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http://v.ku6.com/show/u73DhTmG8X451Iek.html如果能告诉我是哪个民族音乐风格更好,这风格好像哪听过。。。(再加30分)... http://v.ku6.com/show/u73DhTmG8X451Iek.html如果能告诉我是哪个民族音乐风格更好,这风格好像哪听过。。。(再加30分) 展开
 我来答
There is a certain beast that doesn't live in snow,
有种野兽并不生活在雪域, nor mountain lands nor jungle vales nor in the sea you know,
不在山地,不在雨林,也不在海里he wanders thriving grasslands and travels rolling plains,
他信步在葱绿的草原和起伏的原野and is known by the Tauren as the great kodo
而我们牛头人叫他科多He's got a massive horn and a sturdy rugged back,
他有巨大的角和强壮不平的背can bear a Tauren or some baggage piled up in a stack,
可以驮起牛头人和成堆厚重的行李There is no other creature that can bear the Tauren weight,
没有其他生物可以承受牛头人的重量(注:我们牛牛长得比较笨重,但是很可爱!)for they'd give other beasts a heart attack,
因为他们会受到科多痛快的一击No raptor mount or skelly horse or riding wolf will do,
迅猛龙,亡灵马,骑乘狼,他们都不行(注:这些都是我们部落其它种族的坐骑)for they are only adepqute for cooking in a stew,
因为他们只适合拿去炖汤The kodo may be hungry and destroy your pumpkin farm
科多也会因为饥饿难耐而毁掉你的南瓜地but the clumsy hungry kodo has a certain kind of charm
但这笨拙的饿科多,仍然有他独特的魅力He hails from my brithplace, the great Mulgore land,
他在我的家乡,伟大的莫高雷招唤着and if you were truly honest you would surely understand that there Aint
而如果你足够真诚,你一定能够理解他们所要传递的讯息(注:此处翻译与网上的有出入,但按在下自己的理解和画面故事,在下认为应该这样译……如有误,先行致歉)No creature in the land or sea quite as dear to me as the great kodo
对我而言,水上、陆地,再没有一种生物像科多一样珍贵The kodo is descended from the mighty steggadon
科多的先祖是雷霆蜥蜴(注:不确定是不是雷霆蜥蜴……但网上是这么译的……)but except for in the deep crater the steggadon are gone
但除了雷霆蜥蜴埋骨的安戈洛环形山He migrated through Tanaris and north through Thousand Pins
他们的足迹遍布塔纳利斯甚至北方的千针石林and now he prances happily on Tauren owned lawn
而现在,他们快乐地欢腾在我们牛头人的草原上He bore up the Tauren for a thousand years or more
长达数千年,他撑起了我们的种族was used for leather for our tents, inspired our songs of lore
我们用他的皮制作账篷,引领我们歌样的传说We owe the mighty kodo for sustaining our whole race
伟大的科多,维系着我们整个的种族He's the most honored herbivore in all Mulogore
他是莫高雷上最最值得尊敬的动物Nor ugly ram or silly horse or riding cat will do,
这不是丑陋的战羊、愚蠢的大马或猫咪一样的夜刃豹所能比的(注:这些都是另一个阵营,联盟种族的坐骑)for they are only adequate for grinding into glue,
因为他们只适合研磨成动物胶The kodo may be hungry and destroy your pumpkin farm
科多也会因为饥饿难耐而毁掉你的南瓜地but the clumsy hungry kodo has a certain kind of charm
但这笨拙的饿科多,仍然有他独特的魅力He hails from my brithplace, the great Mulgore land,
他在我的家乡,伟大的莫高雷招唤着and if you were truly honest you would surely understand that there Aint
而如果你足够真诚,你一定能够理解他们所要传递的讯息No creature in the land or sea quite as dear to me as the great kodo
对我而言,水上、陆地,再没有一种生物像科多一样珍贵Some may see the kodo as an ugly scary beast
有些人认为科多只是丑陋吓人的怪兽probably them Humans from the land far to the east
他们大概都是从遥远的东部而来的人类吧?(注:科多是西部卡利姆多大陆的独有物种;人类,联盟种族)I can surely tell you that the kodo is quite tame
而我可以肯定地告诉你,科多是多么温顺But if you touch his horns you'll wind up quite deceased
虽然如果你胆敢碰他的角的话,你一定会被他们掀翻秒杀Passive beasts of burden we use in time of war
可是这温顺的负重兽,我们却把他用在了战场上when they would wander through lands and do things we abhor
当他行走于大陆,为我们做着这些连我们自己也深感汗颜的事情的时候The legendary great kodo shall serve us once again
这传说中的伟大的科多,再一次帮助了我们and shall be our closest friend forevermore
并成为我们永远的亲密伙伴No silly mecho-brid for Gnomes will ever do
这是侏儒那愚蠢的机械鸟永远也办不到的(注:侏儒,联盟种族,机械鸟是他们的坐骑)for they always squack and squeak and spit our oily goo
因为他们只会叽叽呱呱地乱叫,然后吐我们一身的油he kodo may be hungry and destroy your pumpkin farm
科多也会因为饥饿难耐而毁掉你的南瓜地but the clumsy hungry kodo has a certain kind of charm
但这笨拙的饿科多,仍然有他独特的魅力He hails from my brithplace, the great Mulgore land,
他在我的家乡,伟大的莫高雷招唤着and if you were truly honest you would surely understand that there Aint
而如果你足够真诚,你一定能够理解他们所要传递的讯息No creature in the land or sea quite as dear to me as the great kodo
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There is a certain beast that doesn live in snow Nor mountain lands nor jungle vales nor in the sea you know He wanders thriving grasslands and travels rolling plains And is known by the Tauren as the great kodo He got a massive horn and a sturdy rugged back Can bear a Tauren or some baggage piled up in a stack There is no other creature that can bear the Tauren weight For they give other beasts a heart attack No raptor mount or skelly horse or riding wolf will do For they are only adequate for cooking in a stew The kodo may be hungry and destroy your pumpkin farm But the clumsy hungry kodo has a certain kind of charm He hails from my birthplace, the great Mulgore land And if you were truly honest you would surely understand that there Ain no creature in the land or the sea quite as dear to me as the great kodo The kodo is descended from the mighty steggadon But except for in the deep crater the steggadon are gone He migrated through Tanarus and north through Thousand Pins And now he prances happily on Tauren owned lawn He bore up the Tauren for a thousand years or more Was used for leather for our tents, inspired our songs of lore We owe the mighty kodo for sustaining our whole race He is the most honored herbivore in all Mulgore No ugly ram or silly horse or riding cat will do For they are only adequate for grinding into glue The kodo may be hungry and destroy your pumpkin farm But the clumsy hungry kodo has a certain kind of charm He hails from my birthplace, the great Mulgore land And if you were truly honest you would surely understand that there Ain no creature in the land or the sea quite as dear to me as the great kodo Some may see the kodo as an ugly scary beast Probably them humans from the land far to the east I can surely tell you that the kodo is quite tame But if you touch his horns you wind up quite deceased Passive beasts of burden, we use in time of war When they would wander through our lands and do things we abhor The legendary great kodo shall serve us once again And shall be our closest friend forevermore No silly mecho-bird for Gnomes will ever do For they always squawk and squeak and spit our oily goo The kodo may be hungry and destroy your pumpkin farm But the clumsy hungry kodo has a certain kind of charm He hails from my birthplace, the great Mulgore land And if you were truly honest you would surely understand that there Ain no creature in the land or the sea quite as dear to me as the great kodo

译文: 《 魔兽世界幽默MV推荐:科多兽之歌 》

有一种野兽,不生活在雪里 也不生活在你所知道的山路地雨林和海 他徘徊在旺盛的草地上,在起伏的草原上旅行 而它就是广为牛头人所知的伟大的科多兽 它有一只厚重的牛角和强健粗糙的背 它可以背负着一个牛头人或是堆成小山似的行李 再没有其它生物可以承受牛头人的重量因此它们给其它兽类以心灵上的打击 无论迅猛龙 骸骨马 还是战狼都做不到所以他们只适合给厨师煮熟 科多也许会因为饥饿难耐而摧毁你的南瓜田但那饥饿又笨拙的科多确实拥有一种魅力 它来自我的故乡,那伟大的莫高雷如果你真的诚实你会肯定了解 在这片陆地或海洋上没有生物像科多兽一样,对我有如此的吸引力科多兽是从强大的雷霆蜥蜴中演变而来的 不过除了雷霆蜥蜴死去的地方--安戈洛环形山 科多兽还从塔纳利斯向北移居到千针石林 而现在 他快乐地欢腾在牛头人的草原上 他驮着牛头人 已有一千或更多年了 我们用他们的皮来制作帐篷 他还给予着我们歌曲的灵感 我们拥有强大的科多来维系我们的种族 他是整个莫高雷中最有尊严的食草动物 丑陋的羊或者愚蠢的马抑或是可供骑乘的猫都做不到上述这些所以他们只适合去被磨制成动物胶 科多也许会因为饥饿难耐而摧毁你的南瓜田但那饥饿又笨拙的科多确实拥有一种魅力 它来自我的故乡,那伟大的莫高雷如果你真的诚实你会肯定了解 在这片陆地或海洋上没有生物像科多兽一样,对我有如此的吸引力一些人也许把科多看作一个丑陋 骇人的野兽 那他们大概是来自远方的东边大陆的人类 我可以很确定的告诉你 科多兽是相当的温顺的但是如果你去触碰他的角,你最后将迎来一个彻底的死亡 温和的负重用野兽 我们在战争时期使用他们 当他们漫步在我们的大陆上 做着我们厌恶的事情的时候 那传说中的伟大的科多兽将再次为我们服务而且会成为我们永恒的密友 这些事情,给侏儒使用的愚蠢的机械鸟是不曾做过的 因为它们总是发出粗重或是尖利的声响或是吐出粘稠的油 科多也许会因为饥饿难耐而摧毁你的南瓜田但那饥饿又笨拙的科多确实拥有一种魅力 它来自我的故乡,那伟大的莫高雷如果你真的诚实你会肯定了解 在这片陆地或海洋上没有生物像科多兽一样,对我有如此的吸引力 呼呼!
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