By assuming constant molar overflow and constant
relative volatilities among the components, Fidkowski
and Krolikowski [4, 5] have demonstrated that
the minimum vapor flow that corresponds to the minimum
energy consumption for each column sections in
the system is a function of the fractional recovery of
the intermediate component, namely component B, in
the top product of the prefractionator in Fig. 1 (a), or
the top product of column Section 5 in the DWC in
Fig. 1 (b), which is defined as 展开
relative volatilities among the components, Fidkowski
and Krolikowski [4, 5] have demonstrated that
the minimum vapor flow that corresponds to the minimum
energy consumption for each column sections in
the system is a function of the fractional recovery of
the intermediate component, namely component B, in
the top product of the prefractionator in Fig. 1 (a), or
the top product of column Section 5 in the DWC in
Fig. 1 (b), which is defined as 展开