The truncation method of FIR design:
a. Follow the math from Lecture #22 to design linear-phase lowpass filters with the cutoff-frequency ωc = π/3 using the truncation method for filter orders M = 20, 50 and 150.
b. Demonstrate the Gibbs phenomenon for these filters.
c. Confirm that these filters have linear phase.
d. Show that the MATLAB Signal Processing Toolbox function firls() function, which designs linear-phase FIR filters using least-squares error minimization, produces identical impulse responses to the truncation method for each of the filter orders M = 20, 50 and 150.
e. Create a signal 1000 samples long of white Gaussian noise. Convolve this signal with each of the filter impulse responses obtained in part a (or part c). Now try using the MATLAB function filter(). What similarities and differences are there between the outputs of filter() and conv()? 展开
a. Follow the math from Lecture #22 to design linear-phase lowpass filters with the cutoff-frequency ωc = π/3 using the truncation method for filter orders M = 20, 50 and 150.
b. Demonstrate the Gibbs phenomenon for these filters.
c. Confirm that these filters have linear phase.
d. Show that the MATLAB Signal Processing Toolbox function firls() function, which designs linear-phase FIR filters using least-squares error minimization, produces identical impulse responses to the truncation method for each of the filter orders M = 20, 50 and 150.
e. Create a signal 1000 samples long of white Gaussian noise. Convolve this signal with each of the filter impulse responses obtained in part a (or part c). Now try using the MATLAB function filter(). What similarities and differences are there between the outputs of filter() and conv()? 展开