
Shewasonlyaboutfivefeettallandprobablyneverweighedmorethan110pounds,butMissBessiewasa... She was only about five feet tall and probably never weighed more than 110 pounds,but Miss Bessie was a towering in the classroom.she was the only woman tough enough to make me read Beowulf ans think for a few stupid days that i liked it.from 1938 to 1942,she taught ma english,history-and a lot more than i realized.
I shall never forget the day she scolded me into reading Beowulf.but Miss Bessie,i complained,i ain't much interested in it.
Her large brown eyes became sharp.boy,she said,how dare you say ' ain't ' to me! I've taught you better then that.
Miss Bessie, i said, I am trying to join the football team,and if i go around saying ' it isn't and they aren't,the guys are gonna laugh ma off the team.
Boy,she replied,you will play football because you have guts.but do you know what really takes guts?Refusing to lower standards to those of the crowd.it takes guts to say you've got to live and be somebody fifty years after all the football games are over.
I started saying " it isn't " and "they aren't ",and i still joined the team without losing my friends' respect.
Negroes,as we were called then,were not allowed in the town library, except to sweep floors or clean tables.but with the help of some nice whites,Miss Bessie kept getting books out of the white library.that is how she introduced me to the Brontes,Byron ans Keats.if you don't read,you can't write,and if you can't write,you might as well stop dreaming,Miss Bessie once told me.
So i read whatever Miss Bessie told me to,and tried to remember the things she insisted that i store away.it could be embarrassing to be unprepared when Miss Bessie said,get up and tell the class who Frances Perkins is and what you think about her.forty-five years later,i can still recite her " truths to live by ".
Miss Bessie noticed things that had nothing to do with schoolwork,but were essential to a youngster's development.once a few classroom made fun of my won-out hand-me-down overcoat.as i was leaving school,Miss Bessie patted me on the back of that old overcoat and said,Carl,never worry about what you don't have.just make the most of what you do have-a brain.
No child can get all the necessary support at home,and millions of poor children get no support at all.this is what makes a wise,educated,warm-hearted teacher like Miss Bessie so essential to the minds,hearts and souls of this country's children.
2012-01-21 · TA获得超过2851个赞
作者大约是生活在美国(1938 to 1942小学,大约是南部,有种族隔离,黑白人的图书馆都要分开)不发达农村的孩子,他提到的叫bessie的乡村女老师,对孩子们非常认真负责,当男孩子们贪玩喜欢足球而厌恶读书的时候,她就拿名人 Frances Perkins 做例子,‘想想看50年后你今天喜欢的一切游戏都要归于无用,但是今天你所读的名著会影响你一生。说不读书,就会不会写,不会写你就要失去梦想。你就会沦落成泯泯众生之一。’今天你也许很穷,但孩子不必为你所缺乏担心,但是你要竭尽你的大脑给你的思考能力就可以了。在我们那个时候,没有哪个孩子可以从家里得到一切所需,甚至更多的孩子是一无所有。想想有这样一位有良好教养和热心并乐于奉献的乡村女教师是何等的难能可贵!她教会我们的何止是语文历史。。,她给了尚在儿时的我,珍贵的人生点拨。
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