
当然,穷人易受伤害,这在任何一个国家都是如此。如果一个欧洲警察误抓了一个富人,那他就要等着没完没了的投诉、调查,甚至可能因此丢了公职;但如果误抓的是个穷人,有可能请他吃顿... 当然,穷人易受伤害,这在任何一个国家都是如此。如果一个欧洲警察误抓了一个富人,那他就要等着没完没了的投诉、调查,甚至可能因此丢了公职;但如果误抓的是个穷人,有可能请他吃顿饭、给点经济补偿就过去了。但问题就在于——穷人常被伤害,难道单单是穷人自己的责任吗?有谁来保护穷人?



2007-10-27 · TA获得超过665个赞
Of course, the poor vulnerable, which in the case of any country. If a European police mistakenly arrested a rich, he should make waiting for the endless complaints, investigations, and may even lose the public; But if mistakenly arrested is a poor, it is possible to call on him吃顿饭, to the point of economic compensation passed. But the problem lies - often hurt the poor, is only the poor of their responsibilities? Who is the protection of the poor?

A political scholars know is that no matter what age, what kind of system, the state has to be the main protector of the weak, but compared to other sectors, the disadvantaged sectors more dependent on the protection of the State. State to protect its weak there are many specific actions, such as through taxation and redistribution of wealth, the transfer of wealth to the poor, there are other social welfare, trade protectionism, etc. - all the initiatives relating to equal almost all the poor benefited. But the protection of the poor is not only the mission of democratic countries, even those who rule of the elite of the country, and safeguarding the interests of the disadvantaged groups also must assume its responsibilities one. One can not protect poor countries, the system of government there may be problems not to be neglected.

For other sectors of society, sit back and jeopardize the interests of vulnerable groups and indifferent to the case, is also very dangerous move. The most vulnerable group after being deprived completely, it is easy to translate into the most fearless, a group of the most dangerous: the deterioration of law and order in cities, to a great extent with those originally not a full aspire only to end up in an impasse "poor" directly related? First was bullied by the looting, he later treated the same rules others and society - in the "poor" groups directly on the changes that occurred should be on guard against. But no one can guarantee applies to the most vulnerable groups were oppressed rule that one day will not apply to "the vulnerable" groups, "ADB vulnerable" groups, and even in the community, each on them. In fact, any country if not in the national interests of the most vulnerable groups to safeguard the case, would not consolidate its ruling foundation. In John F. Kennedy more than 40 years ago said: "If a free society can not help those who are in a majority of the poor, it can not save the few who are rich."


2007-10-27 · TA获得超过117个赞
Of course, the poor vulnerable, which in the case of any country. If a European police mistakenly arrested a rich, he should make waiting for the endless complaints, investigations, and may even lose the public; But if mistakenly arrested is a poor, it is possible to call on him eat food, to the point of economic compensation passed. But the problem lies - often hurt the poor, is only the poor of their responsibilities? Who is the protection of the poor?

A political scholars know is that no matter what age, what kind of system, the state has to be the main protector of the weak, but compared to other sectors, the disadvantaged sectors more dependent on the protection of the State. State to protect its weak there are many specific actions, such as through taxation and redistribution of wealth, the transfer of wealth to the poor, there are other social welfare, trade protectionism, etc. - all the initiatives relating to equal almost all the poor benefited. But the protection of the poor is not only the mission of democratic countries, even those who rule of the elite of the country, and safeguarding the interests of the disadvantaged groups also must assume its responsibilities one. One can not protect poor countries, the system of government there may be problems not to be neglected.

For other sectors of society, sit back and jeopardize the interests of vulnerable groups and indifferent to the case, is also very dangerous move. The most vulnerable group after being deprived completely, it is easy to translate into the most fearless, a group of the most dangerous: the deterioration of law and order in cities, to a great extent with those originally not a full aspire only to end up in an impasse "poor" directly related? First was bullied by the looting, he later treated the same rules others and society - in the "poor" groups directly on the changes that occurred should be on guard against. But no one can guarantee applies to the most vulnerable groups were oppressed rule that one day will not apply to "the vulnerable" groups, "ADB vulnerable" groups, and even in the community, each on them. In fact, any country if not in the national interests of the most vulnerable groups to safeguard the case, would not consolidate its ruling foundation. In John F. Kennedy more than 40 years ago said: "If a free society can not help those who are in a majority of the poor, it can not save the few who are rich."
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