
工作经历:2005.8-2008.12城市经理直接上级:省区经理主要职责:1.拟定客户的年月度回款、委托、销售计划与费用预算,报上级批准执行。2.开展各客户的业务洽谈、经... 工作经历:2005.8-2008.12城市经理 直接上级:省区经理 主要职责:1.拟定客户的年月度回款、委托、销售计划与费用预算,报上级批准执行。2.开展各客户的业务洽谈、经营回顾。3.根据客户的安全应收额度,及时申报补充货源,保证必备品项齐全,库存合理。1、申报增值税票,依照合同规定按期收取货款。2、盯对店内顾问的日常工作,参与对顾问的考评,提出顾问人员岗位、奖金的建议。3、优化调整陈列、宣传、促销位,盯对产品陈列、终端宣传的落实工作。4、拟定和执行客户的促销活动方案,品牌推广活动、DM活动计划,撰写活动评估报告。5、执行公司的价格政策,盯对客户产品的正常零售价格和特价情况,维护公司的价格体系。6、协助对账会计核对客户的往来账务。7、建立和维护良好的客情关系。8、收集和反馈市场信息,执行相应的市场调研活动。2008.12-2011.2 大区品牌推广主管、渠道产品经理 直接上级:大区总经理 1.针对目标市场特点结合公司品牌政策,拿出有效品牌销售提升方案;2.指导各省区开展品牌促销活动,完成销售任务;3. 合理规划使用品牌费用,达到公司考核指标;4.关注竞品态势,及时收集信息,向片区总经理反馈,并拿出有效对策,打击竞品;5.协助各省区做好终端品牌宣传和推广工作;6.协助各省区做好品牌渠道建设工作,提高品牌铺市率;7.督促各省区执行公司下发的品牌方案;8.与品牌专业公司加强沟通,深入了解公司品牌政策,指导各省区品牌工作;协助省区进行业务队伍品牌知识的培训。9、完成渠道产品经销商布局、铺货率达标、团队建设工作。10、完成渠道部年度任务5000万指标。2011.2-2011.4 省区品牌策划、省区副首席。间接上级:大区销售部经理1、协助经理划分销售区域,并制定各区域的年月度品牌销售回款计划。2、主持开展直供零售卖场终端陈列、宣传、促销等系列终端建设和维护工作。3、协助经理筛选、联络、审查和监督经销商,并与各部门主要业务负责人进行内部沟通和确定。4、协助主持本省区日常工作,指导各级人员的业务工作,并负责协调业务、财务、物流之间,以及与片区、公司相关职能部门的工作。5、负责建立和实施省区的各项工作流程和规章制度。6、负责本省区所有当地员工的聘用、岗位调整、薪酬激励的简历。7、负责提出员工的培训需求计划,建立本省区的人才梯队。
8、负责各品牌活动方案的执行、传达、资源分配、物流调度,跟踪与反馈。主要考核领域:1、财务指标:销售完成率,营销费用率,委托完成率。2、过程指标。铺货率、人员流失率、费用预算率、阶段性执行率。活动执行率。2011.4-2011.10 省区副首席。兼礼仪主管、品牌策划主管。直接上级:省区经理、间接上级:大区销售部经理、大区人事经理。礼仪主管岗位主要职责:1、规范终端顾问品牌传播工作,组织顾问评比与激励,合理进行定编定岗,落实最优秀顾问在最合适卖场。对VIP卖场必须每周训到,对重点卖场必须半月巡到,抽检品牌传播工作的达标情况。2、深化“一带十”培训模式,运用声、像、报、专职讲师等培训形式,不断提升终端顾问的职业技能,定期跟进责任区域销售进度,带领顾问队伍达成或超越阶段性销售目标。3、品牌促销方案下达7日内完成对一线顾问的传达,以身作则,深入一线促销,参与周末促销及品牌促销、推广活动,并跟踪、总结活动执行效果。4、及时传达公司最新资讯及各项工作要求,建立各类档案资料,规范顾问销售台账,收集、反馈实际销售,抽检销售的真实性,积极反馈市场一线各类信息。5、所有当地员工的合同、社保、服务、管理。主要客户有:大润发、麦德龙、沃尔玛、福建永辉、苏果、乐购、世纪联华、易初莲花、家乐福、北京华联等。
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Work experience: 2005.8-2008.12 city manager report to: Sales Manager Main Responsibilities: 1 develop customers monthly payment, commission, annual sales plan and budget, reported higher levels of approval by the executive. 2 to carry out the customer business negotiations, business review. 3 according to the customer's security accounts receivable amount, timely reporting of supplementary sources, ensure necessary items complete, reasonable stocks. 1, declaration of value-added tax in accordance with the provisions of the contract, payment on schedule. On the 2, to the shop consultant daily work, participate in the evaluation of the consultant consultant, post, bonus recommendations. 3, optimize adjust display, publicity, promotion, product display, terminal publicity on to fulfil the job. 4, formulate and implement customer promotional programme of activities, brand promotion activities, DM activity plan, writing activity evaluation report. 5, implementation of the company's price policy of products to customers, at normal retail prices and special situation, maintaining the company's price system. 6, to assist the reconciliation of accounting check the client's account. 7, establish and maintain good customer relations situation. In 8, the collection and feedback market information, to execute the corresponding market research activities. 2008.12-2011.2 district brand promotion director, product marketing manager report to: General Manager 1 target market characteristics combined with the company's brand policy, take effective brand sales Lifting Scheme; 2 guide provinces develop brand promotion activities, the completion of sales tasks; 3 reasonable planning using the brand expense, achieve company assessment index; 4 pay attention to competitive posture, collect information in time, to the area manager feedback, and take effective countermeasures against competing products; 5, to assist the provinces do terminal brand publicity and promotion work; 6 to assist the provinces to brand channel construction work, improve the brand shop city rate; 7 urging provinces implement company under the brand strategy and brand specialty; 8 the company strengthen communication, in-depth understanding of the company brand policy, guide the provincial brand work; assist provincial business team brand knowledge training. 9, finished product distributors, distribution channel distribution rate, team construction. 10, to complete the annual task 50000000 indicator channel. 2011.2-2011.4 provinces brand planning, provincial deputy chief. Indirect parent: Area Sales Manager 1, assist manager division sales area, and to develop the regional annual monthly brand sales payment plan. 2, conducting direct supply retail store terminal display, publicity, promotion and other series of the terminal building and maintenance work. 3, to assist the manager in screening, contact, review and supervision agency, and the Department primarily responsible for business for internal communication and identification. 4, assist in conducting the provinces of daily work, guidance of personnel at all levels of business work, and is responsible for coordinating the business, finance, logistics, as well as with the area, relevant functional departments to work. 5, responsible for the establishment and implementation of the workflow and provincial regulations. 6, in charge of the province of all local staff employed, the post adjustment, salary incentive resume. 7, responsible for staff training requirements planning is put forward, the establishment of the regional talent echelon.

8, responsible for the brand activity plan execution, communication, resource allocation, scheduling, tracking and feedback. The main examination areas: 1, financial index: Sales completion rate, marketing cost rate, commissioned by the completion rate. 2, process indicators. Distribution rate, the rate of attrition rate, cost budget, implementation of rate. Event execution rate. 2011.4-2011.10 provincial deputy chief. And the ceremonial head, brand planning supervisor. Report to: Sales Manager, indirect parent: Area Sales Manager, regional manager. The ceremonial head main responsibilities: 1, specification of brand communication terminal consultant work, organizational consultant appraisal and incentive, reasonable allocation position, implement the most outstanding consultant in the most appropriate stores. On the VIP store must each week training, focusing on the marketplace must be half patrolling, sampling brand dissemination work standards. 2, deepen" area ten" training mode, use of sound, like, newspaper, full-time lecturers and other forms of training, and constantly improve the terminal consultant occupation skill, follow up the responsibility of the regional sales plan, and lead team to achieve or exceed the level of consultant sales target. In 3, the brand promotion plan issued 7 days to complete a consultant to convey, make oneself an example, in-depth first-line promotional, participate in weekend promotion and brand promotion, promotion, and tracking, summary execution effect. In 4, promptly communicate the latest information and the work requirements, establish all kinds of archives, specification consultant sales ledgers, collection, feedback on the actual sales, sales of the authenticity of the sampling, the positive feedback of market a gleam of all kinds of information. 5, all local employee contract, social security, services, management. Major customers include: RT-Mart, Wal-Mart, Metro, Fujian Yonghui, Su fruit, Tesco, Century Lianhua, easy first lotus flower, Carrefour, Beijing Hualian

Work experience: 2005.8-2008.12 city manager report to: Sales Manager Main Responsibilities: 1 develop customers monthly payment, commission, annual sales plan and budget, reported higher levels of approval by the executive. 2 to carry out the customer business negotiations, business review. 3 according to the customer's security accounts receivable amount, timely reporting of supplementary sources, ensure necessary items complete, reasonable stocks. 1, declaration of value-added tax in accordance with the provisions of the contract, payment on schedule. On the 2, to the shop consultant daily work, participate in the evaluation of the consultant consultant, post, bonus recommendations. 3, optimize adjust display, publicity, promotion, product display, terminal publicity on to fulfil the job. 4, formulate and implement customer promotional programme of activities, brand promotion activities, DM activity plan, writing activity evaluation report. 5, implementation of the company's price policy of products to customers, at normal retail prices and special situation, maintaining the company's price system. 6, to assist the reconciliation of accounting check the client's account. 7, establish and maintain good customer relations situation. In 8, the collection and feedback market information, to execute the corresponding market research activities. 2008.12-2011.2 district brand promotion director, product marketing manager report to: General Manager 1 target market characteristics combined with the company's brand policy, take effective brand sales Lifting Scheme; 2 guide provinces develop brand promotion activities, the completion of sales tasks; 3 reasonable planning using the brand expense, achieve company assessment index; 4 pay attention to competitive posture, collect information in time, to the area manager feedback, and take effective countermeasures against competing products; 5, to assist the provinces do terminal brand publicity and promotion work; 6 to assist the provinces to brand channel construction work, improve the brand shop city rate; 7 urging provinces implement company under the brand strategy and brand specialty; 8 the company strengthen communication, in-depth understanding of the company brand policy, guide the provincial brand work; assist provincial business team brand knowledge training. 9, finished product distributors, distribution channel distribution rate, team construction. 10, to complete the annual task 50000000 indicator channel. 2011.2-2011.4 provinces brand planning, provincial deputy chief. Indirect parent: Area Sales Manager 1, assist manager division sales area, and to develop the regional annual monthly brand sales payment plan. 2, conducting direct supply retail store terminal display, publicity, promotion and other series of the terminal building and maintenance work. 3, to assist the manager in screening, contact, review and supervision agency, and the Department primarily responsible for business for internal communication and identification. 4, assist in conducting the provinces of daily work, guidance of personnel at all levels of business work, and is responsible for coordinating the business, finance, logistics, as well as with the area, relevant functional departments to work. 5, responsible for the establishment and implementation of the workflow and provincial regulations. 6, in charge of the province of all local staff employed, the post adjustment, salary incentive resume. 7, responsible for staff training requirements planning is put forward, the establishment of the regional talent echelon.

8, responsible for the brand activity plan execution, communication, resource allocation, scheduling, tracking and feedback. The main examination areas: 1, financial index: Sales completion rate, marketing cost rate, commissioned by the completion rate. 2, process indicators. Distribution rate, the rate of attrition rate, cost budget, implementation of rate. Event execution rate. 2011.4-2011.10 provincial deputy chief. And the ceremonial head, brand planning supervisor. Report to: Sales Manager, indirect parent: Area Sales Manager, regional manager. The ceremonial head main responsibilities: 1, specification of brand communication terminal consultant work, organizational consultant appraisal and incentive, reasonable allocation position, implement the most outstanding consultant in the most appropriate stores. On the VIP store must each week training, focusing on the marketplace must be half patrolling, sampling brand dissemination work standards. 2, deepen" area ten" training mode, use of sound, like, newspaper, full-time lecturers and other forms of training, and constantly improve the terminal consultant occupation skill, follow up the responsibility of the regional sales plan, and lead team to achieve or exceed the level of consultant sales target. In 3, the brand promotion plan issued 7 days to complete a consultant to convey, make oneself an example, in-depth first-line promotional, participate in weekend promotion and brand promotion, promotion, and tracking, summary execution effect. In 4, promptly communicate the latest information and the work requirements, establish all kinds of archives, specification consultant sales ledgers, collection, feedback on the actual sales, sales of the authenticity of the sampling, the positive feedback of market a gleam of all kinds of information. 5, all local employee contract, social security, services, management. Major customers include: RT-Mart, Wal-Mart, Metro, Fujian Yonghui, Su fruit, Tesco, Century Lianhua, easy first lotus flower, Carrefour, Beijing hualian.
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Work experience: 2005.8-2008.12 city manager direct supervisor: provinces main responsibility manager: 1. The customer in monthly worked collection, commission, sales plan and budget expenses, submitted to higher approval execution. 2. Each customer in business, management review. 3. According to the customer's safety accounts limit, report to supplement the source of goods and ensuring a necessary is complete, the inventory is reasonable. 1, declare ticket of value added tax, in accordance with the provisions of the contract payment on schedule. 2, to the store at the consultant daily work, participate in the evaluation of consultants, and puts forward position, consultant bonus proposal. 3, optimization and adjustment of display, publicity and promotion a, looking for products on display, terminal to the implementation of propaganda. 4, formulating and implement customer promotion plan, brand promotion activities, DM activity plan, ? writes
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