随着我国的经济实力不断增强,汽车工业在我国也迅速发展起来,我国人口众多,已成为当今世界上的汽车产销大国。汽车数量的不断增加,导致报废汽车的数字也在不断变大,如果废旧汽车得不到妥善的处理,就会造成环境和交通的一系列问题,由此所产生的的资源短缺的问题也在一定程度上阻碍了汽车工业的可持续发展。因此,如何处理好报废汽车的回收并最大限度的利用汽车各个零部件的使用价值成了现在汽车产业的一个重要的问题。汽车逆向物流是提高报废汽车各零部件的利用率、保护环境、节约资源和实现可持续发展的重要措施。本文在我国报废汽车逆向物流的基础上针对云南省的情况进行深入了解,分析了一系列存在的主要问题,并对其提出了一些发展对策。 展开
随着我国的经济实力不断增强,汽车工业在我国也迅速发展起来,我国人口众多,已成为当今世界上的汽车产销大国。汽车数量的不断增加,导致报废汽车的数字也在不断变大,如果废旧汽车得不到妥善的处理,就会造成环境和交通的一系列问题,由此所产生的的资源短缺的问题也在一定程度上阻碍了汽车工业的可持续发展。因此,如何处理好报废汽车的回收并最大限度的利用汽车各个零部件的使用价值成了现在汽车产业的一个重要的问题。汽车逆向物流是提高报废汽车各零部件的利用率、保护环境、节约资源和实现可持续发展的重要措施。本文在我国报废汽车逆向物流的基础上针对云南省的情况进行深入了解,分析了一系列存在的主要问题,并对其提出了一些发展对策。 展开
The status analysis and tactics for the reverse logistics of scraped car in YunNan province.
As our country’s economic strength increases, its mobile industry has also developed. With a large number of population, China has become a big country of car production and marketing. As a result of the augment of the cars, the number of the scrapped cars is also boosted. If not processed properly, the scrapped cars will cause a series of problems to the environment and traffic, which will cause a further problem--resource shortage, blocking the sustainable development of the mobile industry to a certain degree. So, It has become a important problem to the mobile industry that how to recycle the scrapped cars and get the most from the parts. Automobile reverse logistics is an important way of enhancing the parts utilization rate of the scrapped cars, environment protection, resource economization, and achieving sustainable development. On the basis of the reverse logistics of our country, this paper made a insight into the situation in YunNan province,analysed the problems that exist and then put forward some tactics for its development.
As our country’s economic strength increases, its mobile industry has also developed. With a large number of population, China has become a big country of car production and marketing. As a result of the augment of the cars, the number of the scrapped cars is also boosted. If not processed properly, the scrapped cars will cause a series of problems to the environment and traffic, which will cause a further problem--resource shortage, blocking the sustainable development of the mobile industry to a certain degree. So, It has become a important problem to the mobile industry that how to recycle the scrapped cars and get the most from the parts. Automobile reverse logistics is an important way of enhancing the parts utilization rate of the scrapped cars, environment protection, resource economization, and achieving sustainable development. On the basis of the reverse logistics of our country, this paper made a insight into the situation in YunNan province,analysed the problems that exist and then put forward some tactics for its development.