1、Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup - Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (December 29, 2008); ISBN 0-321-54372-1
2、The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup - Addison-Wesley Pub Co; 3rd edition (February 15, 2000); ISBN 0-201-70073-5
3、The Design and Evolution of C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup - Addison-Wesley Pub Co; 1st edition (March 29, 1994); ISBN 0-201-54330-3
4、The Annotated C++ Reference Manual by Margaret A. Ellis & Bjarne Stroustrup - Addison-Wesley Pub Co; (January 1, 1990); ISBN 0-201-51459-1
1、Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup - Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (December 29, 2008); ISBN 0-321-54372-1
2、The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup - Addison-Wesley Pub Co; 3rd edition (February 15, 2000); ISBN 0-201-70073-5
3、The Design and Evolution of C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup - Addison-Wesley Pub Co; 1st edition (March 29, 1994); ISBN 0-201-54330-3
4、The Annotated C++ Reference Manual by Margaret A. Ellis & Bjarne Stroustrup - Addison-Wesley Pub Co; (January 1, 1990); ISBN 0-201-51459-1