
              &...                                                       有一种液体                                                                           无声 无息滑落我脸颊 那朵花在飘香、完全忘了、你离开的时候留下的那种悲伤。我静静倚窗、默默的凝望。眼角的盐分稀释了过往、我在难过、他们都不知道。只是偶尔的,你的笑容还会在记忆里突然的出没。只是偶尔的,在人群拥挤的街头或者公车上,我会突然有点怀念你陪我一起出游时的情景。只是偶尔的,我会看着一些和你穿着一样的男生微微地有些走神。彼年豆蔻,谁许谁天上地久今朝弱冠,我笑我海枯石烂阳光减弱了很多天空里浮动着厚重的云朵一大团一大团纯净的白色把满天的阳光散射成无数金光碎片天空被装点得很美 如同迪士尼动画片里的天空一样代表着爱代表着美好也代表着虚幻和不切实际怎么了 你在哭吗怎么了 你现在就开始哭了吗还早呢 真的还早呢秋风还没有到来 不要着急掉眼泪 荒芜的田野不是最壮观的画面 即将到来的大雪 会把这一切弄得更加绝望曾经很期待、能有一份完美旳结局。 呵、毕竟昰期待、不昰盼怀。 当初、昰谁说好,爱永远都在。 当初,昰谁说好、不会分开。 走在涐身边、你没有笑脸、涐知道你想开口说抱歉。 过去、就让他过去吧、既然已经昰发上过旳事情、就不必非要忘怀。也不必再见面。 有些时候、 相见 不如怀念。 涐永远都会记得你., 你呢? 很傻、很天真、 明明知道你不会回答、即使回答、也不会让涐 满意。 可昰涐还昰傻傻旳、想听你那句 、涐也一样。 最后告诉你一个小,秘密。 涐曾经好喜欢你。————-————我试着触摸阳光 却不小心被烫到双手 ————————你的灵魂太空旷了、静的只剩下回声。————————苍白无力的微笑 却仍旧是微笑。 ————————只要微笑一下、我就看见升起的太阳。是否一直在身边、迷糊一切爱你发觉原来、始终比不上她 ——————————岁月就象一条河,左岸是无法忘却的回忆,右岸是值得把握的青春年华,中间飞快流淌的,年轻隐隐的伤感。世间有许多美好的东西,但真正属于自己的却并不多。看庭前花开花落,荣辱不惊,望天上云卷云舒,去留无意。在这个纷绕的世俗世界里,能够学会用一颗平常的心去对待周围的一切,也是一种境界。 仰 起 头 ,天 空 中 旳 云 朵 将 阳 光 遮 住 ,只 剩 下 一 个 轮 廓 。 ————————琉璃、阳光下折射出一道道形影单只的光有人说,这光,是最美的葬礼、。 ————————公车的最后一排、插着耳机、听着安静的音乐、看着安静的树慢慢往后退去、又是一丝莫名的伤感、————————伤心的时候觉得笑、好难、但是、有时候开心时还是觉得笑、好难、像是掩饰什么、——————————有时候会莫名的伤心起来。那种感觉纠结着。但不知道是想什么。还是想谁。就像趴在阳台。看着叶子摇摇坠落。空空的。落向地面。还是被风吹起————————雨后、世界宛如被洗刷了一番。干净、透明。唯有那朵花慵懒的漂浮在水面。花瓣散尽、残缺不堪。嗅、却是清香依旧。 展开
2012-08-25 · TA获得超过1024个赞
There is a kind of liquid

Quietly slipped my cheek in the flower fragrance, completely forget, you leave the sadness left. I quietly against window, quietly gazing. Out of the salt dilute the past, I was sad, they don't know. Just occasionally, your smile will be in memory suddenly appear and disappear. Just occasionally, in the crowded streets or on a bus, I suddenly a little miss you accompany me together when you travel scenarios. Just occasionally, I will look at some and you're wearing the same boy slightly to some absent-minded. He years nutmeg, who make who heaven forever today coming of age at 20, I smile I never can end the sun reduces a lot of the sky floating with heavy clouds a mass of a mass of pure white put the sunshine scattering into many pieces of golden sky was beautifully decorated as Disney animation in the sky, it represents the love represents a better and also represent the unreal and impractical how you crying? What's wrong with you now began to cry? Still early? Really? Still early autumn wind hasn't come don't try so hard tears deserted the field is not the most spectacular pictures coming snow will put all these make more despair was looking forward to, can have a perfect end,. Ah, after all, is looking forward to, is looking forward to bosom. At the beginning, who is to say, love always in. At the beginning, who is to say, never be separated. Walking in E side, you didn't smiling face, E know you wanted to speak up I'm sorry. In the past, let him go, since you have is hair over the things, they don't have to forget. Don't meet again. In some cases, better meet you miss. E will always remember you. And you? Very silly, very naive, clearly know you won't answer, even if the answer, will not let E satisfaction. But is E also is silly, and want to listen to you that sentence, E too. Finally tell you a small, secret. E had good like you. -- -- - -- -- I tried to touch the sun did not care to be hot hands -- -- -- -- your soul is too open, static only echo. -- -- -- -- pale smile but is still smile. -- -- -- -- as long as the smile, I saw the rising sun. Whether have been around, confused all love you discover that originally, always can't match her -- -- -- -- -- time is like a river, left bank is unable to forget recollection, right bank is worth to grasp the youth, intermediate fast flowing, young faint sentimental. There are many good things, but truly belong to own but not much. See before the court flower, champions don't surprised, hope heaven clouds scud volume, has no intention of future. In this have wound secular world, can learn to use a normal heart to treat everything around him, is also a kind of realm. Lift up your head, day of empty the cloud one will Yang light curtain to live, with only a wheel profile. -- -- -- -- coloured glaze, the sun reflects around a single light someone said, this light, is the most beautiful funeral,. -- -- -- -- the bus of the last row, plug headphones, listening to quiet music, look at quiet tree slowly went back, and a sense of sadness, -- -- -- -- sad laugh and feel good difficult, but, sometimes happy still think smile, good hard, like hide what, -- -- -- -- -- sometimes sense of sad. That feeling is twisted. But don't know is to what. Still want to who. Just like on the balcony. Look at the leaves fall shake. Empty. Fell to the ground. Or be the wind -- -- -- -- after the rain, the world is like a wash. Clean and transparent. Only the flower lazy floating on the surface of the water. Petals scatter, missing unbearable. Smell, but still faint scent.
2012-08-25 · TA获得超过170个赞
There is a kind of liquid

Quietly slipped my cheek in the flower fragrance, completely forget, you leave the sadness left. I quietly against window, quietly gazing. Out of the salt dilute the past, I was sad, they don't know. Just occasionally, your smile will be in memory suddenly appear and disappear. Just occasionally, in the crowded streets or on a bus, I suddenly a little miss you accompany me together when you travel scenarios. Just occasionally, I will look at some and you're wearing the same boy slightly to some absent-minded. He years nutmeg, who make who heaven forever today coming of age at 20, I smile I never can end the sun reduces a lot of the sky floating with heavy clouds a mass of a mass of pure white put the sunshine scattering into many pieces of golden sky was beautifully decorated as Disney animation in the sky, it represents the love represents a better and also represent the unreal and impractical how you crying? What's wrong with you now began to cry? Still early? Really? Still early autumn wind hasn't come don't try so hard tears deserted the field is not the most spectacular pictures coming snow will put all these make more despair was looking forward to, can have a perfect end,. Ah, after all, is looking forward to, is looking forward to bosom. At the beginning, who is to say, love always in. At the beginning, who is to say, never be separated. Walking in E side, you didn't smiling face, E know you wanted to speak up I'm sorry. In the past, let him go, since you have is hair over the things, they don't have to forget. Don't meet again. In some cases, better meet you miss. E will always remember you. And you? Very silly, very naive, clearly know you won't answer, even if the answer, will not let E satisfaction. But is E also is silly, and want to listen to you that sentence, E too. Finally tell you a small, secret. E had good like you. -- -- - -- -- I tried to touch the sun did not care to be hot hands -- -- -- -- your soul is too open, static only echo. -- -- -- -- pale smile but is still smile. -- -- -- -- as long as the smile, I saw the rising sun. Whether have been around, confused all love you discover that originally, always can't match her -- -- -- -- -- time is like a river, left bank is unable to forget recollection, right bank is worth to grasp the youth, intermediate fast flowing, young faint sentimental. There are many good things, but truly belong to own but not much. See before the court flower, champions don't surprised, hope heaven clouds scud volume, has no intention of future. In this have wound secular world, can learn to use a normal heart to treat everything around him, is also a kind of realm. Lift up your head, day of empty the cloud one will Yang light curtain to live, with only a wheel profile. -- -- -- -- coloured glaze, the sun reflects around a single light someone said, this light, is the most beautiful funeral,. -- -- -- -- the bus of the last row, plug headphones, listening to quiet music, look at quiet tree slowly went back, and a sense of sadness, -- -- -- -- sad laugh and feel good difficult, but, sometimes happy still think smile, good hard, like hide what, -- -- -- -- -- sometimes sense of sad. That feeling is twisted. But don't know is to what. Still want to who. Just like on the balcony. Look at the leaves fall shake. Empty. Fell to the ground. Or be the wind -- -- -- -- after the rain, the world is like a wash. Clean and transparent. Only the flower lazy floating on the surface of the water. Petals scatter, missing unbearable. Smell, but still faint scent
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有一种液体 无声 无息滑落我脸颊 那朵花在飘香 完全忘了 你离开的时候留下的那种悲伤 我静静倚窗 默默的凝望 眼角的盐分稀释了过往 我在难过 他们都不知道 只是偶尔的,你的笑容还会在记忆里突然的出没 只是偶尔的,在人群拥挤的街头或者公车上,我会突然有点怀念你陪我一起出游时的情景 只是偶尔的,我会看着一些和你穿着一样的男生微微地有些走神 彼年豆蔻,谁许谁天上地久There is a kind of liquid quietly slipped my cheek in the flower fragrance forgot you leave the kind of sadness I leave quietly against window silently gazing out of the salt dilute the past I was sad they all don't know just occasionally, your smile will be in memory suddenly appear and disappear just occasionally, in the crowded streets or on a bus, I suddenly a little miss you accompany me together when you travel scene just occasionally, I will look at some and you're wearing the same boy slightly to some absent-minded and years nutmeg, who make who heaven forever
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There is a liquid silent ever on my face in the flower fragrance, completely forgot, you leave behind the sad. I quietly, silently staring out the window. Corner of the salt diluted the past, I am sorry, they don't know. Only once in a while, you smile will suddenly appear in the memory. Only once in a while, in a crowded street or on the bus, I suddenly miss you accompany me when traveling. Only once in a while, I will look at some and you are dressed like boys slightly some absent-minded. Another year of cardamom, who made who heaven long there later, I love sunshine weakened many sky floating thick clouds in a mass of a pure white to a sky full of sunshine scattering into numerous fragments of golden sky was decorated very beautiful like Disney cartoon sky represents love means bright also represents the illusory and unrealistic how you cry what you now began to cry as early as really early autumn is coming don't try so hard tears a barren field is not the most spectacular picture is coming snow will put it all to get more desperate to have a look, was very a perfect ending. Well, after all, is looking forward to, is not pregnant. Now, who is that, in love forever. At the outset, who is good, never be apart. Walk on my side, you do not smile, I know you want to say you're sorry. In the past, let him go, since it is made on things, do not have to forget. Also do not have to meet again. Sometimes, miss each other better. I will always remember you, you? Very silly, very naive, I know you not answer, even if the answer, will not let me satisfaction. Is I was stupid, you want to listen to that, I also like. Finally tell you a small, secret. I love you. -- -- -- -- -- I tried to touch the sun but was careful not to burn your hands -- -- -- -- your soul too empty, quiet only echo. -- -- -- -- but is still feeble smile smile. -- -- -- -- just smile, when I see the rising sun. Whether all around, confused all the love you find, always less than her -- -- -- -- -- time like a river, the left bank is unable to forget the memories, right is worth grasp the youth, the middle of fast flowing, young faint of sad. There are many good things, but really belongs to own but not much. See the blooming and falling flowers, Rongrubujing, hope heaven Yunjuanyunshu, has no intention to stay. This come around in the secular world, can learn to use a normal heart to treat all around, is also a kind of realm. Lifted her head in the clouds, the sky will be sunny covered, only a contour. -- -- -- -- glazed, the sun reflects a shadow only light someone says, this light, is the most beautiful funeral,. -- -- -- -- the bus to the last row, headphones, listening to music, watching the quiet quiet tree slowly backed away, is a sense of sadness, -- -- -- -- sad when think laugh, very difficult, but still feel happy, sometimes smile, very difficult, like, to cover up what -- -- -- -- -- sometimes inexplicable sad. That kind of feeling that haunt. But do not know what to think. Miss who. Like to lie on the balcony. Looking at the leaves begin to fall. Empty. Fall to the ground. Or to be blown up -- -- -- -- the world like rain, wash a. Clean, clear. Only the flower lazy floating in the water. Petals all broken. Olfactory, but is still fresh.
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