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居里夫人 Marie Curie(1867-1934)法国籍波兰科学家,研究放射性现象,发现镭和钋两种放射性元素,一生两度获诺贝尔奖。居里夫人 Marie Curie(1867-1934)法国籍波兰科学家,研究放射性现象,发现镭和钋两种放射性元素,一生两度获诺贝尔奖。作为杰出科学家,居里夫人有一般科学家所没有的社会影响。尤其因为是成功女性的先驱,她的典范激励了很多人。很多人在儿童时代就听到她的故事 但得到的多是一个简化和不完整的印象。世人对居里夫人的认识。很大程度上受其次女在1937年出版的传记《居里夫人》(Madame Curie)所影响。这本书美化了居里夫人的生活,把她一生所遇到的曲折都平淡地处理了。美国传记女作家苏珊·昆(Susan Quinn)花了七年时间,收集包括居里家庭成员和朋友的没有公开的日记和传记资料。於去年出版了一本新书:《玛丽亚· 居里:她的一生》(Maria Curie: A Life),为她艰苦、辛酸和奋斗的生命历程描绘了一幅更详细和深入的图像。




















2015-10-03 · 说的都是干货,快来关注
1Madame Curie
Madame Curie shared with her husband, Pierre Curie, the honors
for discovering two radioactive elements, radium and polonium. The discovery of
these elements laid the foundation for future discoveries in nuclear physics and

Marie Sklodowska was born on November 7, 1867, in Warsaw,
Poland. Her early years were strongly influenced by her parents, who were both
educators. She later joined with Faculty of Sciences at the Sorbonne. This made
Marie the first woman to teach at the university level in France.

Nobel Prizes
Marie Curie was the first woman to win two Nobel
prizes. More

A Contribution to the French War Effort -- X-Rays

Marie devised advanced courses and radiology and taught doctors new
techniques. More

Physician and Chemist
Marie and Pierre Curie
worked together in an extended investigation of radioactivity.
Early Years
in Poland
Poland was an occupied and divided country throughout much of
Marie Curie's life. Marie's father lost his job for advocating independence from
Her Struggle for Higher Education
Under Russian control, Polish
women could not attend college. Marie's sister, Bronya went to Paris to study
and later helped Marie with her education. Despite a limited knowledge of
French, Marie succeeded with honors at the Sorbonne, where she graduated with
degrees both in mathematics and chemistry. It was still very difficult, as a
woman, for Marie to find work.
Pierre and Marie: Their Life Together

Pierre was a leader in science when he met Marie; he had discovered the
principle of piezoelectricity which is used in the crystal pickup of a record
player. Pierre and Marie were married on July 26, 1895. They later had two
daughters, Irene and Eve.
Discovery of Polonium
Marie's legacy
to science is that she correctly speculated that the radiation spontaneously
released from the ore was nuclear rather than atomic.
Discovery of Radium

For four years they boiled, stirred, poured and distilled tons of
pitchblends to produce a tiny amount of radium.
The First Nobel Prize

The Curies and Henri Becquerel received the Nobel Prize for physics
for their work on radioactivity, and Marie was granted her doctorate the same
Pierre's Death
On April 19, 1906, Pierre was killed in a
street accident when he walked in front of a team of horses.
Trips to
Marie founded the Radium Institute in Paris. Because the Curies had
not patented the rights to Radium, or the process to produce it, Marie had to
make several trips to America to raise funds.
Marie's Philosophy
was a "positivist," rejecting theoretical speculation about human problems in
favor of positive, observable facts.
Marie's Death
Marie later
had to cut back on her official duties, due to poor health. She died peacefully
on July 4, 1934 in a nursing home.

Madame Curie was born Maria
Sklodowski in Warsaw, Poland in 1867, the youngest of five children. When she
was born, Poland was controlled by Russia. Her parents were teachers, and she
learned at an early age the importance of education.

Her mother died
when she was young, and when her father was caught teaching Polish - which had
been made illegal under the Russian government. Manya, as she was called, and
her sisters had to get jobs. After a couple of failed jobs, Manya became a tutor
to a family in the countryside outside Warsaw. She enjoyed her time there, and
was able to send her father money to help support him, and also send some money
to her sister Bronya in Paris who was studying medicine.

eventually married another medical student and they set up practice in Paris.
The couple invited Manya to live with them and study at the Sorbonne - a famous
Parisian University. In order to fit in better at the school, Manya changed her
name to the French "Marie." Marie studied physics and mathematics and quickly
received her masters' degrees in both subjects. She remained in Paris after
graduation and started research on magnetism.

For the research she
wanted to do, she needed more space than her small lab. A friend introduced her
to another young scientist, Pierre Curie, who had some extra room. Not only did
Marie move her equipment into his lab, Marie and Pierre fell in love and

A friend of the Curies, A. Henri Becquerel, had been playing
with recently discovered properties of the element uranium. He talked to Pierre
and Marie about those properties and they became interested in them too. Marie
Curie set about investigating the effect, which she named "radio-activity" for
her Doctorate research.

Marie Curie checked many other elements to
determine whether they too were radioactive. She found one, thorium, and also
came across a source of radiation in a mixture called "pitch-blend," which was
much more powerful than either thorium or uranium.

Working together, it
took Marie and Pierre four years to isolate the radioactive source in the
pitch-blend. Marie named it radium. For the discovery of radium, Marie and
Pierre won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903, which they shared with their friend
A. Henri Becquerel. Shortly, Marie found that what she had discovered was not
pure radium, but she was able to isolate the element itself after quite a
struggle. For this work, she was given the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911.

During her work, Marie discovered radiation could kill human cells. She
reasoned that if it could kill healthy human cells, it could kill diseased human
cells and went about isolating radium for use in killing tumors.

In 1906
Pierre Curie was offered the position of director of the Physics Laboratory at
the Sorbonne. Before he could take the position, however, he was run over by a
carriage and killed. After her husband died, Marie was offered and took the
position, the first woman to become director of a research laboratory.

During the first World War, Marie Curie went to work for the French
building and designing X-ray machines. Knowing that moving soldiers to a
hospital before they needed surgery was not always possible, she designed the
first mobile X-ray machine and traveled with it along the front lines during the

On July 4, 1934, Marie Curie died in Paris, killed by her own
experiments. She died of radiation poisoning and may have been the first person
to do so. Marie Curie had brought herself up from poverty, struggling to get her
education and succeeding brilliantly. The work she did, she did with patience,
often getting results only after years of careful experimentation, while
struggling for money to support her work. For her struggles, she received two
Nobel Prizes - the first woman to win even one. Through the knowledge she
gained, thousands of lives have been saved.

Great knowledge,
however, is often a two-edged sword. Without the work she did we might not have
many modern cancer treatments, or atomic clocks, or even the computer you're
viewing this on. But through her work on radioactivity she can also be thought
of as the mother of the atomic bomb.
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2006-04-17 · TA获得超过375个赞
Marie Curie, or rather Marya Sklodowska, was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867. At the time, the Polish capital was occupied by the Russians, who were seeking to weaken the local élite but nonetheless tolerated the burgeoning of the positivist doctrine advocated by Auguste Comte. Based on the value of experience and scientific reality, and applied to society, it was for many intellectuals the path of progress; it was to leave an indelible mark on Marya. Born into a family of teachers and brought up in an environment marked by a sense of duty and a lack of money, she led the most Spartan of lives. From the premature death of one of her sisters, and later of her mother, she drew the agnosticism that would later bolster her faith in science. As a brilliant and mature student with a rare gift of concentration, Marya harboured the dream of a scientific career, a concept inconceivable for a woman at that time. But lack of funds meant she was forced to become a private tutor. She made huge financial sacrifices so that her sister Bronia could fulfil her wish of studying medicine in Paris, nurturing the hope that the favour might be returned.

And so, in 1891, the shy Marya arrived in Paris. Ambitious and self-taught, she had but one obsession: to learn. She passed a physics degree with flying colours, and went on to sit a mathematics degree. It was then that a Polish friend introduced her to Pierre Curie, a young man, shy and introvert. In 1895, this free-thinker, acknowledged for his work on crystallography and magnetism, became her husband. One year previously, he had written to her saying how nice it would be "to spend life side by side, in the sway of our dreams: your patriotic dream, our humanitarian dream and our scientific dream."

In her pioneering way, Marie Curie decided, in 1897, to take a physics doctorate. Henri Becquerel, who was studying X-rays, had recently observed that uranium salt left an impression on a photographic plate in spite of its protective envelope. What better subject could there have been for Marie than to try and understand the effect, the energy of these uranic rays? Pierre consented. And so his frail wife set about her work, handling tons of minerals; she noted that another substance, thorium, was "radioactive", a term she herself had coined. Together, they demonstrated in a major discovery that radioactivity was not the result of a chemical reaction but a property of the element or, more specifically, of the atom. Marie then studied pitchblende, a uranic mineral in which she measured a much more intense activity than is present in uranium alone. She deduced that there were other substances besides uranium that were very radioactive, such as polonium and radium, which she discovered in 1898.

In their experiments, Pierre observed the properties of the radiation while Marie, for her part, purified the radioactive elements. Both shared the same, uncanny tenacity, which was all the more admirable given their deplorable living conditions. Their laboratory was nothing more than a miserable hangar, where in winter the temperature dropped to around six degrees. One chemist commented that "it looked more like a stable or a potato cellar". And yet, Marie admitted that "one of our pleasures was to enter our workshop at night; then, all around us, we would see the luminous silhouettes of the beakers and capsules that contained our products". Despite their difficulty at obtaining any advances or loans, Marie and Pierre Curie refused to file a patent application that would have secured them financially; in their eyes, enabling any scientist, French or foreign, to find applications for radioactivity took priority.

Pierre tested radium on his skin. It caused a burn, and then a wound: its effect on man was thus proven. Soon radium was being used to treat malign tumours: Curietherapy was born. In 1903, Marie defended her thesis. Together with Becquerel, the Curies were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for their discovery of natural radioactivity. Their happiness was short lived. In 1906, Pierre, weakened by radiation and overworked, was run over by a car. Marie was forced to continue alone. She took charge of educating her two children; she took up the position which her husband had finally obtained at the Sorbonne, and thus became the first woman to be appointed professor there.

She also had to fight the prejudices of her day: hatred of foreigners and sexism which, in 1911, prevented her from entering the Academy of Science. And yet, soon after, she was honoured with a Nobel Prize for Chemistry for determining the atomic weight of radium. But her real joy was "easing human suffering". The founding of the Radium Institute by the University of Paris and the Pasteur Institute in 1914 would enable her to fulfil her humanitarian wish.

But then war broke out. "We must act, act," she would say, motivating her daughter Irène to follow suit. She felt that X-rays would help to locate shrapnel and bullets, and facilitate surgery; also, that it was important not to move the wounded, whenever possible. And so she created X-ray vans. But she did not stop there, and went on to provide equipment for hospitals. The only protection at that time was a metal screen and fabric gloves. All she needed to do was convince reticent doctors and find well-trained manipulators. No sooner said than done. Marie trained 150 female manipulators.

With the war over, she went back to work in her institute, with Irène by her side. Marie ran the research laboratory while Dr Claudius Regaud headed the applied biology laboratory. Their co-operation proved harmonious, sharing as they did similar ideals and the same disinterest in financial matters. Physicians and chemists provided the radium, and physicists treated cancer patients. Marie set about collecting funds and raw materials, the price of which had soared, going as far afield as the United States; but she found it hard to accept that dark economic interests should prevail.

Marie died of leukaemia in July, 1934, exhausted and almost blinded, her fingers burnt and stigmatised by "her" dear radium. This sixty-seven-year-old woman, who, according to Dr Claudius Regaud, "under a cold exterior and the utmost reserve (...) concealed in reality an abundance of delicate and generous feelings", had been exposed to incredible levels of radiation. Other researchers after her, her daughter in particular, would also pay the price. In January, together with her husband, Frédéric Joliot, Irène, who had been working in the same laboratory and with the same relentless determination as her mother, discovered artificial radioactivity, for which she, too, was awarded the Nobel Prize. Radioactivity is the starting point for cancer treatment, for the dating techniques used on ancient objects, rocks and the universe, and for molecular biology and modern genetics; it is also the source of nuclear energy and the atomic bomb. The other side of the coin...

参考资料: http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/label_france/ENGLISH/SCIENCES/CURIE/marie.html

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2006-04-16 · TA获得超过2019个赞


玛丽从小学习就非常勤奋刻苦,对学习有着强烈的兴趣和特殊的爱好,从不轻易放过任何学习的机会,处处表现顽强的进取精神。从上小学开始,她每门功课都考第一。15岁时,就以获得金奖章的优异成绩从中学毕业。她的父亲早先曾在圣彼得堡大学攻读过物理学,父亲对科学知识如饥似渴的精神和强烈的事业心,也深深地薰陶着小玛丽。她从小就十分喜爱父亲实验室中的各种仪器,长大后她又读了许多自然科学方面的书籍,更使她充满幻想,她急切地渴望到科学的世界中去探索。但是当时的家境不允许她上大学。1886年,她开始做长期的家庭教师,同时还自修了各门功课。1891年,她到巴黎大学深造,攻读物理学和数学,并获得了这两个硕士学位。学业完成后,她本打算返回祖国为受奴役的波兰人民服务,但是,与法国年轻物理学家皮埃尔·居里(Pierre Curie,1859~1906)的相识,改变了她的计划。1895年,她与皮埃尔结婚,1897年生了一个女儿,一个未来的诺贝尔奖金获得者。 法国物理学家贝克勒尔的研究工作引起了居里夫人的关注。贝克勒尔在检查一种稀有矿物质“铀盐”时,继伦琴(Wilhelm Roentgen 1845-1923)发现X射线之后又发现了一种“铀射线”人们称之为贝克勒尔射线。贝克勒尔发现的射线,引起了居里夫人极大兴趣,射线放射出来的力量是从哪里来的?居里夫人看到当时欧洲所有的实验室还没有人对铀射线进行过深入的研究,于是决心闯进这个领域。但是,由于当时学校的设备房屋极为紧张,无法给居里夫人提供好的实验条件和处所, 校长经过皮埃尔多次请求,才允许居里夫人使用一间潮湿的小屋作理化实验。居里夫妇的实验室条件极差,夏天,因为顶棚是玻璃的,里面被太阳晒得像一个烤箱;冬天,又冷得人都快冻僵了。居里夫妇克服了人们难以想像的困难,为了心中的理想辛勤地奋斗着。


对大量能够收集到的矿物进行测定之后,居里夫人发现一种沥青铀矿的放射性强度比预计的强度大得多。 经过仔细的研究后发现,这些沥青铀矿中铀和钍的含量无法解释她观察到的放射性的强度。这种反常的而且过强的放射性是哪里来的?只能有一种解释:这些沥青矿物中含有一种少量的比铀和钍的放射性作用强得多的新元素。居里夫人在以前所做的试验中,已经检查过当时所有已知的元素了。居里夫人断定,这是一种人类还不知道的新元素。





1906年皮埃尔·居里不幸被马车撞死,但居里夫人却未因此而倒下,她仍然继续研究,于1910年与德比恩(Andre Debierne,1874-1949年,于1899年从沥青铀矿中发现放射性元素锕Ac)一起分离出纯净的金属镭。

1914年第一次世界大战爆发时,居里夫人用X-射线设备装备了救护车,并将其开到了前线。国际红十字会任命她为放射学救护部门的领导。在她女儿依伦(Irene Curie)和克莱因(Martha Klein)的协助下,居里夫人在镭研究所为部队医院的医生和护理员开了一门课,教他们如何使用X-射线这项新技术。20世纪20年代末期,居里夫人的健康状况开始走下坡路,长期受放射线的照射使她患上白血病,终于在1934年7月4日不治而亡。在此之前几个月,她的女儿依伦(Irene Curie)和女婿约里奥-居里(Joliot-Curie)宣布发现人工放射性(他们俩因此而荣获1935年诺贝尔化学奖)。



1906年皮埃尔·居里不幸被马车撞死,但居里夫人却未因此而倒下,她仍然继续研究,于1910年与德比恩(Andre Debierne,1874-1949年,于1899年从沥青铀矿中发现放射性元素锕Ac)一起分离出纯净的金属镭。居里夫人继续研究了镭在在化学和医学上的应用,并且因分离出纯的金属镭而又获得1911年诺贝尔化学奖。

1914年第一次世界大战爆发时,居里夫人用X-射线设备装备了救护车,并将其开到了前线。国际红十字会任命她为放射学救护部门的领导。在她女儿依伦(Irene Curie)和克莱因(Martha Klein)的协助下,居里夫人在镭研究所为部队医院的医生和护理员开了一门课,教他们如何使用X-射线这项新技术。20世纪20年代末期,居里夫人的健康状况开始走下坡路,长期受放射线的照射使她患上白血病,终于在1934年7月4日不治而亡。在此之前几个月,她的女儿依伦(Irene Curie)和女婿约里奥-居里(Joliot-Curie)宣布发现人工放射性(他们俩因此而荣获1935年诺贝尔化学奖)。










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Madam Curie is a French professor of physics. She was born in Poland in 1867. In 1891 she went to study in Paris University because at that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland. When she was studying in Paris, she lived a poor life, but she worked very hard. In 1895 she married Pierre Curie, and then they worked together on the research into radioactive matter. They discovered two kinds of radioactive matter----polonium and radium. In 1904 she and her husband were given the Nobel Prize for physics. In 1906 Pierre died, but Marie went on working. She received a second Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911. So she became the first scientist in the world to win two Nobel Prizes
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