一 我国现在商标翻译中存在的问题
我国现在有些商标词的翻译只是直接按照字面翻译成英语, 没有考虑其民族文化差异, 译出来的东西有悖于西方文化。我国商标词英译时大概存在四种情况:
11 译名不符目的语文化。例如, 英国人不喜欢大象、颇喜欢熊猫; 意大利人和西班牙人喜欢玫瑰花, 忌用菊花; 在中国文化中, 龙是皇权的象征, 所以中文商标词有很多的是以“龙”为商标词的, 而英语中的“龙”(dragon) 则是一种邪恶的动物, 是凶残肆虐的, 应当消灭。因此, 英语中没有以“龙”为商标词的。又如在中国传统文化中,“蝠”与“福”谐音, 所以蝙蝠也因此而被当成是吉祥. 有些商品就用“蝙蝠”来命名,如“蝙蝠牌”灯和“蝙蝠牌”吊扇等。但英语文化中把蝙蝠当做疯狂而眼瞎的吸血动物, 没有一点吉祥之意, 所以, 当此类商品销至英国时自然不受欢迎。
21 有政治隐喻。“大鹏”帆布鞋, 被译为ROC。大鹏在中国是神话中神鸟, 在英语里也是神话中的巨
鸟, 从这个意义上说, 翻译无可非议。但作为商标,字母又大写, 与“中华民国”的英文缩写一样, 当然不行。还有“白熊”商标, 被译为“Polar Bear”。白熊生活在北极. 英语却是叫Polar bear , 但这两个词在国际政治中有其特殊含义, 为避免误会, 可改为White Bear 。
31 译名不雅。“雄鸡”牌闹钟(原译文“GoldenCock Alarm Clock) 汉语中有“雄鸡报晓”的说法, 以“雄鸡”做闹钟的商标比喻同闹钟会像雄鸡一样响亮地报时, 同时“雄鸡”在中国也是吉祥物. 红白喜事上常以雄鸡作摆设。但是, cock 一词在英语中底禁忌语、下流话, 正式英语中避用该词。用cock 一词作产品商标必然损害商品的形象, 也使国外消费者望而生厌。Golden Cock 这个商标译文在海外的窘境当时引起了中国出口商———天津进出口公司的重视。他们立即更换了商标Golden Cock 改为Golden Rooster (电影“金鸡”奖也用Rooster 这个词) 。
41 拼音型。我国有些企业对商标英译时使用拼音, 如“五粮液” (Wuliangye) , “董酒” (Dongjiu) .有些企业使用威妥玛式拼音, 如贵州“茅台” ( Kwei2chow Moutai) , “竹叶青” (Chuyeh Ching Chiew) . 我觉得, 中国的著名商标如“茅台”酒在国外已有相当的知名度, 音译不会成问题; 而那些目前还缺乏国际知名度的中国商标, 音译似乎等于没译。
二 排除文化差异所造成的障碍的方法
11 取音译的办法, 对原商标词进行文化信息的增补。如: 日本丰田汽车制造厂推出商标为L EXUS 的豪华型轿车。“L EXUS”这一商标虽有些近似英文单词“LUXURY”, 但也没有特殊的文化含义。然而,当这种轿车在中国开始销售时, 日本丰田汽车制造厂的经营管理家们决定将“L EXUS”音译成中文“凌志”。“凌志”二字使中国人产生一种“腾空飞驰”的含义。
21 采取音译的方法, 并结合其产品的特点, 突出该产品的优点。如: 中外合资的洗发产品“飘柔”也是商标翻译中的经典之作。译者没有将“Rejoice”一词音译也没有直译为“欢欣”。而是大胆才用意译, 以“飘柔”二字表现其产品的卓越性能。
31 音译和意译兼顾, 不求貌似但求神似。如: 香港金利来公司将英文“GOLD LION”译成中文“金利来”。在英语里, “GOLD L ION”本为“金狮”, 象征“勇猛、权威与无畏”, 这很符合西方关于男子汉这一文化概念的标准, 但译为中文, 该商标则含有一份“黄金财运滚滚来”的意思, 这种译法迎合了中国人祈望“财运亨通”的心态, 敲开了市场大门。
真是无聊的人真多啊! 展开
我国现在有些商标词的翻译只是直接按照字面翻译成英语, 没有考虑其民族文化差异, 译出来的东西有悖于西方文化。我国商标词英译时大概存在四种情况:
11 译名不符目的语文化。例如, 英国人不喜欢大象、颇喜欢熊猫; 意大利人和西班牙人喜欢玫瑰花, 忌用菊花; 在中国文化中, 龙是皇权的象征, 所以中文商标词有很多的是以“龙”为商标词的, 而英语中的“龙”(dragon) 则是一种邪恶的动物, 是凶残肆虐的, 应当消灭。因此, 英语中没有以“龙”为商标词的。又如在中国传统文化中,“蝠”与“福”谐音, 所以蝙蝠也因此而被当成是吉祥. 有些商品就用“蝙蝠”来命名,如“蝙蝠牌”灯和“蝙蝠牌”吊扇等。但英语文化中把蝙蝠当做疯狂而眼瞎的吸血动物, 没有一点吉祥之意, 所以, 当此类商品销至英国时自然不受欢迎。
21 有政治隐喻。“大鹏”帆布鞋, 被译为ROC。大鹏在中国是神话中神鸟, 在英语里也是神话中的巨
鸟, 从这个意义上说, 翻译无可非议。但作为商标,字母又大写, 与“中华民国”的英文缩写一样, 当然不行。还有“白熊”商标, 被译为“Polar Bear”。白熊生活在北极. 英语却是叫Polar bear , 但这两个词在国际政治中有其特殊含义, 为避免误会, 可改为White Bear 。
31 译名不雅。“雄鸡”牌闹钟(原译文“GoldenCock Alarm Clock) 汉语中有“雄鸡报晓”的说法, 以“雄鸡”做闹钟的商标比喻同闹钟会像雄鸡一样响亮地报时, 同时“雄鸡”在中国也是吉祥物. 红白喜事上常以雄鸡作摆设。但是, cock 一词在英语中底禁忌语、下流话, 正式英语中避用该词。用cock 一词作产品商标必然损害商品的形象, 也使国外消费者望而生厌。Golden Cock 这个商标译文在海外的窘境当时引起了中国出口商———天津进出口公司的重视。他们立即更换了商标Golden Cock 改为Golden Rooster (电影“金鸡”奖也用Rooster 这个词) 。
41 拼音型。我国有些企业对商标英译时使用拼音, 如“五粮液” (Wuliangye) , “董酒” (Dongjiu) .有些企业使用威妥玛式拼音, 如贵州“茅台” ( Kwei2chow Moutai) , “竹叶青” (Chuyeh Ching Chiew) . 我觉得, 中国的著名商标如“茅台”酒在国外已有相当的知名度, 音译不会成问题; 而那些目前还缺乏国际知名度的中国商标, 音译似乎等于没译。
二 排除文化差异所造成的障碍的方法
11 取音译的办法, 对原商标词进行文化信息的增补。如: 日本丰田汽车制造厂推出商标为L EXUS 的豪华型轿车。“L EXUS”这一商标虽有些近似英文单词“LUXURY”, 但也没有特殊的文化含义。然而,当这种轿车在中国开始销售时, 日本丰田汽车制造厂的经营管理家们决定将“L EXUS”音译成中文“凌志”。“凌志”二字使中国人产生一种“腾空飞驰”的含义。
21 采取音译的方法, 并结合其产品的特点, 突出该产品的优点。如: 中外合资的洗发产品“飘柔”也是商标翻译中的经典之作。译者没有将“Rejoice”一词音译也没有直译为“欢欣”。而是大胆才用意译, 以“飘柔”二字表现其产品的卓越性能。
31 音译和意译兼顾, 不求貌似但求神似。如: 香港金利来公司将英文“GOLD LION”译成中文“金利来”。在英语里, “GOLD L ION”本为“金狮”, 象征“勇猛、权威与无畏”, 这很符合西方关于男子汉这一文化概念的标准, 但译为中文, 该商标则含有一份“黄金财运滚滚来”的意思, 这种译法迎合了中国人祈望“财运亨通”的心态, 敲开了市场大门。
真是无聊的人真多啊! 展开
一 我国现在商标翻译中存在的问题
我国现在有些商标词的翻译只是直接按照字面翻译成英语, 没有考虑其民族文化差异, 译出来的东西有悖于西方文化。我国商标词英译时大概存在四种情况:
11 译名不符目的语文化。例如, 英国人不喜欢大象、颇喜欢熊猫; 意大利人和西班牙人喜欢玫瑰花, 忌用菊花; 在中国文化中, 龙是皇权的象征, 所以中文商标词有很多的是以“龙”为商标词的, 而英语中的“龙”(dragon) 则是一种邪恶的动物, 是凶残肆虐的, 应当消灭。因此, 英语中没有以“龙”为商标词的。又如在中国传统文化中,“蝠”与“福”谐音, 所以蝙蝠也因此而被当成是吉祥. 有些商品就用“蝙蝠”来命名,如“蝙蝠牌”灯和“蝙蝠牌”吊扇等。但英语文化中把蝙蝠当做疯狂而眼瞎的吸血动物, 没有一点吉祥之意, 所以, 当此类商品销至英国时自然不受欢迎。
First, existing problems in the translation of brands in China
Today, some of the translations of the Chinese brands are from the literal meanings of their characters without the consideration of cultural differences; therefore, the translations are sometimes not consistent with the western culture. There are four situations in the translation of Chinese brands.
11 the translation does not apply for the culture of the target language. For instance, British people dislike elephants but pandas; Italian and Spanish are in favor of roses while chrysanthemums are their taboo; in Chinese culture, dragon is the symbol of royalty, thus many Chinese brands consist of the character of dragon, while in English, dragon is an evil monster that is vicious and deserve eradicated. As a result, there are no mentions of dragons in any English brand. Another example would be that in Chinese tradition, bat is harmonious with luck in pronunciation, so that bad is also considered auspicious. Some products are named after a bat such as the Bat light and the Bat fan. However, in western culture, bats are crazy and blind animal that feed on blood with any sense of goodness. In this way, products mentioned above are surely not popular in Britain.
一 我国现在商标翻译中存在的问题
我国现在有些商标词的翻译只是直接按照字面翻译成英语, 没有考虑其民族文化差异, 译出来的东西有悖于西方文化。我国商标词英译时大概存在四种情况:
11 译名不符目的语文化。例如, 英国人不喜欢大象、颇喜欢熊猫; 意大利人和西班牙人喜欢玫瑰花, 忌用菊花; 在中国文化中, 龙是皇权的象征, 所以中文商标词有很多的是以“龙”为商标词的, 而英语中的“龙”(dragon) 则是一种邪恶的动物, 是凶残肆虐的, 应当消灭。因此, 英语中没有以“龙”为商标词的。又如在中国传统文化中,“蝠”与“福”谐音, 所以蝙蝠也因此而被当成是吉祥. 有些商品就用“蝙蝠”来命名,如“蝙蝠牌”灯和“蝙蝠牌”吊扇等。但英语文化中把蝙蝠当做疯狂而眼瞎的吸血动物, 没有一点吉祥之意, 所以, 当此类商品销至英国时自然不受欢迎。
First, existing problems in the translation of brands in China
Today, some of the translations of the Chinese brands are from the literal meanings of their characters without the consideration of cultural differences; therefore, the translations are sometimes not consistent with the western culture. There are four situations in the translation of Chinese brands.
11 the translation does not apply for the culture of the target language. For instance, British people dislike elephants but pandas; Italian and Spanish are in favor of roses while chrysanthemums are their taboo; in Chinese culture, dragon is the symbol of royalty, thus many Chinese brands consist of the character of dragon, while in English, dragon is an evil monster that is vicious and deserve eradicated. As a result, there are no mentions of dragons in any English brand. Another example would be that in Chinese tradition, bat is harmonious with luck in pronunciation, so that bad is also considered auspicious. Some products are named after a bat such as the Bat light and the Bat fan. However, in western culture, bats are crazy and blind animal that feed on blood with any sense of goodness. In this way, products mentioned above are surely not popular in Britain.
A our country in the trademark translation exists now question our country now some trademark word's translation is only defers to the wording to translate English directly, had not considered its national culture difference, translates the thing counteracts in the Western culture. Our country trademark word UK translates when has four kind of situations probably:
11 translated name not symbol goal language culture. For example, the English does not like the elephant, quite liking the panda; The Italian and the Spanish likes the rose, envies with the chrysanthemum; In the Chinese culture, the dragon is the imperial authority symbol, what therefore Chinese trademark word has are many are take “the dragon” as the trademark word, but in English “the dragon” (dragon) is one kind of evil animal, is wreaks havoc flagitious, must eliminate. Therefore, in English take “the dragon” as the trademark word. Also like in China traditional culture, “bat” and “luck” harmonics, therefore the bat also therefore is regarded is propitious. Some commodities use “the bat” to name, like “bat sign” lamp and “bat sign” ceiling fan and so on. But in English culture bat regard crazy and blind hemophagia animal, does not have a spot propitious meaning, therefore, a kind of commodity sells at this time to Britain time is not welcome naturally.
21 have the political metaphor. “the big huge mythical bird” the canvas shoe, is translated is ROC. The big huge mythical bird in China is in the myth the phoenix, in English is also in myth great the bird, in this sense, translator is irreproachable. But as trademark, letter capital letter, with “Republic of China” English abbreviation is the same, certainly is not good. Also has “the polar bear” the trademark, is translated is “Polar Bear”. Polar bear life in the North Pole. English actually calls Polar bear, but these two words have its special meaning in the international politics, to avoid misunderstanding, may change White Bear.
31 translated names are inelegant. “the rooster” the alarm clock (original translation “GoldenCock Alarm Clock) in Chinese has “the rooster announces the dawn” the view,” will make alarm clock's trademark analogy by “the rooster to look like the rooster with the alarm clock to report time equally resoundingly, simultaneously “the rooster” in China also will be a mascot figure. At the weddings and funerals often makes the ornaments by the rooster. But, a cock word in English the bottom taboo language, the obscene language, in the official English evades with this word. Makes the product trademark with a cock word to harm the commodity inevitably the image, also causes the overseas consumer to look becomes fed up. Golden the Cock this trademark translation had at that time brought to the Chinese exporter - - - Tianjin Import-export company's attention in the overseas predicament. They replaced trademark Golden Cock to change Golden Rooster immediately (movie “golden rooster” prize also to use Rooster this word).
41 Pinyin. Our country some enterprises translates to trademark UK when use the Pinyin, like “Wuliangye” (Wuliangye), “Dong liquor” (Dongjiu). Some enterprises use the thomas wade system Pinyin, like Guizhou “Maotai” (Kwei2chow Moutai), “Shaoxing wine” (Chuyeh Ching Chiew). I thought that China's famous trademark like “Maotai” the liquor in overseas had the suitable popularity, will transliterate will not be a problem; But these also lack the international popularity at present the Chinese trademark, transliterates as if was equal to that has not translated.
Two elimination cultural difference creates barrier method 11 takes the means which transliterates, carries on the cultural information to the original trademark word the subjunction. For example: The Japanese Toyota Auto manufacturer promotes the trademark is the L EXUS deluxe model passenger vehicle. Although “L EXUS” this trademark some approximate English word “LUXURY”, but also does not have the special cultural meaning. However, when this kind of passenger vehicle starts when China sells, the Japanese Toyota Auto manufacturer after the management manage family affairs decided that “L EXUS” will transliterate Chinese “Lingzhi”. “Lingzhi” two characters cause the Chinese to have one kind “soars speeds along” the meaning.
21 adopt the method which transliterates, and unifies its product the characteristic, prominent this product merit. For example: The Chinese-foreign joint venture washes sends the product “to flutter supply” is also in trademark translation work classics. The translator “Rejoice” a word will not have transliterated has not translated literally will be “delighted”. But is bold only then uses the transliteration, by “flutters two characters to display its product supply” the remarkable performance. 31 transliterates with the transliteration proper attention to both, does not strive for to apparent, but seeks divine help to resemble. For example: Hong Kong Jinlilai Corporation “GOLD LION” translates into English Chinese “Jinlilai”. In English, “GOLD L ION” this is “the golden lion”, the symbol “fierce, is authoritative and is dauntless”, this conforms to the West very much about the man this culture concept standard, but translates for Chinese, this trademark includes “the gold good luck in making money rolling comes” the meaning, this kind translated the law to cater to the Chinese hope “the good luck in making money went well” the point of view, has beaten open the market front door.
11 translated name not symbol goal language culture. For example, the English does not like the elephant, quite liking the panda; The Italian and the Spanish likes the rose, envies with the chrysanthemum; In the Chinese culture, the dragon is the imperial authority symbol, what therefore Chinese trademark word has are many are take “the dragon” as the trademark word, but in English “the dragon” (dragon) is one kind of evil animal, is wreaks havoc flagitious, must eliminate. Therefore, in English take “the dragon” as the trademark word. Also like in China traditional culture, “bat” and “luck” harmonics, therefore the bat also therefore is regarded is propitious. Some commodities use “the bat” to name, like “bat sign” lamp and “bat sign” ceiling fan and so on. But in English culture bat regard crazy and blind hemophagia animal, does not have a spot propitious meaning, therefore, a kind of commodity sells at this time to Britain time is not welcome naturally.
21 have the political metaphor. “the big huge mythical bird” the canvas shoe, is translated is ROC. The big huge mythical bird in China is in the myth the phoenix, in English is also in myth great the bird, in this sense, translator is irreproachable. But as trademark, letter capital letter, with “Republic of China” English abbreviation is the same, certainly is not good. Also has “the polar bear” the trademark, is translated is “Polar Bear”. Polar bear life in the North Pole. English actually calls Polar bear, but these two words have its special meaning in the international politics, to avoid misunderstanding, may change White Bear.
31 translated names are inelegant. “the rooster” the alarm clock (original translation “GoldenCock Alarm Clock) in Chinese has “the rooster announces the dawn” the view,” will make alarm clock's trademark analogy by “the rooster to look like the rooster with the alarm clock to report time equally resoundingly, simultaneously “the rooster” in China also will be a mascot figure. At the weddings and funerals often makes the ornaments by the rooster. But, a cock word in English the bottom taboo language, the obscene language, in the official English evades with this word. Makes the product trademark with a cock word to harm the commodity inevitably the image, also causes the overseas consumer to look becomes fed up. Golden the Cock this trademark translation had at that time brought to the Chinese exporter - - - Tianjin Import-export company's attention in the overseas predicament. They replaced trademark Golden Cock to change Golden Rooster immediately (movie “golden rooster” prize also to use Rooster this word).
41 Pinyin. Our country some enterprises translates to trademark UK when use the Pinyin, like “Wuliangye” (Wuliangye), “Dong liquor” (Dongjiu). Some enterprises use the thomas wade system Pinyin, like Guizhou “Maotai” (Kwei2chow Moutai), “Shaoxing wine” (Chuyeh Ching Chiew). I thought that China's famous trademark like “Maotai” the liquor in overseas had the suitable popularity, will transliterate will not be a problem; But these also lack the international popularity at present the Chinese trademark, transliterates as if was equal to that has not translated.
Two elimination cultural difference creates barrier method 11 takes the means which transliterates, carries on the cultural information to the original trademark word the subjunction. For example: The Japanese Toyota Auto manufacturer promotes the trademark is the L EXUS deluxe model passenger vehicle. Although “L EXUS” this trademark some approximate English word “LUXURY”, but also does not have the special cultural meaning. However, when this kind of passenger vehicle starts when China sells, the Japanese Toyota Auto manufacturer after the management manage family affairs decided that “L EXUS” will transliterate Chinese “Lingzhi”. “Lingzhi” two characters cause the Chinese to have one kind “soars speeds along” the meaning.
21 adopt the method which transliterates, and unifies its product the characteristic, prominent this product merit. For example: The Chinese-foreign joint venture washes sends the product “to flutter supply” is also in trademark translation work classics. The translator “Rejoice” a word will not have transliterated has not translated literally will be “delighted”. But is bold only then uses the transliteration, by “flutters two characters to display its product supply” the remarkable performance. 31 transliterates with the transliteration proper attention to both, does not strive for to apparent, but seeks divine help to resemble. For example: Hong Kong Jinlilai Corporation “GOLD LION” translates into English Chinese “Jinlilai”. In English, “GOLD L ION” this is “the golden lion”, the symbol “fierce, is authoritative and is dauntless”, this conforms to the West very much about the man this culture concept standard, but translates for Chinese, this trademark includes “the gold good luck in making money rolling comes” the meaning, this kind translated the law to cater to the Chinese hope “the good luck in making money went well” the point of view, has beaten open the market front door.
A our country in the trademark translation exists now question our country now some trademark word's translation is only defers to the wording to translate English directly, had not considered its national culture difference, translates the thing counteracts in the Western culture. Our country trademark word UK translates when has four kind of situations probably: 11 translated name not symbol goal language culture. For example, the English does not like the elephant, quite liking the panda; The Italian and the Spanish likes the rose, envies with the chrysanthemum; In the Chinese culture, the dragon is the imperial authority symbol, what therefore Chinese trademark word has are many are take “the dragon” as the trademark word, but in English “the dragon” (dragon) is one kind of evil animal, is wreaks havoc flagitious, must eliminate. Therefore, in English take “the dragon” as the trademark word. Also like in China traditional culture, “bat” and “luck” harmonics, therefore the bat also therefore is regarded is propitious. Some commodities use “the bat” to name, like “bat sign” lamp and “bat sign” ceiling fan and so on. But in English culture bat regard crazy and blind hemophagia animal, does not have a spot propitious meaning, therefore, a kind of commodity sells at this time to Britain time is not welcome naturally.
21 have the political metaphor. “the big huge mythical bird” the canvas shoe, is translated is ROC. The big huge mythical bird in China is in the myth the phoenix, in English is also in myth great the bird, in this sense, translator is irreproachable. But as trademark, letter capital letter, with “Republic of China” English abbreviation is the same, certainly is not good. Also has “the polar bear” the trademark, is translated is “Polar Bear”. Polar bear life in the North Pole. English actually calls Polar bear, but these two words have its special meaning in the international politics, to avoid misunderstanding, may change White Bear. the 31 translated name is inelegant. “the rooster” the alarm clock (original translation “GoldenCock Alarm Clock) in Chinese has “the rooster announces the dawn” the view,” will make alarm clock's trademark analogy by “the rooster to look like the rooster with the alarm clock to report time equally resoundingly, simultaneously “the rooster” in China also will be a mascot figure. At the weddings and funerals often makes the ornaments by the rooster. But, a cock word in English the bottom taboo language, the obscene language, in the official English evades with this word. Makes the product trademark with a cock word to harm the commodity inevitably the image, also causes the overseas consumer to look becomes fed up. Golden the Cock this trademark translation had at that time brought to the Chinese exporter - - - Tianjin Import-export company's attention in the overseas predicament. They replaced trademark Golden Cock to change Golden Rooster immediately (movie “golden rooster” prize also to use Rooster this word).
41 Pinyin. Our country some enterprises translates to trademark UK when use the Pinyin, like “Wuliangye” (Wuliangye), “Dong liquor” (Dongjiu). Some enterprises use the thomas wade system Pinyin, like Guizhou “Maotai” (Kwei2chow Moutai), “Shaoxing wine” (Chuyeh Ching Chiew). I thought that China's famous trademark like “Maotai” the liquor in overseas had the suitable popularity, will transliterate will not be a problem; But these also lack the international popularity at present the Chinese trademark, transliterates as if was equal to that has not translated. the two elimination cultural difference creates barrier method 11 takes the means which transliterates, carries on the cultural information to the original trademark word the subjunction. For example: The Japanese Toyota Auto manufacturer promotes the trademark is the L EXUS deluxe model passenger vehicle. Although “L EXUS” this trademark some approximate English word “LUXURY”, but also does not have the special cultural meaning. However, when this kind of passenger vehicle starts when China sells, the Japanese Toyota Auto manufacturer after the management manage family affairs decided that “L EXUS” will transliterate Chinese “Lingzhi”. “Lingzhi” two characters cause the Chinese to have one kind “soars speeds along” the meaning. 21 adopts the method which transliterates, and unifies its product the characteristic, prominent this product merit. For example: The Chinese-foreign joint venture washes sends the product “to flutter supply” is also in trademark translation work classics. The translator “Rejoice” a word will not have transliterated has not translated literally will be “delighted”. But is bold only then uses the transliteration, by “flutters two characters to display its product supply” the remarkable performance.
31 transliterate with the transliteration proper attention to both, does not strive for to apparent, but seeks divine help to resemble. For example: Hong Kong Jinlilai Corporation “GOLD LION” translates into English Chinese “Jinlilai”. In English, “GOLD L ION” this is “the golden lion”, the symbol “fierce, is authoritative and is dauntless”, this conforms to the West very much about the man this culture concept standard, but translates for Chinese, this trademark includes “the gold good luck in making money rolling comes” the meaning, this kind translated the law to cater to the Chinese hope “the good luck in making money went well” the point of view, has beaten open the market front door.
21 have the political metaphor. “the big huge mythical bird” the canvas shoe, is translated is ROC. The big huge mythical bird in China is in the myth the phoenix, in English is also in myth great the bird, in this sense, translator is irreproachable. But as trademark, letter capital letter, with “Republic of China” English abbreviation is the same, certainly is not good. Also has “the polar bear” the trademark, is translated is “Polar Bear”. Polar bear life in the North Pole. English actually calls Polar bear, but these two words have its special meaning in the international politics, to avoid misunderstanding, may change White Bear. the 31 translated name is inelegant. “the rooster” the alarm clock (original translation “GoldenCock Alarm Clock) in Chinese has “the rooster announces the dawn” the view,” will make alarm clock's trademark analogy by “the rooster to look like the rooster with the alarm clock to report time equally resoundingly, simultaneously “the rooster” in China also will be a mascot figure. At the weddings and funerals often makes the ornaments by the rooster. But, a cock word in English the bottom taboo language, the obscene language, in the official English evades with this word. Makes the product trademark with a cock word to harm the commodity inevitably the image, also causes the overseas consumer to look becomes fed up. Golden the Cock this trademark translation had at that time brought to the Chinese exporter - - - Tianjin Import-export company's attention in the overseas predicament. They replaced trademark Golden Cock to change Golden Rooster immediately (movie “golden rooster” prize also to use Rooster this word).
41 Pinyin. Our country some enterprises translates to trademark UK when use the Pinyin, like “Wuliangye” (Wuliangye), “Dong liquor” (Dongjiu). Some enterprises use the thomas wade system Pinyin, like Guizhou “Maotai” (Kwei2chow Moutai), “Shaoxing wine” (Chuyeh Ching Chiew). I thought that China's famous trademark like “Maotai” the liquor in overseas had the suitable popularity, will transliterate will not be a problem; But these also lack the international popularity at present the Chinese trademark, transliterates as if was equal to that has not translated. the two elimination cultural difference creates barrier method 11 takes the means which transliterates, carries on the cultural information to the original trademark word the subjunction. For example: The Japanese Toyota Auto manufacturer promotes the trademark is the L EXUS deluxe model passenger vehicle. Although “L EXUS” this trademark some approximate English word “LUXURY”, but also does not have the special cultural meaning. However, when this kind of passenger vehicle starts when China sells, the Japanese Toyota Auto manufacturer after the management manage family affairs decided that “L EXUS” will transliterate Chinese “Lingzhi”. “Lingzhi” two characters cause the Chinese to have one kind “soars speeds along” the meaning. 21 adopts the method which transliterates, and unifies its product the characteristic, prominent this product merit. For example: The Chinese-foreign joint venture washes sends the product “to flutter supply” is also in trademark translation work classics. The translator “Rejoice” a word will not have transliterated has not translated literally will be “delighted”. But is bold only then uses the transliteration, by “flutters two characters to display its product supply” the remarkable performance.
31 transliterate with the transliteration proper attention to both, does not strive for to apparent, but seeks divine help to resemble. For example: Hong Kong Jinlilai Corporation “GOLD LION” translates into English Chinese “Jinlilai”. In English, “GOLD L ION” this is “the golden lion”, the symbol “fierce, is authoritative and is dauntless”, this conforms to the West very much about the man this culture concept standard, but translates for Chinese, this trademark includes “the gold good luck in making money rolling comes” the meaning, this kind translated the law to cater to the Chinese hope “the good luck in making money went well” the point of view, has beaten open the market front door.
参考资料: 汗
A our country in the trademark translation exists now question our country now some trademark word's translation is only defers to the wording to translate English directly, had not considered its national culture difference, translates the thing counteracts in the Western culture. Our country trademark word UK translates when has four kind of situations probably:
11 translated name not symbol goal language culture. For example, the English does not like the elephant, quite liking the panda; The Italian and the Spanish likes the rose, envies with the chrysanthemum; In the Chinese culture, the dragon is the imperial authority symbol, what therefore Chinese trademark word has are many are take “the dragon” as the trademark word, but in English “the dragon” (dragon) is one kind of evil animal, is wreaks havoc flagitious, must eliminate. Therefore, in English take “the dragon” as the trademark word. Also like in China traditional culture, “bat” and “luck” harmonics, therefore the bat also therefore is regarded is propitious. Some commodities use “the bat” to name, like “bat sign” lamp and “bat sign” ceiling fan and so on. But in English culture bat regard crazy and blind hemophagia animal, does not have a spot propitious meaning, therefore, a kind of commodity sells at this time to Britain time is not welcome naturally.
21 have the political metaphor. “the big huge mythical bird” the canvas shoe, is translated is ROC. The big huge mythical bird in China is in the myth the phoenix, in English is also in myth great the bird, in this sense, translator is irreproachable. But as trademark, letter capital letter, with “Republic of China” English abbreviation is the same, certainly is not good. Also has “the polar bear” the trademark, is translated is “Polar Bear”. Polar bear life in the North Pole. English actually calls Polar bear, but these two words have its special meaning in the international politics, to avoid misunderstanding, may change White Bear.
31 translated names are inelegant. “the rooster” the alarm clock (original translation “GoldenCock Alarm Clock) in Chinese has “the rooster announces the dawn” the view,” will make alarm clock's trademark analogy by “the rooster to look like the rooster with the alarm clock to report time equally resoundingly, simultaneously “the rooster” in China also will be a mascot figure. At the weddings and funerals often makes the ornaments by the rooster. But, a cock word in English the bottom taboo language, the obscene language, in the official English evades with this word. Makes the product trademark with a cock word to harm the commodity inevitably the image, also causes the overseas consumer to look becomes fed up. Golden the Cock this trademark translation had at that time brought to the Chinese exporter - - - Tianjin Import-export company's attention in the overseas predicament. They replaced trademark Golden Cock to change Golden Rooster immediately (movie “golden rooster” prize also to use Rooster this word).
41 Pinyin. Our country some enterprises translates to trademark UK when use the Pinyin, like “Wuliangye” (Wuliangye), “Dong liquor” (Dongjiu). Some enterprises use the thomas wade system Pinyin, like Guizhou “Maotai” (Kwei2chow Moutai), “Shaoxing wine” (Chuyeh Ching Chiew). I thought that China's famous trademark like “Maotai” the liquor in overseas had the suitable popularity, will transliterate will not be a problem; But these also lack the international popularity at present the Chinese trademark, transliterates as if was equal to that has not translated. the two elimination cultural difference creates barrie11 take the means which transliterates, carries on the cultural information to the original trademark word the subjunction. For example: The Japanese Toyota Auto manufacturer promotes the trademark is the L EXUS deluxe model passenger vehicle. Although “L EXUS” this trademark some approximate English word “LUXURY”, but also does not have the special cultural meaning. However, when this kind of passenger vehicle starts when China sells, the Japanese Toyota Auto manufacturer after the management manage family affairs decided that “L EXUS” will transliterate Chinese “Lingzhi”. “Lingzhi” two characters cause the Chinese to have one kind “soars speeds along” the meaning. r method
21 adopt the method which transliterates, and unifies its product the characteristic, prominent this product merit. For example: The Chinese-foreign joint venture washes sends the product “to flutter supply” is also in trademark translation work classics. The translator “Rejoice” a word will not have transliterated has not translated literally will be “delighted”. But is bold only then uses the transliteration, by “flutters two characters to display its product supply” the remarkable performance.
31 transliterate with the transliteration proper attention to both, does not strive for to apparent, but seeks divine help to resemble. For example: Hong Kong Jinlilai Corporation “GOLD LION” translates into English Chinese “Jinlilai”. In English, “GOLD L ION” this is “the golden lion”, the symbol “fierce, is authoritative and is dauntless”, this conforms to the West very much about the man this culture concept standard, but translates for Chinese, this trademark includes “the gold good luck in making money rolling comes” the meaning, this kind translated the law to cater to the Chinese hope “the good luck in making money went well” the point of view, has beaten open the market front door.
11 translated name not symbol goal language culture. For example, the English does not like the elephant, quite liking the panda; The Italian and the Spanish likes the rose, envies with the chrysanthemum; In the Chinese culture, the dragon is the imperial authority symbol, what therefore Chinese trademark word has are many are take “the dragon” as the trademark word, but in English “the dragon” (dragon) is one kind of evil animal, is wreaks havoc flagitious, must eliminate. Therefore, in English take “the dragon” as the trademark word. Also like in China traditional culture, “bat” and “luck” harmonics, therefore the bat also therefore is regarded is propitious. Some commodities use “the bat” to name, like “bat sign” lamp and “bat sign” ceiling fan and so on. But in English culture bat regard crazy and blind hemophagia animal, does not have a spot propitious meaning, therefore, a kind of commodity sells at this time to Britain time is not welcome naturally.
21 have the political metaphor. “the big huge mythical bird” the canvas shoe, is translated is ROC. The big huge mythical bird in China is in the myth the phoenix, in English is also in myth great the bird, in this sense, translator is irreproachable. But as trademark, letter capital letter, with “Republic of China” English abbreviation is the same, certainly is not good. Also has “the polar bear” the trademark, is translated is “Polar Bear”. Polar bear life in the North Pole. English actually calls Polar bear, but these two words have its special meaning in the international politics, to avoid misunderstanding, may change White Bear.
31 translated names are inelegant. “the rooster” the alarm clock (original translation “GoldenCock Alarm Clock) in Chinese has “the rooster announces the dawn” the view,” will make alarm clock's trademark analogy by “the rooster to look like the rooster with the alarm clock to report time equally resoundingly, simultaneously “the rooster” in China also will be a mascot figure. At the weddings and funerals often makes the ornaments by the rooster. But, a cock word in English the bottom taboo language, the obscene language, in the official English evades with this word. Makes the product trademark with a cock word to harm the commodity inevitably the image, also causes the overseas consumer to look becomes fed up. Golden the Cock this trademark translation had at that time brought to the Chinese exporter - - - Tianjin Import-export company's attention in the overseas predicament. They replaced trademark Golden Cock to change Golden Rooster immediately (movie “golden rooster” prize also to use Rooster this word).
41 Pinyin. Our country some enterprises translates to trademark UK when use the Pinyin, like “Wuliangye” (Wuliangye), “Dong liquor” (Dongjiu). Some enterprises use the thomas wade system Pinyin, like Guizhou “Maotai” (Kwei2chow Moutai), “Shaoxing wine” (Chuyeh Ching Chiew). I thought that China's famous trademark like “Maotai” the liquor in overseas had the suitable popularity, will transliterate will not be a problem; But these also lack the international popularity at present the Chinese trademark, transliterates as if was equal to that has not translated. the two elimination cultural difference creates barrie11 take the means which transliterates, carries on the cultural information to the original trademark word the subjunction. For example: The Japanese Toyota Auto manufacturer promotes the trademark is the L EXUS deluxe model passenger vehicle. Although “L EXUS” this trademark some approximate English word “LUXURY”, but also does not have the special cultural meaning. However, when this kind of passenger vehicle starts when China sells, the Japanese Toyota Auto manufacturer after the management manage family affairs decided that “L EXUS” will transliterate Chinese “Lingzhi”. “Lingzhi” two characters cause the Chinese to have one kind “soars speeds along” the meaning. r method
21 adopt the method which transliterates, and unifies its product the characteristic, prominent this product merit. For example: The Chinese-foreign joint venture washes sends the product “to flutter supply” is also in trademark translation work classics. The translator “Rejoice” a word will not have transliterated has not translated literally will be “delighted”. But is bold only then uses the transliteration, by “flutters two characters to display its product supply” the remarkable performance.
31 transliterate with the transliteration proper attention to both, does not strive for to apparent, but seeks divine help to resemble. For example: Hong Kong Jinlilai Corporation “GOLD LION” translates into English Chinese “Jinlilai”. In English, “GOLD L ION” this is “the golden lion”, the symbol “fierce, is authoritative and is dauntless”, this conforms to the West very much about the man this culture concept standard, but translates for Chinese, this trademark includes “the gold good luck in making money rolling comes” the meaning, this kind translated the law to cater to the Chinese hope “the good luck in making money went well” the point of view, has beaten open the market front door.
A .Problems existed in the translation of our country's slogan
Many of the translations of the slogans in our country is tanslated directly into the meaning of the words,without consider about cultures of other nationality so that the translations are against the western culture.There are four conditions of problems included in the troubles of slogan translation.
1.Tanslation not matching with the purpose.
For example,British dislike elephant but they are fond of panda;and both Italians and Spanish like to use rose hating envying the chrysanthemum.In Chinese culture,Sinosaurus(Chinese Dragon) is the symbol of the royal power,so in Chinese slogan there are many Sinosaurus.But dragons in English means evil and cruel creatures which are deserved to be eliminated.Thus, there are no dragons in english slogans.For another example of the culture difference,"bat" has a similar sound with "lucky",so bats are considered as a signal of lucky and some commodities are named "bat",as "Bat Lights" ,"the Bat Fan",etc.For the reason above,it is no wonder that the commodities are not popular when sold to Britain.
2. Political Metaphor.
For example:"DaPeng canvas shoe" is translated into "ROC".The mythical bird(Dapeng) is a legendary bird in both Chinese and enlish myths so,it is ok to be used as the slogan in this sense.
But as slogan with capital letters,it rezembles the ROC!Obviously,it's can't be accept. And the trademark "white bear",which is translate into "polar bear" should be changed to "white bear" to avoid misunderstanding because white bear lives in polar called polar bear in english and the two words have their special meanings in the international politics.
3.Ugly Translations.
A .Problems existed in the translation of our country's slogan
Many of the translations of the slogans in our country is tanslated directly into the meaning of the words,without consider about cultures of other nationality so that the translations are against the western culture.There are four conditions of problems included in the troubles of slogan translation.
1.Tanslation not matching with the purpose.
For example,British dislike elephant but they are fond of panda;and both Italians and Spanish like to use rose hating envying the chrysanthemum.In Chinese culture,Sinosaurus(Chinese Dragon) is the symbol of the royal power,so in Chinese slogan there are many Sinosaurus.But dragons in English means evil and cruel creatures which are deserved to be eliminated.Thus, there are no dragons in english slogans.For another example of the culture difference,"bat" has a similar sound with "lucky",so bats are considered as a signal of lucky and some commodities are named "bat",as "Bat Lights" ,"the Bat Fan",etc.For the reason above,it is no wonder that the commodities are not popular when sold to Britain.
2. Political Metaphor.
For example:"DaPeng canvas shoe" is translated into "ROC".The mythical bird(Dapeng) is a legendary bird in both Chinese and enlish myths so,it is ok to be used as the slogan in this sense.
But as slogan with capital letters,it rezembles the ROC!Obviously,it's can't be accept. And the trademark "white bear",which is translate into "polar bear" should be changed to "white bear" to avoid misunderstanding because white bear lives in polar called polar bear in english and the two words have their special meanings in the international politics.
3.Ugly Translations.
楼上的很多翻译都有网上在线译的嫌疑哦,很多句子不是从句,不是独立主格,确有很多动词。A our country in the trademark translation exists now question
Our country now some trademark word translation only is defers to the wording to translate English directly, 。。。。。楼主看看这个第一句应该就明白了吧。在线翻译段落几乎是没有用的,语法错误太多。不过翻译的确很累人啊,同意楼上的话,奉劝一句:自己动手,丰衣足食。。。
Our country now some trademark word translation only is defers to the wording to translate English directly, 。。。。。楼主看看这个第一句应该就明白了吧。在线翻译段落几乎是没有用的,语法错误太多。不过翻译的确很累人啊,同意楼上的话,奉劝一句:自己动手,丰衣足食。。。