
JiriTrnka出生于1912年奥匈帝国Pilsen(现捷克Plzen),其父母分别是工匠和裁缝,Trnka曾向操作戏偶的师傅学习,因此奠定了他从事人偶动画创作的确基础... Jiri Trnka出生于1912年奥匈帝国Pilsen(现捷克Plzen),其父母分别是工匠和裁缝,Trnka曾向操作戏偶的师傅学习,因此奠定了他从事人偶动画创作的确基础,也让他的作品无论在服装、骨装及动作上都独具风格。如同许多东欧的动画家,他的作品在歌颂国家文化,特别是民俗风情时,也隐约地对当下的政治情势提出评论。他致力于木偶动画这种捷克传统的艺术形式,并无可辩驳地成为捷克木偶动画的开山巨擎、享誉世界的定格动画大师。注:定格动画(Stop-Motion Animation),是通过逐格地拍摄对象然后使之连续放映,从而产生仿佛活了一般的人物或你能想象到的任何奇异角色。我们通常所指的定格动画一般都是由黏土偶,木偶或混合材料的角色来演出的。这种动画形式的历史和传统意义上的手绘动画(Cel Animation)历史一样长,甚至可能更古老。Trnka同时也创造卡通形象,但仍是他的木偶动画是其成为被国际认可的艺术家并且成为诸多国际电影节上的赢家。他大部分的电影也都是由自己撰写脚本。他制作的人偶可爱而细致,场景与服装也一样精细而美丽。而且他开始注意到木偶动画与木偶剧场的不同处,不再让片中的偶有可以眨巴眨巴动的眼睛和嘴巴,而是利用镜头与灯光来转换气氛。他同时也是个说故事高手,他很早便体认到“故事线”对偶动画的重要,不管是改编或是自创,他让原本无生命的木偶成为可爱可亲的角色,栩栩如生地表演出一个个精彩动人的故事。

Jiri Trnka是布拉格工艺美术学校的毕业生,于1936年创建了一所木偶剧院,该剧院在二战爆发之后被解散了。战争期间Jiri Trnka做舞台设计和为儿童书籍绘制插画。在第二次世界大战结束后,他被指派成立捷克国家电影动画部门(捷克动画家们在官方支持下从1945年开始于布拉格和哥特瓦尔德形成了两个动画学派)。1946年,他与捷克早期的几位动画大师共同在布拉格电影工作室建立了一个动画工作室——"Bratriv Triku"(Trick Brothers,Jiri Trnka Studio的前身),并出任工作室的负责人。十年间几乎所有捷克的木偶动画作品都出自他旗下的工作室,迅速在世界动画界享有盛名。1948年在威尼斯电影节上获大奖的《捷克年》(Spalicek)描绘了捷克的民间生活和传统节日中的狂欢,两部巴洛克风格的长片《皇帝的夜莺》(Cisaruv slavík )和《巴亚雅王子》(Bajaja)分别取材自 安徒生童话和中世纪传奇,然后,完全忠实于约塞夫•拉达的著名插图造型的《好兵帅克》(Dobrý voják Svejk )也被搬上了银幕,1959年改编自莎士比亚名作的长篇动画《仲夏夜之 梦》(Sen noci svatojanske)也是其代表作之一。但他享年只有五十八岁(因心脏病卒于1969年12月30日布拉 格),为了纪念Trnka,Bratriv Triku工作室正式更名为“Jiri Trnka Studio”。有人把他称做“欧洲的Walt Disney”,我觉得这种称呼并不恰当,因为Trnka的艺术和美国动画风格和定位是完全不同的,但是我们可以通过这种称呼的描述了解到Trnka在欧洲动画史上的地位。
1965年Jirí Trnka执导了他的最后一部影片,对艺术家在一个压抑社会中的处境作出清晰陈述。这部《手》(Ruka)只有两个“演员”:一个小木偶,一只人的大手。片中小木偶代表着艺术家,他打扮老派,看上去是个乡村艺人,正全神贯注制作黏土罐,这时一只手闯入,逼迫艺人照他自己做一个英雄雕像出来,艺人断然拒绝,于是大手将店铺毁掉。当艺人修复了铺子后,大手再次出现,重复上次的要求。艺人被逼无奈,只好应承,但进度缓慢。后来又有一只女人的手前来拜访艺人,最后艺人发现自己被囚禁,只是一个牵线木偶的现实。电影结束时,傀儡艺术家被折磨得病死,象征权力的大手“衣冠楚楚”地又一次出现,给艺人小小的棺材上盖上体现荣誉的勋章,赞颂他“为国操劳而死”。
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2008-08-23 · TA获得超过3.2万个赞
Jiri Trnka was born in 1912 Austro-Hungarian Empire Pilsen (now the Czech Plzen), his parents were artisans and tailoring, Trnka to the operation theater of the dual master learning, so he laid a Doll in the animation is based on creativity, but also for his Works both in clothing, equipment and action on the bone are in style. Like many Eastern European animation, and his works in extolling national culture, especially folk customs, also looming on the current political situation to comment. He is committed to the Czech puppet animation of this traditional art form, and irrefutably the Czech puppet animation into the jungle giant, world-renowned master of animation frames. Note: Without sound (Stop-Motion Animation), through case-by-grid to the subject and then make continuous screenings, which seems to have a live person or a general you could imagine that any singular role. We usually referred to the grid by the clay animation are generally even, puppet shows or mixed materials to perform the role. This form of animation history and the traditional sense of hand-painted animation (Cel Animation) as long as history, even more ancient. Trnka also create a cartoon image, it is still his puppet animation is become the internationally recognized artists and a number of international film festival winner. He also most of the film script written by himself. Figures produced by his lovely and detailed, the same scene and clothing fine and beautiful. But he began to note that puppet animation and puppet theatre different, no longer allow the occasional film can Zhabazhaba moving eyes and mouth, but to use the camera and lighting to transform the atmosphere. He is also a master storyteller, he realized early on that "story line" dual key animation, whether it is adapted or created, he had no life to the puppet role of a lovely friendly, lifelike performance of a surface The best of a moving story.

Jiri Trnka Prague is the Arts and Crafts school graduates, in 1936 created a puppet theatre, the theatre after the outbreak of World War II, was disbanded. During the war Jiri Trnka do stage design and drawing illustrations for children's books. After the end of the Second World War, he was assigned to the establishment of the Czech National Film animation department (Czech animation at the home of official support from the beginning of 1945 in Prague and Gottwald formed a two animation school). In 1946, he and several of the Czech Republic early animation master common in Prague film studios set up a animation studio - "Bratriv Triku" (Trick Brothers, Jiri Trnka Studio, the predecessor), and as the studio head. 10 years almost all of the Czech puppet animation works are from his studio's rapid animation industry in the world renowned. In 1948 Venice Film Festival award was "in the Czech Republic" (Spalicek) depicts the Czech Republic and the civil life of traditional festivals of Carnival, two long-Baroque style of "The Emperor's Nightingale" (Cisaruv slavík) and "Pakistan Yaya Prince "(Bajaja) were taken from Andersen's Fairy Tales and Legends of the Middle Ages, then completely around Saifu • loyal to the Verkhovna Rada's famous illustrations form the" Haobingshuaike "(Dobrý voják Svejk) has been onto the Screen, the 1959 adaptation of Shakespeare's works since a long animation "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (Sen noci svatojanske) is also one of its representative. But he died only 58 years old (because of heart disease died in December 30, 1969 in Prague), to commemorate Trnka, Bratriv Triku studio officially changed its name to "Jiri Trnka Studio". Some people called him "Europe's Walt Disney", I feel that this call is not appropriate, because the United States Trnka's art and animation style and positioning is totally different, but we can call this a description of animation in Europe that Trnka The status of the history.
1965 Jirí Trnka directed his final film, the artists in a depressed community to make clear the situation in the statement. The "hand" (Ruka) only two "actors": a small puppet, one of the hand. Tablets represents a small puppet artists, he dressed up the old camp, appeared to be the village artist, is concentrating production of clay pots, then broke into a hand, forced the artist as his own statue out to be a hero, artists flatly rejected, so will the hand Shops destroyed. When the artist repair the Puzi, big hands again, repeat the previous request. Artists forced to helplessness, they promised, but slow progress. Subsequently, a woman came to visit the artist's hand, the last artists find themselves imprisoned, is only a puppet pull strings reality. At the end of the film, puppet artists were tortured in the death, the symbolic power of big hands "Yiguanchuchu" to appear again, to the artists on the tiny coffin covered with the Medal of Honor, praised him "for the country Caolao died."
2008-08-23 · TA获得超过864个赞
Jiri Trnka was born in 1912 Austro-Hungarian Empire Pilsen (now the Czech Plzen), his parents were artisans and tailoring, Trnka to the operation theater of the dual master learning, so he laid a Doll in the animation is based on creativity, but also for his Works both in clothing, equipment and action on the bone are in style. Like many Eastern European animation, and his works in extolling national culture, especially folk customs, also looming on the current political situation to comment. He is committed to the Czech puppet animation of this traditional art form, and irrefutably the Czech puppet animation into the jungle giant, world-renowned master of animation frames. Note: Without sound (Stop-Motion Animation), through case-by-grid to the subject and then make continuous screenings, which seems to have a live person or a general you could imagine that any singular role. We usually referred to the grid by the clay animation are generally even, puppet shows or mixed materials to perform the role. This form of animation history and the traditional sense of hand-painted animation (Cel Animation) as long as history, even more ancient. Trnka also create a cartoon image, it is still his puppet animation is become the internationally recognized artists and a number of international film festival winner. He also most of the film script written by himself. Figures produced by his lovely and detailed, the same scene and clothing fine and beautiful. But he began to note that puppet animation and puppet theatre different, no longer allow the occasional film can Zhabazhaba moving eyes and mouth, but to use the camera and lighting to transform the atmosphere. He is also a master storyteller, he realized early on that "story line" dual key animation, whether it is adapted or created, he had no life to become a puppet of the role of lovable amiable, lifelike performance of a surface The best of a moving story.

Jiri Trnka Prague is the Arts and Crafts school graduates, in 1936 created a puppet theatre, the theatre after the outbreak of World War II, was disbanded. During the war Jiri Trnka do stage design and drawing illustrations for children's books. After the end of the Second World War, he was assigned to the establishment of the Czech National Film animation department (Czech animation at the home of official support from the beginning of 1945 in Prague and Gottwald formed a two animation school). In 1946, he and several of the Czech Republic early animation master common in Prague film studios set up a animation studio - "Bratriv Triku" (Trick Brothers, Jiri Trnka Studio, the predecessor), and as the studio head. 10 years almost all of the Czech puppet animation works are from his studio's rapid animation industry in the world renowned. In 1948 Venice Film Festival award was "in the Czech Republic" (Spalicek) depicts the Czech Republic and the civil life of traditional festivals of Carnival, two long-Baroque style of "The Emperor's Nightingale" (Cisaruv slavík) and "Pakistan Yaya Prince "(Bajaja) were taken from Andersen's Fairy Tales and Legends of the Middle Ages, and then, totally faithful to Sefu • Verkhovna Rada about the shape of the famous illustrations" Haobingshuaike "(Dobrý voják Svejk) has been onto the Screen, the 1959 adaptation of Shakespeare's works since a long animation "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (Sen noci svatojanske) is also one of its representative. But he died only 58 years old (because of heart disease died in December 30, 1969 in Prague), to commemorate Trnka, Bratriv Triku studio officially changed its name to "Jiri Trnka Studio". Some people called him "Europe's Walt Disney", I feel that this call is not appropriate, because the United States Trnka's art and animation style and positioning is totally different, but we can call this a description of animation in Europe that Trnka The status of the history.
1965 Jirí Trnka directed his final film, the artists in a depressed community to make clear the situation in the statement. The "hand" (Ruka) only two "actors": a small puppet, one of the hand. Tablets represents a small puppet artists, he dressed up the old camp, appeared to be the village artist, is concentrating production of clay pots, then broke into a hand, forced the artist as his own statue out to be a hero, artists flatly rejected, so will the hand Shops destroyed. When the artist repair the Puzi, big hands again, repeat the previous request. Artists forced to helplessness, they promised, but slow progress. Subsequently, a woman came to visit the artist's hand, the last artists find themselves imprisoned, is only a puppet pull strings reality. At the end of the film, puppet artists were tortured in the death, the symbolic power of big hands "Yiguanchuchu" to appear again, to the artists on the tiny coffin covered with the Medal of Honor, praised him "for the country Caolao died."
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Jiri Trnka was born in 1912 Austro-Hungarian Empire Pilsen (now the Czech Plzen), his parents were artisans and tailoring, Trnka to the operation theater of the dual master learning, so he laid a Doll in the animation is based on creativity, but also for his Works both in clothing, equipment and action on the bone are in style. Like many Eastern European animation, and his works in extolling national culture, especially folk customs, also looming on the current political situation to comment. He is committed to the Czech puppet animation of this traditional art form, and irrefutably the Czech puppet animation into the jungle giant, world-renowned master of animation frames. Note: Without sound (Stop-Motion Animation), through case-by-grid to the subject and then make continuous screenings, which seems to have a live person or a general you could imagine that any singular role. We usually referred to the grid by the clay animation are generally even, puppet shows or mixed materials to perform the role. This form of animation history and the traditional sense of hand-painted animation (Cel Animation) as long as history, even more ancient. Trnka also create a cartoon image, it is still his puppet animation is become the internationally recognized artists and a number of international film festival winner. He also most of the film script written by himself. Figures produced by his lovely and detailed, the same scene and clothing fine and beautiful. But he began to note that puppet animation and puppet theatre different, no longer allow the occasional film can Zhabazhaba moving eyes and mouth, but to use the camera and lighting to transform the atmosphere. He is also a master storyteller, he realized early on that "story line" dual key animation, whether it is adapted or created, he had no life to become a puppet of the role of lovable amiable, lifelike performance of a surface The best of a moving story.

Jiri Trnka Prague is the Arts and Crafts school graduates, in 1936 created a puppet theatre, the theatre after the outbreak of World War II, was disbanded. During the war Jiri Trnka do stage design and drawing illustrations for children's books. After the end of the Second World War, he was assigned to the establishment of the Czech National Film animation department (Czech animation at the home of official support from the beginning of 1945 in Prague and Gottwald formed a two animation school). In 1946, he and several of the Czech Republic early animation master common in Prague film studios set up a animation studio - "Bratriv Triku" (Trick Brothers, Jiri Trnka Studio, the predecessor), and as the studio head. 10 years almost all of the Czech puppet animation works are from his studio's rapid animation industry in the world renowned. In 1948 Venice Film Festival award was "in the Czech Republic" depicts the Czech Republic and the civil life of traditional festivals of Carnival, two long-Baroque style of "The Emperor's Nightingale"and "Pakistan Yaya Prince " were taken from Andersen's Fairy Tales and Legends of the Middle Ages, and then, totally faithful to Sefu • Verkhovna Rada about the shape of the famous illustrations" Haobingshuaike " has been onto the Screen, the 1959 adaptation of Shakespeare's works since a long animation "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (Sen noci svatojanske) is also one of its representative. But he died only 58 years old (because of heart disease died in December 30, 1969 in Prague), to commemorate Trnka, Bratriv Triku studio officially changed its name to "Jiri Trnka Studio". Some people called him "Europe's Walt Disney", I feel that this call is not appropriate, because the United States Trnka's art and animation style and positioning is totally different, but we can call this a description of animation in Europe that Trnka The status of the history.
1965 Jirí Trnka directed his final film, the artists in a depressed community to make clear the situation in the statement. The "hand" only two "actors": a small puppet, one of the hand. Tablets represents a small puppet artists, he dressed up the old camp, appeared to be the village artist, is concentrating production of clay pots, then broke into a hand, forced the artist as his own statue out to be a hero, artists flatly rejected, so will the hand Shops destroyed. When the artist repair the Puzi, big hands again, repeat the previous request. Artists forced to helplessness, they promised, but slow progress. Subsequently, a woman came to visit the artist's hand, the last artists find themselves imprisoned, is only a puppet pull strings reality. At the end of the film, puppet artists were tortured in the death, the symbolic power of big hands "Yiguanchuchu" to appear again, to the artists on the tiny coffin covered with the Medal of Honor, praised him "for the country Caolao died."
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