We recommend that you include in your portfolio a combination of work in a variety of media. Include works that are a reflection of your time and place in relation to the immediate world, tell a story or show how you have developed a theme or an idea in your work. Select and use materials and techniques that best suit your ideas. These may include two and three dimensional, traditional and nontraditional materials and techniques. It is recommended that at least 50% of your portfolio work should be self-directed projects, i.e., work done outside of structured art classes. Do not include work that is copied or rendered directly from photographs, magazine clippings or images derived from other artists' works. If you have worked on a collaborative project, please indicate what you have directly contributed to the project. Thumbnail drawings & sketches that illustrate your research and process are encouraged.
我们建议您在您的投资组合相结合的工作,在各种媒体。包括工程,是反映了您的时间和地点,在关系到切身世界,讲一个故事或显示你如何制定了一个主题或一个想法在你的工作。选择和使用材料和技术最适合您的想法。这些参数可能包括2和三维,传统和非传统材料和技术。这是建议,在至少50 %的工作,您的投资组合应自我导向的项目,即所做的工作以外的结构艺术课。不包括工作是复制或直接从所提供的照片,剪报,杂志或图片来自其他艺术家的作品。如果您有工作的一个合作项目,请说明您有直接贡献的项目。缩图图纸及写生,说明您的研究和进程感到鼓舞。