大家帮忙看看这篇文章有什么语法错误或用词不当 15

大家帮忙看看这篇文章有什么语法错误或用词不当等等,有的话请指出,谢谢maybeshetoughtthatitisbeautiful.butithinkitisveryho... 大家帮忙看看这篇文章有什么语法错误或用词不当等等,有的话请指出,谢谢maybe she tought that it is beautiful.but i think it is very hot when she wear it.after we had bought all the things ,we went along the riverside.and had a heart to heart talk .we talke about our ambition,and our plans for the future.she said she will enter the graduate student exam.i supported her ,although i droped it.i lost my dream but i hope her dream can come true one day.her major is english,so i told her that it is a long and hard process.she has to stick to it.the linguistic is very hard.and i dropped the exam because of it.and we talked the way of life we like.i told her that i want to experience more but the teaching job can earn much more,if i take the tutorial job.i can earn a large amount of money a month.this job is very comfortable and the pay is steady.but there are some disadvantages of it.if i choose this way of life.i will experience less.and my life is not that amazing.if i choose the foreign trade job.i will earn about 5000 a month.and i told her that my sister has prepared a job for me.but in fact i don't like this job,because trading requires sham.and i don't like to work in a condition that there is nothing but competetion and don't want to live in a surrounding that behalf is the dominator.but this job can improve my experience.and i have the choince to go to other countrys.so i am very confused.i don't know what life style i prefer.because i had never experienced it.i don't konw which one i will choose.i told this to her.and she said that experience is more important.i didn't know whether i agreed with her.and she asked me not to think that much ,the most important thing that you are facing now is the TEM8 .even if you make a decision now,maybe you will change it after a few months later.so don't think that much.the most important thing is to stride our next step.the other things are after that.at this point i agreed with her.so i will work hard on my TEM8.she said that she will not work in WUHAN because the wage is low and the spending is high there.so she will go to shengzheng.she said her mother was there.and there are many jobs there if you have enough ablility.we are the cross-century generation and we are young we have our beautiful dreams.best wishes to us.she said she will go to jiujiang after five days and went to wuhan after a few days of staying .she said she will come to chengdu and i will take her to some beautiful sights.and she asked me to wuhan .she will introduced her foreign friends to me.and she said they are very interesting.she said they like playing a game .that is all people sit around the talbe and one of them say three sentences.one of them is true.and the other people will guess which one is true and which one is false.if he has the wrong choince.she will sing a song.that't interesting.i expect the game with her and her friends. 展开
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