1,孔融让梨的故事 孔融小时候聪明好学,才思敏捷,巧言妙答,大家都夸他是奇童。4岁时,他已能背诵许多诗赋,并且懂得礼节,父母亲非常喜爱他。
2,程门立雪的故事 二程是洛阳伊川人,同是宋代著名儒学家。二程学说,后来为朱熹继承和发展,世称“程朱学派”。杨时、游酢,向二程求学,非常恭敬。杨游二人,原先以程颢为师,程颢去世后,他们都已四十岁,而且已考上了进士,然而他们还要去找程颐继续求学。故事就发生在他们初次到嵩阳书院,登门拜见程颐的那天。
相传,一日杨时、游酢,来到嵩阳书院拜见程颐,正遇上这位老先生闭目养神,坐着假睡。程颐明知有两个客人来了,他欲不言不动,不予理睬。杨、游二人怕打扰先生休息,只好恭恭敬敬,肃然待立,一声不吭等候他睁开眼来。如此等了好半天,程颐才如萝初醒,见了杨、游,装作一惊说道:“啊!啊!贤辈早在此呼!”意思是说你们两个还在这儿没走啊。那天正是冬季很冷的一天,不知什么时候,开始下起雪来。门外积雪,有一尺多深。 1, The Story of Jung Kongrongrangli intelligent as a child to learn, quick imaginative power, Qiao Yan Miao-A, it is odd that he Doukua child. 4-year-old, he has been able to recite many poems, and know how to courtesy, and parents love him very much.
Day, father and bought some pears, especially the largest selection of a pear to Jung, Jung shook her head, but also picking up a minimum of fatigue pears, said: "I am the youngest, should eat the small pears, pear you that Brother gave it. "Hearing this, his father a very pleasant surprise. Kongrongrangli story soon spread to Qufu, and has been handed down, many of the parents to educate their children has become a good example.
Li Xue-door story
"Li Xue-door," the story, said that when the Song Dynasty scholar Yang and Yu Cheng Hao Cheng Yi health to seek the apprentice thing.
2, Li Xue-door two-way is the story of Luoyang Ikawa, with the Song Dynasty is well-known family of Confucianism. Two-way theory, and later as the inheritance and development of Zhu Xi, the Bank said, "Neo-school." Yang, travel health, two-way to school, very respectful. Yu Yang, both former teachers in order to Cheng Hao, Cheng Hao's death, they were 40 years old, and has been admitted to the examination, but they have to go to Cheng Yi continue their studies. The story took place in their first College to Song Yang, Cheng Yi-door pay day.
Legend has it that day Yang, travel health, came to the College Song Yang Cheng Yi met, the event is the repose his eyes closed, sitting off to sleep. Cheng Yi knowing that there are two guests arrived, he speaks not want to move to ignore. Yang, the two travel Pada Rao, Mr. rest, so respectful, with respect to be legislation, he opened his eyes to wait for silence. Hao Bantian waited so, if only La Chu Xing Cheng Yi, met with Yang Yu, pretending to be surprised and said: "ah! Ah! Generation-hyun as early as this call!" This means that the two of you still do not go here Ah. It was very cold winter day of the day, I do not know when that started to snow. Snow outside, there are more than a foot deep.
2,程门立雪的故事 二程是洛阳伊川人,同是宋代著名儒学家。二程学说,后来为朱熹继承和发展,世称“程朱学派”。杨时、游酢,向二程求学,非常恭敬。杨游二人,原先以程颢为师,程颢去世后,他们都已四十岁,而且已考上了进士,然而他们还要去找程颐继续求学。故事就发生在他们初次到嵩阳书院,登门拜见程颐的那天。
相传,一日杨时、游酢,来到嵩阳书院拜见程颐,正遇上这位老先生闭目养神,坐着假睡。程颐明知有两个客人来了,他欲不言不动,不予理睬。杨、游二人怕打扰先生休息,只好恭恭敬敬,肃然待立,一声不吭等候他睁开眼来。如此等了好半天,程颐才如萝初醒,见了杨、游,装作一惊说道:“啊!啊!贤辈早在此呼!”意思是说你们两个还在这儿没走啊。那天正是冬季很冷的一天,不知什么时候,开始下起雪来。门外积雪,有一尺多深。 1, The Story of Jung Kongrongrangli intelligent as a child to learn, quick imaginative power, Qiao Yan Miao-A, it is odd that he Doukua child. 4-year-old, he has been able to recite many poems, and know how to courtesy, and parents love him very much.
Day, father and bought some pears, especially the largest selection of a pear to Jung, Jung shook her head, but also picking up a minimum of fatigue pears, said: "I am the youngest, should eat the small pears, pear you that Brother gave it. "Hearing this, his father a very pleasant surprise. Kongrongrangli story soon spread to Qufu, and has been handed down, many of the parents to educate their children has become a good example.
Li Xue-door story
"Li Xue-door," the story, said that when the Song Dynasty scholar Yang and Yu Cheng Hao Cheng Yi health to seek the apprentice thing.
2, Li Xue-door two-way is the story of Luoyang Ikawa, with the Song Dynasty is well-known family of Confucianism. Two-way theory, and later as the inheritance and development of Zhu Xi, the Bank said, "Neo-school." Yang, travel health, two-way to school, very respectful. Yu Yang, both former teachers in order to Cheng Hao, Cheng Hao's death, they were 40 years old, and has been admitted to the examination, but they have to go to Cheng Yi continue their studies. The story took place in their first College to Song Yang, Cheng Yi-door pay day.
Legend has it that day Yang, travel health, came to the College Song Yang Cheng Yi met, the event is the repose his eyes closed, sitting off to sleep. Cheng Yi knowing that there are two guests arrived, he speaks not want to move to ignore. Yang, the two travel Pada Rao, Mr. rest, so respectful, with respect to be legislation, he opened his eyes to wait for silence. Hao Bantian waited so, if only La Chu Xing Cheng Yi, met with Yang Yu, pretending to be surprised and said: "ah! Ah! Generation-hyun as early as this call!" This means that the two of you still do not go here Ah. It was very cold winter day of the day, I do not know when that started to snow. Snow outside, there are more than a foot deep.