
1.目前不少父母为了孩子包办一切2.为了让孩子独立,父母应该....Nowadays,manyparentshavepreparedeverythingfortheirc... 1.目前不少父母为了孩子包办一切
Nowadays,many parents have prepared everything for their children from their birth.So these children's self-care abilties are gradually held in contempt by many parents.More and more children know nothing about the housework such as mopping,cleaning and so forth,and what's more,some children can't peel eggs.The prevalence of the problem has become a hot button accross society.Its existence has even greatly impacted the future of our country which the government could not afford to ignore and prepare to take some positive measures to come up with the problem,according to the online edition of the people daily.
There are a couple of driving forces,I would argue,behind this undesirable tide.On one hand,in these parent's eyes,only study score plays a significant role during all life of kids so that they ignore education in other aspects such as moral education.On the other hand,with the implementation of family-planning policy,children are only children nowadays,the care and doting that they received exceed their fathers and grandfathers, so their dependence is relatively large.
As confucius instructed,it is better late than never.Prompt and strict measures should be taken turn back this evil trend.To help their children to be independent,parents should resist the urge to jump in and give their children more responsibilitys and decision-making powers so that they may develop an internal locus of contol.In addition ,parents can teach their children to ask for what they need and support them in being accountable for their decisions.Finally,parents can set clear boundaries and provide their children with advice and guidance.It is beneficial for the child to make decisions and learn from their mistakes.I believe that so long as it is properly and carefully operated,we are bound to modify this evil trend in the days ahead.
2012-03-07 · TA获得超过5.7万个赞
Nowadays,many parents have prepared everything for their children from their birth (加on). So these children's self-care abilties are gradually held in contempt (hold in contemp是轻视,这里用弱化比较好,undermined)by many(改成their) parents.More and more children know nothing(用little好吧?同样也是否定,但没有nothing这么彻底) about the housework such as mopping,cleaning and so forth, and what's more,some children can't (加even,表示“甚至”)peel eggs.The prevalence of the problem has become a hot button accross society. Its existence has even greatly impacted the future of our country which the government could not afford to ignore and prepare to take some positive measures to come up with the problem,according to the online edition of the people daily.(本句想表达什么有些乱,the People Daily人民日报)
There are a couple of driving forces,I would argue,behind this undesirable tide. On one hand,in these parent's eyes,only study score plays a significant role during all life of kids so that they ignore education in other aspects such as moral education(改成:they only note the importance of study rather than personal development of their chirldren in other aspects
).On the other hand,with the implementation of family-planning policy,children are only children(什么叫children are children?) nowadays,the care and doting(?什么意思) that they received exceed their fathers and grandfathers, so their dependence is relatively large(large不对,整句改好再看换哪个词).
As confucius instructed,it is better late than never. Prompt and strict measures should be taken (加to)turn back this evil trend.To help their children to be independent(罗嗦,To make the children independent),parents should resist the urge to jump in and (建议用as well as)give their children more responsibilitys(名词复数错了) and decision-making powers so that they may develop an internal locus(?什么词) of contol.In addition ,parents can teach their children to ask for what they need and support them in being accountable for their decisions (改成:give supports when they are in trouble).Finally,parents can set clear boundaries and provide their children with advice and guidance.It is beneficial for the child to make decisions and learn from their mistakes.I believe that so long as it is properly and carefully operated,we are bound to modify this evil(没这么严重吧,换个温和些的词吧) trend in the days ahead.

On the other hand,with the implementation of family-planning policy,children are only children(什么叫children are children?) nowadays,the care and doting(?什么意思) that they received exceed their fathers and grandfathers, so their dependence is relatively large(large不对,整句改好再看换哪个词).
On the other hand,with the implementation of family-planning policy, most of Chinese family have only one child, who is greatly spoiled by the excessive care and love from his parents and even grandparents, thus leading to his dependence heavier than ever before.
2012-03-07 · TA获得超过356个赞
第一行, from their birth改成since they were born.
句子完成了,就用句号,别老用逗号,不对。cleaning and so forth.What's more,some ...
报刊名字要大写。 the people daily.
these parent's eyes ... parent's 改成parents'
better late than never。。。这个真的和孔子有关么。。
in the days ahead.。。。改成in the coming days. ahead 是副词。
better late than never。。。这个真的和孔子有关么。。
in the days ahead.。。。改成in the coming days. ahead 是副词。
As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never. (没变,百度一下可在范文中找到)
I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days ahead. 百度一下也可在范文中找到
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2012-03-07 · TA获得超过1.2万个赞
Nowadays, many parents have prepared everything for their children. The irony is that many children nowadays lack basic life skills which is a source of headache for parents. Children are not involved in household chores. They are not capable of doing a simple task like peeling an egg. According to the online edition of the People Daily, the prevalence of the problem greatly affects the future of our country and the government plans to take some positive measure in dealing with this problem.
In my opinion, one of the reasons behind this undesirable trend is that parents pay too much importance in the child's education leaving out the moral aspect of education like character and values. China's one-child policy makes Chinese children the center of attention of the family. Typically there are at least four persons (parents and two sets of grandparents) doting on that child. As a result, children rely heavily on them and they never had the chance of fending for themselves.
Prompt and strict measures should be taken to counter this trend.To help their children to be independent, parents should resist the urge to jump in and do things for their children. Parents should give their children more responsibilities. Children should be taught to decide for themselves, but making them accountable for their actions. Furthermore, parents should teach their children to ask for what they need and support them. Finally, parents should set clear boundaries and provide their children with advice and guidance.It is beneficial for the child to make decisions for themselves and learn from their mistakes.I believe that in dong so, we are looking at a brighter future in the days ahead.
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