随着人们的生活水平的提高,存在的问题也就随处可见了,例如:在许多生活场所多可以看见废弃物随处丢弃的现象,要知道乱丢垃圾不仅会让环境污染还能一个人的品质和素养。文化娱乐活动缺乏,许多人已经把物质生活远远的排在第一位了而忽略了精神生活。外出务工者的子女缺乏关爱, 许多家长在外长年打工而忽略了对子女的关心,等等。我建议虽然我们的物质生活提高了但我们也不应该做乱扔垃圾的事,我们还需要去参加一些关于文化娱乐之类的活动,更加要对自己的子女给更多的关爱!这样不仅我们的生活环境会得到改善,我们的家庭也将变得幸福美满。
With the improvement of people's living standard, the problems will be everywhere, for example: in many places can see waste discarded everywhere phenomenon, to know the litter will not only bring environmental pollution but also a person's quality and accomplishment. Cultural and recreational activities in the lack of material life, many people have put away in the first row and ignore the spiritual life. Migrant workers children lack of care, many parents in foreign minister working neglect of children's care, etc.. I suggest we improve the material life but also we should not do litter things, we also need to take some of the cultural and entertainment events, more to their own children to give more care! This not only our living environment will be improved, our family will become a happy.