
B.ProvisionsbriefingAsitstitleindicates,theNetworkCopyrightInterpretationaimstosetupt... B. Provisions briefing
As its title indicates, the Network Copyright Interpretation aims to set up trial guidance on copyright dispute cases under the networked environment. Generally speaking, causes of action to bring a suit arising from copyright disputes comprise breach of copyright contract and copyright infringement. As far as the former type of suit is concerned, interested parties must comply with contract law and special stipulations in other laws regarding copyright agreements. What the Network Copyright Interpretation mainly concerns are matters related to copyright infringement involving computer networks. In particular, the ten-article Interpretation addresses such aspects of copyright infringement as jurisdiction,14 statutory permission,15 liability of Internet Service providers (ISP’s) and Internet Content Providers (ICP’s),16 validity of a warning and request,17 limitations of liability,18 applicable provisions of copyright law,19 and damages.20
Basically, these provisions are set forth by extending the traditional copyright practices to the network scenario. In some circumstances, they have also taken into consideration the features of networks, particularly the Internet. For example, by China’s Civil Procedure Law — a proceeding initiated on a tortious act shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the court in the locality where the tort is committed or where the defendant has his domicile.21 As for the locality where the tort is committed, it refers to the venue either where infringing acts have taken place or where the results of infringement have their effect.22 All these stipulations have directly entered into the Network Copyright Interpretation, for example:
[c]ases involving copyright infringement disputes on the Internet are subject to the jurisdiction of the court in the locality where the infringement takes place or where the defendant resides.23
In the meantime, in consideration of the fact that the network infringement must be done through computer hardware, this judicial interpretation prescribes that the place where the infringing act is committed can include locations where network servers and computer terminals exist, by means of which the alleged infringements are executed.24
Additionally, due to the network’s characteristics, it could be very difficult to track down the infringer and his/her residence. Thus, the Interpretation has further prescribed an alternative to determine the jurisdiction court: the location of the computer equipment (e.g. terminals) on which the infringing content has been found by the plaintiff might be considered as the locality where the infringing act is committed.25
2008-06-04 · TA获得超过1.3万个赞
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正如其名称所示,网络著作权的解释,目的是成立审判指导,对版权纠纷案件网络环境下。一般来说,原因行动,把一个适应所引起的版权纠纷,包括违反版权合同和侵权。据前类型的诉讼而言,有兴趣的各方都必须遵守合同法和特别规定在其他法律中有关版权的协议。是什么网络版权的解释,主要关切是有关的事项涉及侵犯版权的计算机网络。特别是, 10条释义的地址等方面的侵犯版权的作为管辖, 14的法定许可, 15个责任性互联网信息服务提供者( ISP )和互联网内容提供商( ICP备的) , 16的有效性提出警告和要求, 17责任限制,适用于18岁的规定,著作权法, 19日和damages.20
基本上,这些规定提出的扩大传统版权的做法,以网络的情况。在某些情况下,他们也考虑到网络的特点,特别是因特网。举例来说,中国的民事诉讼法-一项诉讼一开始就侵权的行为应受到法院的管辖权在当地的地方是侵权或承诺,如被告有他的d omicile.21至于地方的地方侵权承诺,它是指以场地,无论是那里的侵权行为,已采取地方或所在的结果,侵犯他们的effect.22所有这些规定,都直接进入网络著作权的解释,例如:
另外,由于网络的特点,它可能非常难以追踪侵权和他/她的居住地。因此,释义,进一步明替代,以确定管辖权的法院:位置的计算机设备(如码头) ,即侵权的内容已发现的,由原告可能被视为当地的地方侵权的行为是committed.25

参考资料: http://translate.google.cn

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