
alsothereisanothertopicbetweenus.thatislove.shehadaboyfriend.butshedoesn'tlikehimvery... also there is another topic between us.that is love.she had a boyfriend.but she doesn't like him very much.and she thought that her boyfriend doesn't like her much too.and she said she once loved a boy since her junior high school and she also liked the boy now.but she is afraid of being with him .because she thought that it is impossible.because the boy has a girlfriend.i feel sorry for her.because she can't choose the very boy she like.the boy is a classmate of mine of my senior high school.he is handsome.and he is my good friend.he sits in front of me.he is a gentlemen .and his character is very good.we usually had some discussions about math problems.and he is also very clever.he is her good choice but it is a pity that he has a girlfriend already.so ...she shouldn't be the third one between them.then i talked to her about my love.that's funny.the boy i loved for 6 years is her classmate in her elementary school.but she can't remember him very clearly.i told her that i had been waiting for that kind of boy.i know it is impossible to be with him.but i am still waiting .not for him ,but for the boy of his type.she asked me what kind of boy he is .i tried to express,but i don't know how to tell.maybe love is only love.and one can't explain the reason.she said to me :if you are waiting someone ,maybe he is also waiting for.i was much affected by her utterance.i am sure that i will come across him.there always exist a shape in my mind.i am waiting for you.what about her love.my suggestion is that is she is not feeling happy when she is with him.she should put forward break up at once.love is colorblind.but we should keep clear in our heads.her boyfriend doesn't cherish her.so there is no hesitation.and she agreed with me.wish her will come across the boy she really love.the time with her is enjoyable.and i hope we can work in the same place.and we will be best friends forever.it is late now.this is all for today.i will come herer tomorrow. C U!.MY qzone!
there is another thing today.my good friend D has arrived at neimonggu.wish her a good time.it must be a nice journey
2008-10-03 · TA获得超过192个赞
also there is another topic between us.that is love.she has a boyfriend,but she doesn't like him very much.meanwhile,she thinks that her boyfriend doesn't like her much either.she said she once loved a boy during her ages in junior school, and she still likes the boy now.however she is afraid of being with him.she thinks that it is impossible,because the boy has a girlfriend now.i feel sorry for her. she can't choose the very boy she likes.the boy is a classmate of mine in my senior school.he is handsome,a gentlemen with very good characteristics, my good friend.he sat in front of me.we usually had some discussions on math problems.In my memeory,he was very clever on it.he is her good choice, but it is a pity that he has had a girlfriend already.so ...she shouldn't be the third one between them.i also talked to her my love.that's funny.the boy i have loved for 6 years is one of her classmates in her elementary school,who she can't remember very clearly.i told her that i had been waiting for that kind of boy for long.i see it is impossible to be with him,but i am still waiting,not for him ,but for the boy of his type.she asked me what kind of boy he is .i tried to express,but i don't know how to tell.love maybe love only,it couldn't be explained.she said to me:"if you were waiting someone,he might also be waiting for you."i was much affected by her utterance,and sure that i would come across him.there always was a shame in my mind."i am waiting for you",i said in my mind.what about her love.my suggestion was that she was not happy with him,so she should put breaking up at once.love is blind,but it should be clear in our minds.her boyfriend doesn't cherish her.so there is no hesitation to give up.she agreed with me.wish her to come across the boy she really love.the time with her is enjoyable,and i hope we can work in the same place,also we will be best friends forever.it is late now.it is all for today.i will come here tomorrow. C U!.MY qzone!
there is another thing today.my good friend D has arrived at Inner Mongolia.wish her had a good time.it must be a nice journey

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