Green trade barrier ( gtb ) is more and more used as a kind of non - tariff trade barrier in the international trade field ( and mostly used by developed countries )
“绿色壁垒”是目前国际贸易中越来越多为各国(主要是发达国家)所应用的一种非关税壁垒,这种壁垒符合相关 国际贸易协定 且名义合理,即使我国顺利加入wto也无法避免。
The hong kong special administrative region may , using the name " hong kong , china " , participate in relevant international organizations and international trade agreements including preferential trade arrangements , such as the general agreement on tariffs and trade and arrangements regarding international trade in textiles
香港特别行政区可以"中国香港"的名义参加关税和贸易总协定关于国际纺织品贸易安排等有关国际组织和 国际贸易协定 ,包括优惠贸易安排。
The hong kong special administrative region may , using the name " hong kong , china " , participate in relevant international organizations and international trade agreements ( including preferential trade arrangements ) , such as the general agreement on tariffs and trade and arrangements regarding international trade in textiles
香港特别行政区可以“中国香港”的名义参加《关税和贸易总协定》 、关于国际纺织品贸易安排等有关国际组织和 国际贸易协定 ,包括优惠贸易安排。
The hong kong special administrative region may , using the name " hong kong , china " , participate in relevant international organizations and international trade agreements ( including preferential trade arrangements ) , such as the general agreement on tariffs and trade and arrangements regarding international trade in textiles
香港特别行政区可以"中国香港"的名义参加《关税和贸易总协定》 、关于国际纺织品贸易安排等有关国际组织和 国际贸易协定 ,包括优惠贸易安排。