帐户存款形式" ,是索取任何分行,恒生银行直接存入学费给大学的帐户。你必须清楚填写所有细节的要求和我们的邮件原收据。请点击" 样本-迪士尼帐户存款形式" ,以期必要的细节。 建议你把影印收据以供参考,如有需要;或
(d) (四) using the " Credit Card Payment Form ". Please complete and return the form to the Office of Graduate School; or 利用" 信用卡付款方式 " 。请填妥表格办公室研究生;或
(e) (五) If you are residing overseas at the time of application, you may also settle the application fee by bank draft or certified bank cheque made payable to "Hong Kong Baptist University". 如果你是居住在海外申请时,你可能还解决报名费通过银行汇票或证实银行支票抬头请写"香港浸会大学" 。

Note - You are reminded NOT to settle the payment by ATM transaction, cash or personal cheques. 注-你切勿收付款自动柜员机交易,以现金或个人支票。

4. 4 。 Language Requirements 语言要求
Applicants may be required to prove their language abilities in English and/or Chinese by means of an interview, or, for applicants from outside Hong Kong, by means of performance in a test to show acceptable language proficiency, such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Member of Institute of Linguists (MIL) examination. The TOEFL institution code of the Hong Kong Baptist University is 9467. Applicants please prefer to the admission requirements of individual courses for details. 申请人需证明自己的语言能力,在英语和/或中国借专访,或者申请人从香港以外的方式表现在一个试验表明接受语文,如英语测试作为外语(托福) ,国际英语语言测试系统 (雅思)或会员学院语言学家( mil )考试。托福机构代码的香港浸会大学,是9467年。申请人请选择入学要求的个别课程详情。

Note (a) 注(一) For applicants of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Full-time and Part-time) 申请人的研究生教育文凭(全职和兼职)
Applicants should be able to understand both Chinese and English since the lectures will be conducted in both languages. Applicants choosing Chinese or English as their specialising subjects may be required to sit for a language proficiency test. 申请人应该能够理解英文自讲座将进行两种语文。申请人选择中文或英文作为其专长科目可以要求报考语文测试。
Note (b) 注( b ) For applicants of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education - Subject Teaching and Subject Knowledge Stream 申请人的研究生教育文凭-学科教学和学科知识流
Applicants should be able to understand both Chinese and English since the lectures will be conducted in both languages. 申请人应该能够理解英文自讲座将进行两种语文。

5 . 5 。 Student Visa 学生签证
The Hong Kong Immigration Department requires all full-time non-local students (from overseas or the Chinese Mainland) to obtain a student visa in order to study in Hong Kong. Applications should normally be made at least two months in advance. (Part-time non-local students should possess appropriate and valid visa to prove their eligibility to stay and study in Hong Kong.) 香港入境事务处要求所有全职非本地学生(从海外或中国大陆) ,以取得学生签证,以研究在香港。申请通常应至少两个月预约。 (第一部分-时间非本地学生应具备适当及有效签证,以证明自己有资格留在香港攻读) 。

For applicants from the Chinese Mainland, the student visa applications should be submitted through the University. Applicants will be informed of the details once they are given the admission offer. 申请人来自中国大陆,对学生签证申请应通过大学。申请人将被告知详情,一旦获得接纳投标。

For applicants from overseas, they should make their own enquiries about the student visa requirements from a Chinese Embassy in their local Government, or by writing directly to: The Immigration Department, 7 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. 申请人来自海外,他们应该作出自己的查询学生签证的要求,从中国大使馆在当地政府,或书面形式直接向:入境事务处告士打道7号香港湾仔。 Students who have encountered difficulties in nominating a local visa sponsor may approach the Graduate School for assistance. 学生遇到困难提名当地赞助签证,可向毕业学校寻求协助。

6 . 6 。 Application Acknowledgment 申请确认
After you have submitted the application, an application acknowledgment note with an application number will be sent to you by email. Please check the accuracy of your application data and report any discrepancies immediately in writing to the Office of Graduate School. You are advised to quote your application number in all subsequent correspondence with the University. 之后,你已经提交申请,申请确认说明的一个应用数量将发送给你的电子邮件。请检查的准确性,你的应用数据和报告任何不符,立即以书面形式向办公室研究生。建议你举你的申请人数都在随后的书信与大学。

7 . 7 。

Change in Personal Particulars After the Submission of Application 更改个人资料后,提交申请
During the application period, applicants should report changes in personal particulars such as correspondence address, contact number(s), etc. to the Office of Graduate School in writing immediately. 申请期间,申请人应当报改变个人资料,如通讯地址,联络电话( s )的等办公室研究生院立即以书面形式 。

8 . 8 。

Notification of Results 通知结果
Applicants who are selected for interview/written examination or are offered admission to a programme will receive individual notification by mail or by phone. If an admission offer is made, applicants must decide whether or not to accept the offer by a specified date. To accept the offer, applicants are required to pay the tuition fee for the first semester/trimester (which is non-refundable ) by a specified deadline. Applicants ## being put on the waiting list or fail to be given an offer place will also be informed of the application result in writing in due course, normally before commencement of classes. 申请者筛选面试/笔试或优惠入学方案将接受个别通知邮寄或电话。如果输入提供了,申请人必须决定是否接受这项提议,由指定日期。接受要约,申请人须缴交学费第一学期/三个月( 即不予退还 ) ,由指定的期限 。 申请人 # # 被列入等候名单,或未能得到要约地方也将通知该申请结果以书面形式在适当的时候,通常前班。

## # # For applicants of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education programme (Traditional and STSK streams), only those being put on the waiting list will be informed of the application result in writing. Other applicants not received any notification from the University by early September may consider their applications unsuccessful. 申请人的学位教师教育文凭课程(传统和stsk溪流) ,只有那些被列入等候名单,将通知申请结果书面答复。其他申请人没有收到任何通知,从大学,由九月初可考虑申请不成功的。

参考资料: google

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