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Sleep necessary for memories
Burning the midnight oil before an exam or interview is counterproductive according to research which found that sleep is necessary for memories to be downloaded into the brain.
A good night’s sleep within 30 hours of trying to remember a new task is a prerequisite of having good recall in the weeks ahead, scientists have found.
The research, published in the December issue of Nature Neuro-science, showed that it was the act of sleep, rather than the simple passage of time, that was critical for long-term memory formation.
“We think that getting that first night’s sleep starts the process of memory consolidation,” said Robert Stickgold, a sleep researcher at Harvard Medical School who conduct the latest study.
“It seems that memories normally wash out of the brain unless some process nails them down. My suspicion is that sleep is one of those things that does the nailing down,” Professsor Stickgold said.
With about one in five people claiming that they are so chronically short of sleep that it affects their daily activities, the latest work emphasizes the less well-understood side effect—serious memory impairment.
Volunteers in an experiment found it easier to remember a memory task if they were allowed to sleep that night. But for those kept awake, no amount of subsequent sleep made up for the initial loss.
Professor Stickgold’s team trained the 24 people to identify the orientation of three diagonal bars flashed for a sixtieth of a second on a computer screen full of horizontal stripes.
Half the subjects were kept awake that night, while the other half slept. Both groups were allowed to sleep for the second and the third nights to make up for any differences in tiredness between the volunteers.
Those who slept the first night were significantly and consistently better at remembering the task while the second group showed no improvement despite enjoying two nights os catch-up sleeep. 展开
Burning the midnight oil before an exam or interview is counterproductive according to research which found that sleep is necessary for memories to be downloaded into the brain.
A good night’s sleep within 30 hours of trying to remember a new task is a prerequisite of having good recall in the weeks ahead, scientists have found.
The research, published in the December issue of Nature Neuro-science, showed that it was the act of sleep, rather than the simple passage of time, that was critical for long-term memory formation.
“We think that getting that first night’s sleep starts the process of memory consolidation,” said Robert Stickgold, a sleep researcher at Harvard Medical School who conduct the latest study.
“It seems that memories normally wash out of the brain unless some process nails them down. My suspicion is that sleep is one of those things that does the nailing down,” Professsor Stickgold said.
With about one in five people claiming that they are so chronically short of sleep that it affects their daily activities, the latest work emphasizes the less well-understood side effect—serious memory impairment.
Volunteers in an experiment found it easier to remember a memory task if they were allowed to sleep that night. But for those kept awake, no amount of subsequent sleep made up for the initial loss.
Professor Stickgold’s team trained the 24 people to identify the orientation of three diagonal bars flashed for a sixtieth of a second on a computer screen full of horizontal stripes.
Half the subjects were kept awake that night, while the other half slept. Both groups were allowed to sleep for the second and the third nights to make up for any differences in tiredness between the volunteers.
Those who slept the first night were significantly and consistently better at remembering the task while the second group showed no improvement despite enjoying two nights os catch-up sleeep. 展开
经过研究证明,睡眠更加有助于大脑记忆储存。充足的睡眠可以让你在头脑清醒的状态下回忆起30个小时之内所记忆到的事情。12月刊的自然与科学杂志发布过,有效地睡眠可以加强大脑对记忆组织的构建。“我们认为头一天充足的睡眠可以为大脑更好的巩固记忆有所帮助。”罗伯特。斯蒂克高德说。哈维的医学院睡眠研究学家正在继续先前的研究 “人的记忆组织通常会清理掉大脑中的记忆,除非你刻意的把某些事情记忆下来。我们认为睡眠就是其中一项来刻意保留记忆的方法之一。”罗伯特。斯蒂克高德说。大约有1/5的人民没有良好的睡眠习惯,长期熬夜带来的副作用就是记忆力衰退,理解能力下降。
经过研究证明,睡眠更加有助于大脑记忆储存。充足的睡眠可以让你在头脑清醒的状态下回忆起30个小时之内所记忆到的事情。12月刊的自然与科学杂志发布过,有效地睡眠可以加强大脑对记忆组织的构建。“我们认为头一天充足的睡眠可以为大脑更好的巩固记忆有所帮助。”罗伯特。斯蒂克高德说。哈维的医学院睡眠研究学家正在继续先前的研究 “人的记忆组织通常会清理掉大脑中的记忆,除非你刻意的把某些事情记忆下来。我们认为睡眠就是其中一项来刻意保留记忆的方法之一。”罗伯特。斯蒂克高德说。大约有1/5的人民没有良好的睡眠习惯,长期熬夜带来的副作用就是记忆力衰退,理解能力下降。
Robert Stickgold,一个哈佛医学院的睡眠研究人员的最新研究发现:当天晚上的睡眠开启了记忆巩固的过程。
“记忆在大脑里慢慢消失是很正常的事情,除非一些过程使它们变得特别明确。我想睡眠就是使记忆变得明确的过程之一。” Stickgold 教授说。
Robert Stickgold,一个哈佛医学院的睡眠研究人员的最新研究发现:当天晚上的睡眠开启了记忆巩固的过程。
“记忆在大脑里慢慢消失是很正常的事情,除非一些过程使它们变得特别明确。我想睡眠就是使记忆变得明确的过程之一。” Stickgold 教授说。