Job Interview
To be honest
Something in fashion, that's for sure. Well ,first i just need to get some more experience.
What are some of your strengths?
I'm great with people, i'm hardworking and i'm a quicker learner.
Checked his references.
His boss says he's lazy and has been pretty unreliable;
She's got sales experience, but she is inflexible and a bit unfriendly
I'm afraid i'm going to have to start over and look for more applicants.
What would you say is one of your biggest strengths.
He included three references with his resume.
i've already interviewed six applicants for the position.
All the other people who were there to apply for the job, all the other candidates, were waiting in this room. Fifty or more people and not a word was spoken.
Anyway, finally it was my turn
There were three interviewers.
A men who look like the boss asked the most difficult ones.
Why did you think you suitable for the job.
Anyway ,i got the job. That's the important thing. I was given the chance.
I'm going to work for an organization called Houses for Homeless.
I'll start off in the office, but after a few years , who
She had applied for 10 jobs before she was offered an interview.
She felt really sad after she had failed the interview.
he got the job after they had checked his references
, the company want to be careful.
They interviewed her three times before she got the job.
You should send the company your resume before you go for an interview.
They went to a nice restaurant to celebrate after he got the job.
After he had sent out more than 20 resumes, he finally got an interview. Before he was interviewed in person, he had two interviews on the phone. After he had been interviewed three times, by different managers, he was finally hired . After he had worked at the company for six months, he quit.
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Job interviews are stressful. You want to present yourself in the best possible way. Here is some advice about what to do and what not to do.
Be on time for the interview – arrive 10 minutes early.
Dress professionally.
Answer all questions slowly and calmly.
Look your interviewer in the eye.
Ask for clarification if you need to.
Write a thank-you email after the interview.
Don't chew gum or smell like smoke.
Don't allow your cellphone to ring.
Don't say bad things about old jobs.
Don't be dishonest.
INTERVIEWER: What do you think are some of your strengths and weaknesses ?
APPLICANT: Well, one of my biggest strengths is my ability to work with others. I'm a great team player .
INTERVIEWER: And weaknesses?
APPLICANT: Well, sometimes I just get too excited about things. I want everything to happen quickly.
INTERVIEWER: I see. And why do you want to work for this company?
APPLICANT: Because you're number one. You have no real competition that I can see.
INTERVIEWER: And what are your career goals - say, in two or three years?
APPLICANT: I see myself in a management position.
I graduated with a degree in computer programming.
One of my short-term goals is to be a manager.
One of my long-term goals is to have my own company.
Would you be available for a follow-up interview?
Ending an interview
How you end an interview leaves an important impression on your interviewer. Here are some tips for how to leave a strong, positive impression.
Ask your own questions. This shows that you are interested, prepared and curious. What you ask, of course, will depend on the position and the interview. For example, you can ask about the office environment, team members, the compensation or salary range, the benefits package and even how decisions are made in the company.
Summarize why you're a good fit. Briefly restate why you are suitable for the position and why you would like to work there. When you summarize your strengths and show your enthusiasm for the position, you show confidence and leave a good impression.
Ask about next steps in the hiring process. For example, you can ask when they expect to make a decision. Ask if they need any additional information from you, such as personal references.
The office environment is friendly but serious. People work hard.
It leaves a bad impression to ask about salary at the beginning.
When requested, give two names as your personal references.
The interviewer said I was a good fit for the position.
The benefits package includes health insurance and paid vacation time.
The company offered excellent compensation , so I accepted the job.
The hiring process took a month, from interview to final decision.
What is the salary? 工资是多少?
Can you tell me what the salary is? 您能告诉我工资是多少吗?
Could you tell me what the office environment is like? 您能告诉我办公环境是怎样的吗?
Could you explain how decisions are made? 您能解释一下决策是如何制定的吗?
Can you tell me who the team members are? 您能告诉我团队成员都是谁吗?
What is the salary? 工资是多少?
Can you tell me what the salary is? 您能告诉我工资是多少吗?
Could you tell me what the office environment is like? 您能告诉我办公环境是怎样的吗?
Could you explain how decisions are made? 您能解释一下决策是如何制定的吗?
Can you tell me who the team members are? 您能告诉我团队成员都是谁吗?
Could you tell me a little more about the benefits package? 有关福利您能多跟我讲一点吗?
I was wondering about the salary range. 我想知道薪金范围是什么。
Would you mind telling me more about your overtime policy? 您介不介意多跟我讲一些你们的加班政策?
Can you tell me what the salary is?
Could you explain how decisions are made?
I was wondering about the salary range.
Would you mind telling me more about the benefits package?
Could you tell me about the office environment?
Would you mind explaining how the hiring process works?
It was very nice to meet you. 很高兴跟您见面。
Thank you for the opportunity to interview with your company. 感谢有机会来您的公司面试。
I enjoyed talking with you about the position. 我很喜欢和您谈论这个职位。
Please let me know if there's any other information I can provide. 请告知是否有我能提供的任何其他信息。
I look forward to hearing from you soon. 希望能早日收到您的消息。
It was very nice to meet you. 很高兴跟您见面。
Thank you for the opportunity to interview with your company. 感谢有机会来您的公司面试。
I enjoyed talking with you about the position. 我很喜欢和您谈论这个职位。
Please let me know if there's any other information I can provide. 请告知是否有我能提供的任何其他信息。
I look forward to hearing from you soon. 希望能早日收到您的消息。
I see. Would you mind telling me about the compensation?
Something in fashion, that's for sure. Well ,first i just need to get some more experience.
What are some of your strengths?
I'm great with people, i'm hardworking and i'm a quicker learner.
Checked his references.
His boss says he's lazy and has been pretty unreliable;
She's got sales experience, but she is inflexible and a bit unfriendly
I'm afraid i'm going to have to start over and look for more applicants.
What would you say is one of your biggest strengths.
He included three references with his resume.
i've already interviewed six applicants for the position.
All the other people who were there to apply for the job, all the other candidates, were waiting in this room. Fifty or more people and not a word was spoken.
Anyway, finally it was my turn
There were three interviewers.
A men who look like the boss asked the most difficult ones.
Why did you think you suitable for the job.
Anyway ,i got the job. That's the important thing. I was given the chance.
I'm going to work for an organization called Houses for Homeless.
I'll start off in the office, but after a few years , who
She had applied for 10 jobs before she was offered an interview.
She felt really sad after she had failed the interview.
he got the job after they had checked his references
, the company want to be careful.
They interviewed her three times before she got the job.
You should send the company your resume before you go for an interview.
They went to a nice restaurant to celebrate after he got the job.
After he had sent out more than 20 resumes, he finally got an interview. Before he was interviewed in person, he had two interviews on the phone. After he had been interviewed three times, by different managers, he was finally hired . After he had worked at the company for six months, he quit.
Home| Jobs |Category|News|Gallery|About
Job interviews are stressful. You want to present yourself in the best possible way. Here is some advice about what to do and what not to do.
Be on time for the interview – arrive 10 minutes early.
Dress professionally.
Answer all questions slowly and calmly.
Look your interviewer in the eye.
Ask for clarification if you need to.
Write a thank-you email after the interview.
Don't chew gum or smell like smoke.
Don't allow your cellphone to ring.
Don't say bad things about old jobs.
Don't be dishonest.
INTERVIEWER: What do you think are some of your strengths and weaknesses ?
APPLICANT: Well, one of my biggest strengths is my ability to work with others. I'm a great team player .
INTERVIEWER: And weaknesses?
APPLICANT: Well, sometimes I just get too excited about things. I want everything to happen quickly.
INTERVIEWER: I see. And why do you want to work for this company?
APPLICANT: Because you're number one. You have no real competition that I can see.
INTERVIEWER: And what are your career goals - say, in two or three years?
APPLICANT: I see myself in a management position.
I graduated with a degree in computer programming.
One of my short-term goals is to be a manager.
One of my long-term goals is to have my own company.
Would you be available for a follow-up interview?
Ending an interview
How you end an interview leaves an important impression on your interviewer. Here are some tips for how to leave a strong, positive impression.
Ask your own questions. This shows that you are interested, prepared and curious. What you ask, of course, will depend on the position and the interview. For example, you can ask about the office environment, team members, the compensation or salary range, the benefits package and even how decisions are made in the company.
Summarize why you're a good fit. Briefly restate why you are suitable for the position and why you would like to work there. When you summarize your strengths and show your enthusiasm for the position, you show confidence and leave a good impression.
Ask about next steps in the hiring process. For example, you can ask when they expect to make a decision. Ask if they need any additional information from you, such as personal references.
The office environment is friendly but serious. People work hard.
It leaves a bad impression to ask about salary at the beginning.
When requested, give two names as your personal references.
The interviewer said I was a good fit for the position.
The benefits package includes health insurance and paid vacation time.
The company offered excellent compensation , so I accepted the job.
The hiring process took a month, from interview to final decision.
What is the salary? 工资是多少?
Can you tell me what the salary is? 您能告诉我工资是多少吗?
Could you tell me what the office environment is like? 您能告诉我办公环境是怎样的吗?
Could you explain how decisions are made? 您能解释一下决策是如何制定的吗?
Can you tell me who the team members are? 您能告诉我团队成员都是谁吗?
What is the salary? 工资是多少?
Can you tell me what the salary is? 您能告诉我工资是多少吗?
Could you tell me what the office environment is like? 您能告诉我办公环境是怎样的吗?
Could you explain how decisions are made? 您能解释一下决策是如何制定的吗?
Can you tell me who the team members are? 您能告诉我团队成员都是谁吗?
Could you tell me a little more about the benefits package? 有关福利您能多跟我讲一点吗?
I was wondering about the salary range. 我想知道薪金范围是什么。
Would you mind telling me more about your overtime policy? 您介不介意多跟我讲一些你们的加班政策?
Can you tell me what the salary is?
Could you explain how decisions are made?
I was wondering about the salary range.
Would you mind telling me more about the benefits package?
Could you tell me about the office environment?
Would you mind explaining how the hiring process works?
It was very nice to meet you. 很高兴跟您见面。
Thank you for the opportunity to interview with your company. 感谢有机会来您的公司面试。
I enjoyed talking with you about the position. 我很喜欢和您谈论这个职位。
Please let me know if there's any other information I can provide. 请告知是否有我能提供的任何其他信息。
I look forward to hearing from you soon. 希望能早日收到您的消息。
It was very nice to meet you. 很高兴跟您见面。
Thank you for the opportunity to interview with your company. 感谢有机会来您的公司面试。
I enjoyed talking with you about the position. 我很喜欢和您谈论这个职位。
Please let me know if there's any other information I can provide. 请告知是否有我能提供的任何其他信息。
I look forward to hearing from you soon. 希望能早日收到您的消息。
I see. Would you mind telling me about the compensation?