When Sarah Cohen’s acne drove her to visit a dermatologist in July, that’s what she
figured she’d be doing — visiting a dermatologist. But at the hospital on
Nantucket, where her family spends summers, Ms. Cohen, 19, was perplexed.
“I thought I was going to see aregular doctor,” she said, but instead she saw “this giant screen.”
Suddenly,two doctors appeared on the video screen: dermatologists in Boston. A nurse in
the room with Ms. Cohen held a magnifying camera to her face, and suggested she
closed her eyes.
Why? she wondered — then understood. The camera transmitted images of her face on screen, so the doctors could eyeball every bump and crater. “Oh my God, I
thought I was going to cry,” Ms. Cohen recalled. “Even if you’ve never seen
that pimple before, it’s there.”
That, she realized, was the point. Technology, like these cameras and screens, is
making it affordable and effective for doctors to examine patients without
actually being there.
More hospitals and medical practices are adopting these techniques, finding they
save money and for some patients work as well as flesh-and-blood visits.
“There has been a shift in the belief that telemedicine can only be used for rural
areas to a belief that it can be used anywhere,” said Dr. Peter Yellowlees,
director of the health informatics program at the University of California,
Davis, and a board member of the American Telemedicine Association. “Before,
you had to make do with poor quality, or buy a very expensive system. Now, you
can buy a $100 webcam and do high-quality videoconferencing.”
The technology is especially being embraced in professions like ophthalmology,
psychiatry and dermatology, which face shortages of physicians. At Kaiser
Permanente, dermatologists “sit in a suite in San Francisco” and tele-treat
patients throughout Northern California, Dr. Yellowlees said. “It’s much more
efficient than having 20 hospitals, each with a dermatologist.” On Nantucket, an island 30 miles from the nearest spit of mainland, “telemedicine just makes a lot of sense,” said Dr. Margot Hartmann, chief executive officer of Nantucket Cottage Hospital. “It allows us to meet the mission of the hospital better
because we’re offering more locally,” and saves patients the cost and time of
flying or ferrying off-island, then driving to Cape Cod or Boston hospitals.
地名像Nantucket 这样的就不用翻译了~
最好不要literal translation~~~
我说过了不要literal translation~~~ 像楼下几个literal translation的就别发上来了。
Holycigar@126.com 发这个U箱即可注明你是谁 我挑出好的给分谢谢。
When Sarah Cohen’s acne drove her to visit a dermatologist in July。
Sarah Cohen的痤疮使她不得不在七月去见一见皮肤科医生了。
像这样 但是希望更好一点不要像我这样字面翻译的。
译文我说了发邮箱才有效在这里发的一律不给分 展开
figured she’d be doing — visiting a dermatologist. But at the hospital on
Nantucket, where her family spends summers, Ms. Cohen, 19, was perplexed.
“I thought I was going to see aregular doctor,” she said, but instead she saw “this giant screen.”
Suddenly,two doctors appeared on the video screen: dermatologists in Boston. A nurse in
the room with Ms. Cohen held a magnifying camera to her face, and suggested she
closed her eyes.
Why? she wondered — then understood. The camera transmitted images of her face on screen, so the doctors could eyeball every bump and crater. “Oh my God, I
thought I was going to cry,” Ms. Cohen recalled. “Even if you’ve never seen
that pimple before, it’s there.”
That, she realized, was the point. Technology, like these cameras and screens, is
making it affordable and effective for doctors to examine patients without
actually being there.
More hospitals and medical practices are adopting these techniques, finding they
save money and for some patients work as well as flesh-and-blood visits.
“There has been a shift in the belief that telemedicine can only be used for rural
areas to a belief that it can be used anywhere,” said Dr. Peter Yellowlees,
director of the health informatics program at the University of California,
Davis, and a board member of the American Telemedicine Association. “Before,
you had to make do with poor quality, or buy a very expensive system. Now, you
can buy a $100 webcam and do high-quality videoconferencing.”
The technology is especially being embraced in professions like ophthalmology,
psychiatry and dermatology, which face shortages of physicians. At Kaiser
Permanente, dermatologists “sit in a suite in San Francisco” and tele-treat
patients throughout Northern California, Dr. Yellowlees said. “It’s much more
efficient than having 20 hospitals, each with a dermatologist.” On Nantucket, an island 30 miles from the nearest spit of mainland, “telemedicine just makes a lot of sense,” said Dr. Margot Hartmann, chief executive officer of Nantucket Cottage Hospital. “It allows us to meet the mission of the hospital better
because we’re offering more locally,” and saves patients the cost and time of
flying or ferrying off-island, then driving to Cape Cod or Boston hospitals.
地名像Nantucket 这样的就不用翻译了~
最好不要literal translation~~~
我说过了不要literal translation~~~ 像楼下几个literal translation的就别发上来了。
Holycigar@126.com 发这个U箱即可注明你是谁 我挑出好的给分谢谢。
When Sarah Cohen’s acne drove her to visit a dermatologist in July。
Sarah Cohen的痤疮使她不得不在七月去见一见皮肤科医生了。
像这样 但是希望更好一点不要像我这样字面翻译的。
译文我说了发邮箱才有效在这里发的一律不给分 展开