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推荐于2016-12-01 · TA获得超过573个赞

2. 她以前是我们的英语老师.
He used to be our English teacher.
3. 怀特小姐,你的电话接通了,王先生的电话响了(be through)
Miss White, your call to Mr.Wang is through.
4. 请问尊姓大名?(have)
May I have your name, please?

6. She is on another line. Or you may leave a message.

8. let’s book a one-way ticket, economy class.
9. 请在表格中填好个人资料.
Please fill the personal information in the form.
10. 我更喜欢去国外度假(prefer)
I prefer to spend the holiday abroad.
11. 我不知道该去哪儿,我只想放松一下。(have no idea)
I have no idea of where to go. I just need to relax.
12. Can you tell me about trains to HangZhou?
13. 我想给我朋友买些纪念品,你有什么建议?
I want to buy some souvenir to my friends. Can you give me some suggestions?
14. 你最好到超市去买这些东西,那里的商品价格很公道.
The supermarket is a good choice with reasonable price.
15. The actress was one of the most famous stars I had ever seen.
16. 这是黄金周的最后一天,火车站里到处是游客
This is the last day of the golden week and there are a lot of tourists in the railway station.
17. Do you accept credit cards?
18. 我可以用信用卡付款吗?对不起,我们只收现金.
Can I pay by card? Sorry, we only accept cash.
19. Do you have blue skirts in size large?
20. If fits me well. But I don’t like the style.
21. 这条真丝围巾会使我想起中国。(remind …..of)
This silk scarf reminds me of China.
22. Could you please submit this report to the chairman of the department?

1. You can borrow all kinds of books from the (A)
a. Library b. classroom c. canteen d. office
2. he doesn’t have much money. He is only a (D) of the company.
a. Manager b. general engineer c. director d. clerk
3. take your camera with you. We’d like to take some (B) of the beautiful park.
a. Painting b. pictures c. files d. films
4. with the help of a(C) , you can work out the mathematical problem quickly.
a. Car b. plane c. computer d. TV set
5. You should fill in the form with your name, sex,(D) , and address.
a. Old b. years c. time d. age
6. You can make a lot of new friends if you (A) this club.
a. Join b. take part in c. enter d. come in
7. The (D) is very helpful. She helps me to find many good books.
a. Employer b. member c. monitor d. librarian
8. You may borrow books with your student (C)
a. Book b. form c. card d. magazine
9. I was (C) in a small countryside in china.
a. Brought b. bring up c. raised up d. raise of
10. These students have little (C) for how others look at them.
a. Thinking b. thought c. concern d. consideration
11. The foreign teachers usually have their meals at the school (D).
a. Library b. lab c. bookshop d. canteen
12. An overseas students studies (B).
a. Aboard b. abroad c. at sea d. at home
13. The food in the canteen is (D)
a. Delighted b. detailed c. decided d. delicious
14. Chinese martial arts are (B) great interest (B) many foreigners.
a. in…to b. of….to c. in….in d. of….in
15. The morning flights is (C) to us as we will arrive in time to attend the afternoon meeting.
a. Direct b. quick c. suitable d. inclusive
16. Are there still tickets (C) on the morning flight to ShenZhen?
a. Free d. suitable c. available d. ready
17. Technicians with good skills are always (D)
a. on the demand b. on demand c. in the demand d. in demand
18. Miss yang is likely to be (B) for promotion.
a. Sent b. recommended c. advised d. reported
19. Mr. Liu works with a travel agency as a (C)
a. Tourist guide b. tour guide c. travel guide d. trip guide
20. One cannot judge a person only by his (C) conditions
a. Economical b. economics c. economic d. economy
21. Department stores offer a big (B) of items.
a. Kind b. Variety c. type d. model
22. they sold the old furniture to make (C) for the new.
a. A room b. a space c. room d. space
23. the garments in the department store are so expensive that I can’t (C)
a. Buy b. purchase c. afford d. take
24. They (D) good friends and often visited each other.
a. Are used to being b. are used to be c. used to being d. used to be
25. We soon arrived (B) the airport.
a. In b. at c. on d. to
26. After he (D) the unforgettable failure of love, he because afraid of it.
a. felt b. forget c. met d. experienced
27. There is a (A) of two hours with the 7:40 train.
a. Delay b. change c. schedule d. timetable
28. John is busy (B) his girlfriend with her paper.
a. To help b. helping c. help d. helps
2008-01-07 · TA获得超过205个赞
本人成人大学 英语不行 希望大哥大姐帮帮我的忙
耽误你们大家几分种 希望大家群策群力 帮助小弟的忙 小弟我不胜感激愿意送上100分 愿大家新年快乐
一共有2个大题 一个是翻译 一个是选择
翻译中文的变英文 英文的变中文 有几道题目 有小弟已经做了

Professor smith is a very experienced doctor

2. 她以前是我们的英语老师.
He was our teacher of English.
3. 怀特小姐,你的电话接通了,王先生的电话响了(be through)
Mr.怀特,you ’re through. Mr .Wang’s number is ringing.
4. 请问尊姓大名?(have)
5. 很抱歉,布莱克先生不在,有事吗?(be not in)
I’m sorry. Mr black is not in, may I help you?
6. She is on another line. Or you may leave a message.
7. now young people prefer to send e-cards for their new year’s greeting.
8. let’s book a one-way ticket, economy class.
9. 请在表格中填好个人资料.
Please fill person information in the from.
10. 我更喜欢去国外度假(prefer)
I prefer to spend the holidays abroad.
11. 我不知道该去哪儿,我只想放松一下。(have no idea)
12. Can you tell me about trains to HangZhou?
13. 我想给我朋友买些纪念品,你有什么建议?
14. 你最好到超市去买这些东西,那里的商品价格很公道.
15. The actress was one of the most famous stars I had ever seen.
16. 这是黄金周的最后一天,火车站里到处是游客
17. Do you accept credit cards?
18. 我可以用信用卡付款吗?对不起,我们只收现金.
19. Do you have blue skirts in size large?
20. If fits me well. But I don’t like the style.
21. 这条真丝围巾会使我想起中国。(remind …..of)
22. Could you please submit this report to the chairman of the department?

1. You can borrow all kinds of books from the ()
a. Library b. classroom c. canteen d. office
2. he doesn’t have much money. He is only a () of the company.
a. Manager b. general engineer c. director d. clerk
3. take your camera with you. We’d like to take some () of the beautiful park.
a. Painting b. pictures c. files d. films
4. with the help of a() , you can work out the mathematical problem quickly.
a. Car b. plane c. computer d. TV set
5. You should fill in the form with your name, sex,() , and address.
a. Old b. years c. time d. age
6. You can make a lot of new friends if you () this club.
a. Join b. take part in c. enter d. come in
7. The () is very helpful. She helps me to find many good books.
a. Employer b. member c. monitor d. librarian
8. You may borrow books with your student ()
a. Book b. form c. card d. magazine
9. I was () in a small countryside in china.
a. Brought b. bring up c. raised up d. raise of
10. These students have little () for how others look at them.
a. Thinking b. thought c. concern d. consideration
11. The foreign teachers usually have their meals at the school ().
a. Library b. lab c. bookshop d. canteen
12. An overseas students studies ().
a. Aboard b. abroad c. at sea d. at home
13. The food in the canteen is ()
a. Delighted b. detailed c. decided d. delicious
14. Chinese martial arts are () great interest () many foreigners.
a. in…to b. of….to c. in….in d. of….in
15. The morning flights is () to us as we will arrive in time to attend the afternoon meeting.
a. Direct b. quick c. suitable d. inclusive
16. Are there still tickets () on the morning flight to ShenZhen?
a. Free d. suitable c. available d. ready
17. Technicians with good skills are always ()
a. on the demand b. on demand c. in the demand d. in demand
18. Miss yang is likely to be () for promotion.
a. Sent b. recommended c. advised d. reported
19. Mr. Liu works with a travel agency as a ()
a. Tourist guide b. tour guide c. travel guide d. trip guide
20. One cannot judge a person only by his () conditions
a. Economical b. economics c. economic d. economy
21. Department stores offer a big () of items.
a. Kind b. Variety c. type d. model
22. they sold the old furniture to make () for the new.
a. A room b. a space c. room d. space
23. the garments in the department store are so expensive that I can’t ()
a. Buy b. purchase c. afford d. take
24. They () good friends and often visited each other.
a. Are used to being b. are used to be c. used to being d. used to be
25. We soon arrived () the airport.
a. In b. at c. on d. to
26. After he () the unforgettable failure of love, he because afraid of it.
a. felt b. forget c. met d. experienced
27. There is a () of two hours with the 7:40 train.
a. Delay b. change c. schedule d. timetable
28. John is busy () his girlfriend with her paper.
a. To help b. helping c. help d. helps
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2008-01-07 · TA获得超过391个赞
翻译:4.请问尊姓大名?(have)May I have your name?
11. 我不知道该去哪儿,我只想放松一下。(have no idea)
I have no idea where to go,I only want to relax myself.
12. Can you tell me about trains to HangZhou?
13. 我想给我朋友买些纪念品,你有什么建议?
I would like to buy some souvenirs for my friends,
do you have any suggestions?
14. 你最好到超市去买这些东西,那里的商品价格很公道.
Your had better buy these things from the supermarket,
where commodity prices are fair.
15. The actress was one of the most famous stars I had
ever seen.
16. 这是黄金周的最后一天,火车站里到处是游客
Which is the last day of Golden Week, the station is
full of tourists
17. Do you accept credit cards?
18. 我可以用信用卡付款吗?对不起,我们只收现金.
May I use credit cards? Sorry, we have received only
19. Do you have blue skirts in size large?
20. If fits me well. But I don’t like the style.
21. 这条真丝围巾会使我想起中国。(remind …..of)
This silk scarf will remains me of China.
22. Could you please submit this report to the chairman
of the department?
选择:1.a 2.b 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.a 7.d 8.c 9.a 10.b
11.d 12.b 13.d 14.b 15.a 16.a 17.d 18.c 19.c 20.d
21.c 22.a 23.a 24.d 25.b 26.d 27.c 28.b
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