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2019-05-21 · 关注熊熊特爱旅游,带你看那美丽的风景。
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Mapo doufu, one of sichuan's traditional dishes, belongs to sichuan cuisine.


The main raw materials for the ingredients and tofu, the main materials are tofu, ground beef, pepper and pepper and so on.


The numbness comes from the sichuan peppercorns, and the spiciness comes from the chilies.


This dish highlights the "hot and spicy" features of sichuan cuisine.


It has a unique taste and smooth taste.


Today, mapo doufu travels far and wide.


In the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Australia and other countries to settle down.


From a home - style dishes jumped onto the great hall, has become an international food.







  THE SETTING  麻婆豆腐可以在午餐或是晚餐时候享用,根据场合和食客的不同,可配以一道清炒时蔬,或是几个冷盘,其它一些主菜,还有汤。在成都,街头巷尾随处都能吃到还过得去的麻婆豆腐,无论是金碧辉煌的大饭店,还是一人主厨的简陋的大排档。
  Mapo dofu is a lunch or dinner food to be enjoyed -- depending on the occasion and the company -- with a simple stir-fried green vegetable or an array of cold starters, other main dishes and soup. In Chengdu, you're rarely more than a city block from a passable version, whether it's served in an establishment dripping with gold leaf and crystal chandeliers or a rustic open-air eatery run by a lone cook working a single wok.  麻婆豆腐也是非常适合家庭准备的一道家常菜。出生于成都的美籍华人、在中国西南地区为荷花美食游(Lotus Culinary Travel)担任导游的左子英(音)表示,比起饭店的版本,家常麻婆豆腐通常不会那么油腻,用料也要简单一些。左女士在家准备麻婆豆腐的时候,只用豆腐和一些辣椒油,不放那么多豆瓣酱。而且她经常用切好的葱段代替蒜苗。
  The dish is also a comfort food well-suited to preparation at home. According to Chinese-American Zuo Ziying, who was born in Chengdu and who conducts tours in southwest China for Lotus Culinary Travel, jiachang or home-style versions of mapo dofu are usually less oily and more simple than those cooked in restaurant kitchens. When Ms. Zuo prepares the dish at home, 'I make it with just tofu cubes and some chili oil, and not so much beanpaste.' And she often substitutes chopped scallion greens for suanmiao (the local leek).  辣椒即可温暖身体,又可让人发汗,而成都的冬天寒冷刺骨,夏天又闷热无比,因此麻婆豆腐是非常适合成都常年潮湿气候的一道美食。
  Chilies both warm the body and induce a cooling sweat, so mapo dofu is a dish made-to-order for Chengdu's perennially humid climate, with its bone-chilling winters and oppressively muggy summers.
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The tomato fries the egg
Raw material: Egg 3,Tomato 150 grams,Vegetable oil 4 soupspoon,Salt, monosodium glutamate respectively right amount,Sugar 1 soupspoon. Manufacture process: After 1st, burns the tomato cleaning with the boiling water, goes to the skin, goes to the peduncle, the slice is ready to be used. 2nd, infiltrates the egg in the bowl, adds the salt, evenly is ready to be used with the chopsticks full whipping. 3rd, the wok puts the oil 3 soupspoon to burn the heat, puts in the egg in the pot to fry is ripely abundant is ready to be used. 4th, the surplus oil will burn the heat, will get down the tomato piece to stir-fry before stewing fries, puts the salt, the sugar fries the moment, will pour into the egg to turn fries several pots namely to become. When stirs fry system this vegetable, wants the strong fire to be intensive. Although this vegetable is the ordinariest simple dish, but fries quality may know. Is called the cooking technique now at last. 西红柿炒鸡蛋的做法详细介绍 菜系及功效:家常菜谱
西红柿炒鸡蛋的制作材料: 主料:鸡蛋3个,西红柿150克
辅料:植物油4汤匙,盐,味精各适量,糖1汤匙教您西红柿炒鸡蛋怎么做,如何做西红柿炒鸡蛋才好吃 1。西红柿切成块,要大小不一,什么形状无所谓,鸡蛋打开放入碗中,打匀,放入少许的盐。 2。锅内放入适量(炒鸡蛋的时候,油放多少很关键,我的经验是放相当于鸡蛋液的2/3)的油,等油热了的时候,(我后面详细讲如何判断油的温度),倒入鸡蛋液,注意这个时候,鸡蛋液会自然的凝固,不要动,等到这个鸡蛋液都凝固的时候(要小心油干了,造成鸡蛋糊了),用饭铲(也叫炒勺)从鸡蛋的边缘轻轻进入,将鸡蛋翻过来,煎一下,等两面的颜色都呈现金黄的颜色时候,把鸡蛋从锅里取出来(也可以不取,不过等熟练以后再说吧),这个时候锅里面应该还有一些油,把西红柿翻进去,翻炒几下,由于西红柿里面含有大量的水分,会有水份析出,这个时候把炒好的鸡蛋放进去,放入少许盐,翻炒几下,出锅。PS:有人喜欢做的时候,放一些水进去,本人不推荐,其实西红柿里的水份完全够用了,不用放水。还有,现在的西红柿质量不好,炒出来的菜不甜还有些苦味,出锅的时候可以适量放一些白糖。
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栗子焖鸡块 ( b2 _) R- b d4 Z
原料:肉鸡1只 栗子500克 花椒20粒 大葱5段 姜6片
3 D& M8 Q, E% X, y! g4 G" U- K2 l7 F
调料:黄酒2汤匙(30ml) 老抽3汤匙(45ml)糖1茶匙(5克) 盐1茶匙(5克) 水淀粉2汤匙(30ml)
$ S0 |3 I& ~9 V. C3 Q/ Y) [9 g Z( {, g; j6 E$ g1 M0 _
做法:# |$ S. N% C0 u! C9 P2 U

8 ~' d& h# P6 V6 [1)将鸡剁成小块,栗子去皮后对半切开,大葱切段,姜去皮切片。 f! R A+ s! J5 V; R: V

; Z( J) E3 _- U2)锅中倒入清水大火煮开后,放入鸡块焯烫至变色后捞出,用热水将鸡块上的浮沫冲洗干净备用。2 Q' C/ Z% u; `# {
% U% @/ G+ F4 H
. o. ?- W5 j3 v0 g8 V7 V
4 G; ?4 @, i8 H( Z2 ~1 r" }0 G4)倒入老抽炒上颜色后,调入糖和盐翻炒均匀,倒入开水,没过鸡块高度的3/4即可(水不要太多),然后倒入栗子,盖上盖子,用中火焖20分钟。
+ C# Q# x1 \/ T
9 X" u$ _5 {; z' S5 Z0 c) s5)打开盖子,改成大火,调入少许水淀粉勾芡即可。
5 o. U" m9 l z* a
" ]+ y, s6 n. [4 }+ T3 n超级啰嗦:
2 g' | c1 j/ j+ q+ ~. T9 A1 X3 U2 G' ^6 M: a v
( A0 m+ J4 j# \* v+ C( B
2 E, }; [& U% F**拨好后的栗子,也应该放在清水中浸泡,否则表面会氧化变黑,这就是我今天做这个菜的教训。. f$ x1 k# M1 r

9 _+ [: @$ J( H- e6 Y5 V**肉鸡很容易熟,20分钟完全没有问题,不要担心。但如果你用柴鸡做,时间就要1个小时以上了,栗子也要放的晚一些,才不会烂在鸡肉中找到不到踪影。
; S* f( p% O4 f6 c8 h" S4 C E! J ], w1 v1 y4 u( |" S* I' d
**煸炒鸡块时,或任何需要放黄酒或料酒等烹去肉腥的菜,一定不要在烹入酒后马上盖锅盖,否则腥味就无法挥发出去。 F; B/ v( `5 e/ j
% g) r& W- Z3 i3 u9 n
**水淀粉,是在最后倒入,用来给菜勾芡,让汤汁变浓郁的方法。水淀粉的比例,因菜而已,但通常这样菜,淀粉和水的比例,在1:5就可以了。+ I3 s" `9 v5 I% Q6 Z! n
8 _/ b4 F/ l$ s' x" n1 c
: t3 a6 H9 a/ B: L4 K5 [2 {+ Q3 T; R# h5 R! n3 A' Y
Chestnut and Chicken Stew
7 a/ b: p7 O: v* ]/ BIngredients:
2 J, l% l/ n" O. NMeat chicken: 1 pack( x0 k% |% D5 `
Chestnut: 500g
) f* O0 ?: T6 U MWhole Szechuan pepper: 20& Y) E& z) B2 Z$ C! L; K5 H1 ? L
Chinese leek: 5 pieces (5 cm each)% N, a6 k, }* v: `2 q
Ginger: 6 pieces
6 E4 v2 I& i, |
/ W" u, U) d: U2 S$ Y C, KSeasoning:
' A! B6 x C' L+ xYellow rice wine: 2 soup spoon (30ml), Q: K; T5 N8 @
Dark soy sauce: 3 soup spoon (45 ml)
- f+ B7 f+ u( i6 `0 m% ?Sugar: 1 teaspoon (5g). x1 ~2 ~' m" t3 f+ |
Salt: 1 teaspoon (5g)
9 O6 Y- N; v# n6 ~$ x! ^Liquid starch (dissolve starch in cold water): 2 soup spoon (30ml)
' z' q5 g# Y* s4 d
2 E! M: m# }0 r. v T' V) y1 ZDirections:
! l0 E0 b4 w' b! W1 _( K7 T--Preparation:
; {" W* n6 B5 k- I# p. i8 B*Chop the meat chicken into small pieces, peel and half cut the chestnut;
, a' t" a% I0 ~% t. ~; M0 E+ |--Cooking:; _, p6 @ z! e3 h/ Y3 @
*Add water into a deep pan, let the water boil over high-heat;
$ w8 ~( r$ t- Q*Add the chopped chicken, take out until colour changed and rinse them with hot water;" n, j ~% f! `3 ]( W, V
*Add oil into a preheated wok, put in ginger pieces and Szechuan peppers till the smell comes out;
/ U9 y+ ?! G% p% ^0 h*Add drained chicken and yellow rice wine (don’t lid the wok), keep nonstop stir-frying for 2 minutes;6 H; i, M$ j7 o7 u
*Add dark soy sauce, after the chicken is coloured, sprinkle salt and sugar+ l* h5 c4 C% E, Y; L. b
Pour in boiled water (at the 3/4 height of chicken is enough), then put in chestnut and lid the wok, stew over medium-heat for 20 minutes;
: b8 z- H1 l1 i3 @8 kUnlid the wok, turn the gas to high-heat, and finally pour the liquid starch, finish.
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2020-11-19 · 说的都是干货,快来关注
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