
幸福就在岸边,可是我们却好像在幸福的对岸,只能默默望着不远处不真切的幸福。 把心里面所有的祷告都写进日记里,希望有一天可以感动上帝。一路走来,我一直坚信,我们理...    幸福就在岸边,可是我们却好像在幸福的对岸,只能默默望着不远处不真切的幸福。 把心里面所有的祷告都写进日记里,希望有一天可以感动上帝。一路走来,我一直坚信,我们理性胜过感性。所以甘愿放弃一切只为你等待,等待你的感动;等待你的出现;等待你来给我一生的保护;因为你说有你在就没有人欺负我。就算我很在乎自尊又怎么样?我们依赖彼此、需要彼此,不得不承认。我们一直在勇敢的爱着,每分每秒都能证明。这个世界上,随时都可能会发生些史料不及的事情,我现在没有其它的愿望,假如明天就要消失,趁此刻我还爱着,只想记得被你抱着温暖的感觉!    长叹一口气,又是在这样的凌晨,我依然赖在电脑前,丝毫没有睡意……看你发给我的短信,看你的照片,折腾空间,听听伤感的情歌。今天你没有找我,甚至连一通电话、一条短信也没有。原来失去你的消息我是那么的焦躁不安,哪怕是一天。你怎么了?那颗坚定的心开始动摇了吗?胸口好闷,好堵!!并非我煽情,而是想想发生的事结合现实,结果,并不是我先前想象的那么完美,好失落……在这段感情中我扮演的究竟是一个什么样的角色?爱情这道课题真的好难学。看不到未来的我,好迷茫……似乎,无欲无求!很是苦恼!有人说:人之所以寂寞,是因为爱上一个人。我的心早已被你填得满满的!   莫名的烦躁,会想很多东西,无法安静。这是从来都没有过的焦虑,回想着,你向我说过的每一句话,然后,全心全意的等待着。我想:就算我很委屈,按着你的意思,一步一步,厚积薄发,慢慢实现。我以为,我不哭不闹,安安静静地等着,一定会等到那一天。可是,究竟发生了什么?记得你说现在给不了我什么其他的,只能保证每天打通电话,这也是你一直在做的。而这两天你连这句最简单的承诺都做不到了,接下来会不会发生更可怕的事?急得想哭,想靠着你的肩膀哭。那种很无力的感觉,直接是快要崩溃的感觉。难过,说不出的难过!命运就那么爱捉弄人吗?我们的故事就要那么悲伤吗?难道就要这样不了了之吗?我好想好想亲爱的你,我放下了尊严、放下了固执、放下了一切,却只是因为放不下你。  展开
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2012-08-31 · TA获得超过116个赞
Happiness is on the shore, but we can seem to be happy on the other side, only silently looking at nearby not true happiness. The heart of all prayers are written into the diary, hoping that one day I can move the god. Along the way, I believe, our emotional than rational. He was willing to give up everything just waiting for you, waiting for you to move; waiting for you; for you to give me a lifetime of protection; because you say you at no one bully me. Even if I really care about self-esteem and how? We rely on each other, need each other, to admit. We have been in love with, every minute can prove. In this world, at any time may occur some historical data is inferior to thing, I have no other desire, if tomorrow will disappear, while now I still love, only want to remember your holding a warm feeling! Sighed, and in the morning, I still stay in front of the computer, no sleep ... ... Can you send me the message, see your photos, in space, listen to sad love songs. Today you did not find me, even a phone call, a text message or not. You lose the original news I was so nervous, even for a day. What's the matter with you? That firm heart began to shake? Chest good stuffy, well plugging!! I am not sensational, but think about what happened with reality, the result is not my imagination, so perfect, so lost ... ... In this section of the feelings I play is a what kind of role? Love this task is really difficult to learn. See me in the future, good luck ... ... Seem, beg for nothing! Very upset! Some people say: people are lonely, because love a person. My heart has already been filled full of you! Inexplicable irritability, want a lot of things, not quiet. It is never too anxious, remember, you said to me every sentence, then, put one's heart and soul into the waiting. I think: if I am wronged, according to your meaning, step by step, accumulate steadily, realize slowly. I think, I don't cry to be troubled, quietly waiting for, will wait for the day. But, what happened? Remember you said now give me what other, only to ensure that the daily call, this is what you've been doing. And the two day you even the most simple promise is not done, the next will not occur more terrible thing? To cry, to cry on your shoulder. That groggy feeling, the feeling is going to collapse directly. Sorry, can't say sorry! Fate then loves playing tricks on people? Our story is so sad? Is this it is necessary to settle a matter by leaving it unsettled? I miss you, I put down the dignity, obstinacy, put down everything, but only because cannot lay down you.
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2012-09-08 · TA获得超过1287个赞
Happiness is on the shore, but we can seem to be happy on the other side, only silently looking at nearby not true happiness. The heart of all prayers are written into the diary, hoping that one day I can move the god. Along the way, I believe, our emotional than rational. He was willing to give up everything just waiting for you, waiting for you to move; waiting for you; for you to give me a lifetime of protection; because you say you at no one bully me. Even if I really care about self-esteem and how? We rely on each other, need each other, to admit. We have been in love with, every minute can prove. In this world, at any time may occur some historical data is inferior to thing, I have no other desire, if tomorrow will disappear, while now I still love, only want to remember your holding a warm feeling! Sighed, and in the morning, I still stay in front of the computer, no sleep ... ... Can you send me the message, see your photos, in space, listen to sad love songs. Today you did not find me, even a phone call, a text message or not. You lose the original news I was so nervous, even for a day. What's the matter with you? That firm heart began to shake? Chest good stuffy, well plugging!! I am not sensational, but think about what happened with reality, the result is not my imagination, so perfect, so lost ... ... In this section of the feelings I play is a what kind of role? Love this task is really difficult to learn. See me in the future, good luck ... ... Seem, beg for nothing! Very upset! Some people say: people are lonely, because love a person. My heart has already been filled full of you! Inexplicable irritability, want a lot of things, not quiet. It is never too anxious, remember, you said to me every sentence, then, put one's heart and soul into the waiting. I think: if I am wronged, according to your meaning, step by step, accumulate steadily, realize slowly. I think, I don't cry to be troubled, quietly waiting for, will wait for the day. But, what happened? Remember you said now give me what other, only to ensure that the daily call, this is what you've been doing. And the two day you even the most simple promise is not done, the next will not occur more terrible thing? To cry, to cry on your shoulder. That groggy feeling, the feeling is going to collapse directly. Sorry, can't say sorry! Fate then loves playing tricks on people? Our story is so sad? Is this it is necessary to settle a matter by leaving it unsettled? I miss you, I put down the dignity, obstinacy, put down everything, but only because cannot lay down you.
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