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2. The experimental–computational system
The hardware equipment system includes: a hightemperature thermovacuum stand TVS-1M; special
experimental modules (EMs) for realization of heat transfer models in the testing of specimens; an automated system (AS) of heating control, experimental information measurement, collection and processing based on PC and PXI module system; hardware of local network providing interconnection of the system with distant workbenches of researchers; as well as special technological equipment for the preparation of experimental specimens, the manufacture of the thermosensors and their installation in composite materials.
Methodical support of experimental investigations include: the methods for preparation and conduction of
thermal testing and experiment design [2]; an applied software for processing and interpreting experimental data based on the IHTP solution [1,5]; a special software of the information-measurement subsystem (IMS) based on the integrated software LabVIEW. The experimental system has been developed based on a high-temperature thermovacuum stand TVS-1M. This stand is an essentially modernized version of thermovacuum stand TVS-1. The general view of TVS-1M stand is shown in Fig. 1. The stand includes a horizontal water-cooled vacuum chamber and the following systems: vacuuming, water cooling, electric power, control and monitoring. Fig. 2 illustrates a photo of the vacuum
The control of heating is performed by AS using a specified program. As a feedback during the procedure
there is an indication of the thermocouple mounted on the heating element or on the specimen’s heated up face.The control devices and instrumentations of the stand are arranged in the monitoring and control rack 展开
The hardware equipment system includes: a hightemperature thermovacuum stand TVS-1M; special
experimental modules (EMs) for realization of heat transfer models in the testing of specimens; an automated system (AS) of heating control, experimental information measurement, collection and processing based on PC and PXI module system; hardware of local network providing interconnection of the system with distant workbenches of researchers; as well as special technological equipment for the preparation of experimental specimens, the manufacture of the thermosensors and their installation in composite materials.
Methodical support of experimental investigations include: the methods for preparation and conduction of
thermal testing and experiment design [2]; an applied software for processing and interpreting experimental data based on the IHTP solution [1,5]; a special software of the information-measurement subsystem (IMS) based on the integrated software LabVIEW. The experimental system has been developed based on a high-temperature thermovacuum stand TVS-1M. This stand is an essentially modernized version of thermovacuum stand TVS-1. The general view of TVS-1M stand is shown in Fig. 1. The stand includes a horizontal water-cooled vacuum chamber and the following systems: vacuuming, water cooling, electric power, control and monitoring. Fig. 2 illustrates a photo of the vacuum
The control of heating is performed by AS using a specified program. As a feedback during the procedure
there is an indication of the thermocouple mounted on the heating element or on the specimen’s heated up face.The control devices and instrumentations of the stand are arranged in the monitoring and control rack 展开
2 。实验-计算系统
硬件装备系统包括:高温thermovacuum站在电视机- 1米;特殊
实验模块( EMS )的,为实现传热模型,并在试验的标本;自动化系统( AS )的加热控制,实验资料,测量,收集和处理基于PC和PXI模块系统;硬件的本地网络提供互连的制度与远处工作台的研究员;以及特殊的技术装备,为准备实验标本,制造了thermosensors和安装在复合材料。
热试验和实验设计[ 2 ] ;一个应用软件的处理和解读实验数据的基础上, ihtp解决方案[ 1,5 ] ;一个特殊软件的信息计量子系统( IMS )的基础上的集成软件LabVIEW的。该实验系统已经研制成功的基础上,高温度thermovacuum站在电视机- 1米。这一立场是一个实质上的现代版thermovacuum站在电视机- 1 。普遍认为,电视- 100万立场是显示图。 1 。该站包括一个横向水冷式真空室及以下系统:吸尘,冷却水,电力,控制和监测。图。 2显示,一帧真空
硬件装备系统包括:高温thermovacuum站在电视机- 1米;特殊
实验模块( EMS )的,为实现传热模型,并在试验的标本;自动化系统( AS )的加热控制,实验资料,测量,收集和处理基于PC和PXI模块系统;硬件的本地网络提供互连的制度与远处工作台的研究员;以及特殊的技术装备,为准备实验标本,制造了thermosensors和安装在复合材料。
热试验和实验设计[ 2 ] ;一个应用软件的处理和解读实验数据的基础上, ihtp解决方案[ 1,5 ] ;一个特殊软件的信息计量子系统( IMS )的基础上的集成软件LabVIEW的。该实验系统已经研制成功的基础上,高温度thermovacuum站在电视机- 1米。这一立场是一个实质上的现代版thermovacuum站在电视机- 1 。普遍认为,电视- 100万立场是显示图。 1 。该站包括一个横向水冷式真空室及以下系统:吸尘,冷却水,电力,控制和监测。图。 2显示,一帧真空