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MoreicemeltedfromthesurfaceoftheGreenlandIceSheetthisyearthaneverbeforerecorded,repor... More ice melted from the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet this year than ever before recorded, report scientists from the University of Colorado. The same team found that the extent of Arctic sea ice reached the lowest level in the satellite record in 2002, offering further proof that climate change is already changing the Arctic.  Researchers from the University of Colorado(UC)say that the speeding up melting appears to be linked to changes in Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation patterns. The study also found temperatures during the summer of 2002 were warmer than usual over much of the Arctic Ocean.  "It is likely that sea ice extent will continue to decline over the 21st century as the climate warms," Researchers added. "With these trends, we may see a 20 percent reduction in the yearly average sea ice by 2050, and by then there might be no ice at all during the summer months."  The report was released on Saturday at the yearly fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, just one week after an announcement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) that sea ice is melting about nine percent faster than earlier research had showed, and could disappear entirely by the end of this century.  "This trend of disappearing arctic sea ice is one example of the environmental damage that can be linked to carbon dioxide emissions," said Morgan, "When we have the means to reduce CO2 emissions and prevent further damage, we should do our best. National leaders must act now to improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, before it's too late."  CU scientists judge that a change in the Greenland climate toward warmer conditions would lead to an increase in the rate of sea level rise, which will bring disasters to the human beings. 展开
2012-06-28 · TA获得超过5.9万个赞
More ice melted from the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet this year than ever before recorded, report scientists from the University of Colorado. The same team found that the extent of Arctic sea ice reached the lowest level in the satellite record in 2002, offering further proof that climate change is already changing the Arctic.  
科罗拉多大学的科学家报道,今年格陵兰冰架上融化的冰比往年历来所记录的更多。他们发现2002年的人造卫星图像显示,北极海冰区域的面积达到最低水平,证明气候变化已在改变北极。 ,

Researchers from the University of Colorado (UC) say that the speeding up melting appears to be linked to changes in Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation patterns. The study also found temperatures during the summer of 2002 were warmer than usual over much of the Arctic Ocean.  "It is likely that sea ice extent will continue to decline over the 21st century as the climate warms," Researchers added. "With these trends, we may see a 20 percent reduction in the yearly average sea ice by 2050, and by then there might be no ice at all during the summer months."  

The report was released on Saturday at the yearly fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, just one week after an announcement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) that sea ice is melting about nine percent faster than earlier research had showed, and could disappear entirely by the end of this century.  "This trend of disappearing arctic sea ice is one example of the environmental damage that can be linked to carbon dioxide emissions," said Morgan, "When we have the means to reduce CO2 emissions and prevent further damage, we should do our best. National leaders must act now to improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, before it's too late."  CU scientists judge that a change in the Greenland climate toward warmer conditions would lead to an increase in the rate of sea level rise, which will bring disasters to the human beings.
这份报告在星期六发表于美国地球物理联合会的常年秋季会议;仅仅在一周前,美国宇航局刚刚宣布,海冰的融化速度要比以前研究所显示的快了约9%,而且将会在本世纪末完全消失。摩根说:“北极海冰的消失趋势,就是与二氧化碳排放相关的环境破坏的一个例子。 当我们已有减少二氧化碳排放的手段来防止更多的破坏,我们应该全力以赴。 国家领导人应该事不宜迟,即刻采取行动提高能源利用效率,并增加使用再生能源,如风力和太阳能。” 科罗拉多大学的科学家判断,格陵兰气候的逐步变暖而导致海平面上升速度的加快,将给人类带来灾难。

科罗拉多的大学的科学家报道:今年较多冰比平常提前从格陵兰大冰原的表面融化了。相同的小队发现北极圈海冰的延伸区达到了在 2002 年的宇宙站记录的最低的水平,,提供气候改变数据表明北极圈准备变更。科罗拉多 (UC)的大学的研究员说加速融化似乎与北半球大气的 气流改变相连。研究也发现温度在北极海的 2002 夏天期间是热的超过平常的。“有可能的是,海冰延伸区的温度将会继续在 21 世纪内变暖,”研究员补述,“由于这些倾向,我们可能平均每年在海上看到一个20%的在2050的冰冻,到时候夏天期间完全可能没有冰数个月。”一个报道在星期六在美国地球物理学的管接的每年的冰层会议上被发布,就在通告后的一个星期国立航空学和空间行政机构 (美国航空暨太空总署)那片海洋的冰块熔化大约9 % 的速度比调查显示的还要快,而且会在这世纪末完全失踪。“失踪北极海冰的这一个倾向是能与二氧化碳排放相连的环境损害的一个实例 ,”摩根说,“当我们有方法减少 二氧化碳 排放而且更进一步地避免损害,我们应该尽全力。国家的领袖现在一定采取行动改良能量效率而且增加再生能源来源的使用,像风和太阳能,在它之前太晚。”再见科学家判断向较热的条件的格陵兰气候方面的改变会引导将会带灾难给自然,海平面上涨的几率的增加。
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