
急,在线等,好的保证追加!当然我们的游客不会一如此夸张的方式跨越大西洋,舒适的飞机将带我们回到本次环球旅行的终点站,当然也是始发站,古老而美丽的伦敦。伦敦有太多的美景令你... 急,在线等,好的保证追加!
伦敦有太多的美景令你难以取舍,是去仰望从不懈怠勤勤恳恳的大笨钟(big ben),还是去惊叹温莎堡(windsor castle)的绝代奢华,或者去看看神奇魔法学校霍格沃茨的拍摄原址,绝顶美丽的克罗斯特大教堂(gloucester cathedral)。这太激动人心了,但是我们的安排是在宁静中走进世界上最古老的大学——牛津大学(University of Oxford)。
与其他大学不同的,牛津大学没有校门和围墙,城市与大学融为一体,街道穿过校园,楼房尖塔在烟雨蒙蒙中若隐若现,高墙上爬满老藤,稀疏的绿叶中绽放着红花,小城显得古朴素雅。 英国人把牛津当做一种传统,一种象征,一种怀恋和一种追寻。在那里可以回忆起过去的美好时光,可以重温昔日的辉煌。英国有一句民谚:“穿过牛津城,犹如进入历史”。
静静的走进牛津,徘徊在巴洛克,哥特式风格的建筑林里,沉浸在浓浓的学术气息中,曲径通幽的小路上曾经走过王尔德(Oscar Wilde),陈旧的木凳上曾经钱钟书坐着看书。擦肩而过的小老头可能是城里的面包师,也可能是某个领域里最杰出的教授。
洒满阳光的小树林里年轻的学生在专注的学习,那里可能也曾做过亚当斯密(Adam Smith),史蒂芬霍金(Stephen William Hawking),或者年轻时候的克林顿(William Jefferson Clinton)。牛津有时像位耄耋老人,深思沉静,有时却又朝气蓬勃,有着无限的活力生机。
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2008-11-07 · TA获得超过1716个赞
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悬赏分:100 - 离问题结束还有 19 天 7 小时
伦敦有太多的美景令你难以取舍,是去仰望从不懈怠勤勤恳恳的大笨钟(big ben),还是去惊叹温莎堡(windsor castle)的绝代奢华,或者去看看神奇魔法学校霍格沃茨的拍摄原址,绝顶美丽的克罗斯特大教堂(gloucester cathedral)。这太激动人心了,但是我们的安排是在宁静中走进世界上最古老的大学——牛津大学(University of Oxford)。
与其他大学不同的,牛津大学没有校门和围墙,城市与大学融为一体,街道穿过校园,楼房尖塔在烟雨蒙蒙中若隐若现,高墙上爬满老藤,稀疏的绿叶中绽放着红花,小城显得古朴素雅。 英国人把牛津当做一种传统,一种象征,一种怀恋和一种追寻。在那里可以回忆起过去的美好时光,可以重温昔日的辉煌。英国有一句民谚:“穿过牛津城,犹如进入历史”。
静静的走进牛津,徘徊在巴洛克,哥特式风格的建筑林里,沉浸在浓浓的学术气息中,曲径通幽的小路上曾经走过王尔德(Oscar Wilde),陈旧的木凳上曾经钱钟书坐着看书。擦肩而过的小老头可能是城里的面包师,也可能是某个领域里最杰出的教授。
洒满阳光的小树林里年轻的学生在专注的学习,那里可能也曾做过亚当斯密(Adam Smith),史蒂芬霍金(Stephen William Hawking),或者年轻时候的克林顿(William Jefferson Clinton)。牛津有时像位耄耋老人,深思沉静,有时却又朝气蓬勃,有着无限的活力生机。
提问者: 紫杉木魔杖 - 江湖新秀 五级

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回答 共 4 条
Our visitor certainly is not good in one so exaggerated way striding over Atlantic Ocean , the comfortable aircraft will take us to return to time of a round-the-world tour terminal , certainly is also a starting station, antiquited but beautiful London. London has very much beautiful scenery to make you be difficult to make a choice , is to go to look up at big never slack unwieldy bells (big ben) earnest and assiduous , still going to exclaim that Windsor Castle (windsor castle) peerless is luxurious , possibly go to take a look at magical magic shooting of school Huogewoci former address , gram of especially big extremely beautiful Ross church (gloucester cathedral). This is exceedingly exciting, but our arrangement is walking into Oxford University of the most antiquited university of in the world in Ning Jing (University of Oxford). Establish Oxford University on 1096, not only being the most antiquited university, be also that in the world learning is shoulder one of the great reputation university most , not only attracting worldwide attention, beautiful scenery in school yard and whose learning atmosphere enjoy reputation whole world especially. University is other different and , Oxford University does not have the school gate and the enclosing wall , the city and university melt for an integral whole , the neighbourhood pass through campus , the building steeple is in drizzly middle of misty rain indistinct , be covered all over with the overgrown vine on the high wall , split in sparse greenery to be there be Carthamus tinctorious, the small town appears simple and unsophisticated simple but elegant. British regards Oxford as one kind of tradition , one kind of symbol , looks back upon nostalgically one kind and tracks down one kind. Happy times being able to recall that up over in there, not bad revive in former days splendid. United Kingdom has one folk saying: "Pass through the Oxford city , enter history just as". Walk into Oxford , linger at Baroque quietly, immerse in dense learning breath middle in gothic style building forest,a winding path leading to a secluded spot small had once been visiting (Oscar Wilde Wilde) on the way , Qian Zhong Shu had once been sitting to read a book on obsolete wood stool. The young old man who brushes against a person may be baker inside the city , also may be some's most distinguished field lining professors. Sprinkle the young student of small full sunlight grove lining on the study about being absorbed, there may act as also once Adams secret (Adam Smith) , Shidirenhuojin (Stephen William Hawking), possibly young moment Clinton (William Jefferson Clinton). In the sometimes Oxford quiet like the senile place old age old people, ponders over the matter , in the sometimes but fresh and vigorous, have the boundless vigour lease of life. All journeys tiredness disappears in this peaceful rambling in one day when come to an end to the utmost , late, route ending our possessions perfectly in serene beautiful Oxford setting sun.
回答者: 端木蓝幽 - 千总 四级 11-5 19:07
Of course, our visitors will not be a case of exaggerated way across the Atlantic and comfortable aircraft will take us back to the global travel destination, is also the starting point, of course, the ancient and beautiful London.
London there are too many beautiful you make difficult trade-off is never slacken our efforts diligently to look up to the Big Ben, or go to the Marie Windsor Castle amazing luxury, or to see the magic of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry site of the shooting in excellent shape Keluosite beautiful cathedral. It's exciting, but our arrangement is in a quiet into the world's oldest universities - Oxford University.
Established in 1096 in Oxford, is not only the oldest university, but also the world's most prestigious universities, not only academic world, the beauty of the campus and its world-renowned academic atmosphere even more.
And various other universities, Oxford University and the school is no wall, and the City University into the streets across the campus buildings in the steeple Amidst the Rain, albeit not very clearly, high wall covered with Lao Teng, light green leaves are in full bloom Safflower, appears to be simple elegance of a Small Town. The Oxford English as a tradition, a symbol of a kind of nostalgia and a search. There could be recalled in the past the good old days, you can revisit past glories. Britain has a Minyan: "through the city of Oxford, as if to enter history."
Oxford went into the quiet, hovering in the Baroque, Gothic-style building Lin, immersed in the thick of the academic atmosphere, small winding streets on the road has come Oscar Wilde, an old wooden bench on 10 minutes had the money Sitting reading books. Pass the old man may be a small town baker, or it may be a field of the most outstanding professors.
Saman sun small woods of young students in the focus of the study, there may have been Adam Smith, Stephen Hawking, or when the young Bill Clinton. Sometimes, like old Oxford-old, deeply quiet, but sometimes full of vigor and vitality, the vitality of life has infinite.
All the hard journey, in this day of quiet walk through the elimination of doing, Mo, in the serene beauty of the setting sun Oxford in the successful conclusion of all of our journey.
回答者: 木叶上忍2008 - 试用期 一级 11-5 21:00
However, our visitors will not be a case of exaggerated way across the Atlantic and comfortable aircraft will take us back to the global travel destination, is also the starting point, of course, the ancient and beautiful London.
London there are too many beautiful you make difficult trade-off is never slacken our efforts diligently to look up to the Big Ben (big ben), is still amazing to Windsor Castle (windsor castle) of the peerless luxury, or to see the magic of Magic School Hall Ge Woci the site of the shooting, extremely beautiful cathedral Keluosite (gloucester cathedral). It's exciting, but our arrangement is in a quiet into the world's oldest universities - Oxford University (University of Oxford).
Established in 1096 in Oxford, is not only the oldest university, but also the world's most prestigious universities, not only academic world, the beauty of the campus and its world-renowned academic atmosphere even more.
And various other universities, Oxford University and the school is no wall, and the City University into the streets across the campus buildings in the steeple Amidst the Rain, albeit not very clearly, high wall covered with Lao Teng, light green leaves are in full bloom Safflower, appears to be simple elegance of a Small Town. The Oxford English as a tradition, a symbol of a kind of nostalgia and a search. There could be recalled in the past the good old days, you can revisit past glories. Britain has a Minyan: "through the city of Oxford, as if to enter history."
Oxford went into the quiet, hovering in the Baroque, Gothic-style building Lin, immersed in the thick of the academic atmosphere, small winding streets on the road has come Oscar Wilde (Oscar Wilde), the old wooden bench Qian Zhongshu who sat on reading. Pass the old man may be a small town baker, or it may be a field of the most outstanding professors.
Saman sun small woods of young students in the focus of the study, there may have been Adam Smith (Adam Smith), Stephen Hawking (Stephen William Hawking), or when the young Bill Clinton (William Jefferson Clinton). Sometimes, like old Oxford-old, deeply quiet, but sometimes full of vigor and vitality, the vitality of life has infinite.
All the hard journey, in this day of quiet walk through the elimination of doing, Mo, in the serene beauty of the setting sun Oxford in the successful conclusion of all of our journey.
回答者: 哈哈weiguo - 经理 四级 11-6 12:10
Of course, our visitors will not be a case of exaggerated way across the Atlantic and comfortable aircraft will take us back to the global travel destination, is also the starting point, of course, the ancient and beautiful London.
London there are too many beautiful you make difficult trade-off is never slacken our efforts diligently to look up to the Big Ben (big ben), is still amazing to Windsor Castle (windsor castle) of the peerless luxury, or to see the magic of Magic School Hall Ge Woci the site of the shooting, extremely beautiful cathedral Keluosite (gloucester cathedral). It's exciting, but our arrangement is in a quiet into the world's oldest universities - Oxford University (University of Oxford).
Established in 1096 in Oxford, is not only the oldest university, but also the world's most prestigious universities, not only academic world, the beauty of the campus and its world-renowned academic atmosphere even more.
And various other universities, Oxford University and the school is no wall, and the City University into the streets across the campus buildings in the steeple Amidst the Rain, albeit not very clearly, high wall covered with Lao Teng, light green leaves are in full bloom Safflower, appears to be simple elegance of a Small Town. The Oxford English as a tradition, a symbol of a kind of nostalgia and a search. There could be recalled in the past the good old days, you can revisit past glories. Britain has a Minyan: "through the city of Oxford, as if to enter history."
Oxford went into the quiet, hovering in the Baroque, Gothic-style building Lin, immersed in the thick of the academic atmosphere, small winding streets on the road has come Oscar Wilde (Oscar Wilde), the old wooden bench Qian Zhongshu who sat on reading. Pass the old man may be a small town baker, or it may be a field of the most outstanding professors.
Saman sun small woods of young students in the focus of the study, there may have been Adam Smith (Adam Smith), Stephen Hawking (Stephen William Hawking), or when the young Bill Clinton (William Jefferson Clinton). Sometimes, like old Oxford-old, deeply quiet, but sometimes full of vigor and vitality, the vitality of life has infinite.
All the hard journey, in this day of quiet walk through the elimination of doing, Mo, in the serene beauty of the setting sun Oxford in the successful conclusion of all of our journey. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
2008-11-06 · TA获得超过1812个赞
Of course, our visitors will not be a case of exaggerated way across the Atlantic and comfortable aircraft will take us back to the global travel destination, is also the starting point, of course, the ancient and beautiful London.
London there are too many beautiful you make difficult trade-off is never slacken our efforts diligently to look up to the Big Ben (big ben), is still amazing to Windsor Castle (windsor castle) of the peerless luxury, or to see the magic of Magic School Hall Ge Woci the site of the shooting, extremely beautiful cathedral Keluosite (gloucester cathedral). It's exciting, but our arrangement is in a quiet into the world's oldest universities - Oxford University (University of Oxford).
Established in 1096 in Oxford, is not only the oldest university, but also the world's most prestigious universities, not only academic world, the beauty of the campus and its world-renowned academic atmosphere even more.
And various other universities, Oxford University and the school is no wall, and the City University into the streets across the campus buildings in the steeple Amidst the Rain, albeit not very clearly, high wall covered with Lao Teng, light green leaves are in full bloom Safflower, appears to be simple elegance of a Small Town. The Oxford English as a tradition, a symbol of a kind of nostalgia and a search. There could be recalled in the past the good old days, you can revisit past glories. Britain has a Minyan: "through the city of Oxford, as if to enter history."
Oxford went into the quiet, hovering in the Baroque, Gothic-style building Lin, immersed in the thick of the academic atmosphere, small winding streets on the road has come Oscar Wilde (Oscar Wilde), the old wooden bench Qian Zhongshu who sat on reading. Pass the old man may be a small town baker, or it may be a field of the most outstanding professors.
Saman sun small woods of young students in the focus of the study, there may have been Adam Smith (Adam Smith), Stephen Hawking (Stephen William Hawking), or when the young Bill Clinton (William Jefferson Clinton). Sometimes, like old Oxford-old, deeply quiet, but sometimes full of vigor and vitality, the vitality of life has infinite.
All the hard journey, in this day of quiet walk through the elimination of doing, Mo, in the serene beauty of the setting sun Oxford in the successful conclusion of all of our journey.
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2008-11-05 · TA获得超过339个赞
Our visitor certainly is not good in one so exaggerated way striding over Atlantic Ocean , the comfortable aircraft will take us to return to time of a round-the-world tour terminal , certainly is also a starting station, antiquited but beautiful London. London has very much beautiful scenery to make you be difficult to make a choice , is to go to look up at big never slack unwieldy bells (big ben) earnest and assiduous , still going to exclaim that Windsor Castle (windsor castle) peerless is luxurious , possibly go to take a look at magical magic shooting of school Huogewoci former address , gram of especially big extremely beautiful Ross church (gloucester cathedral). This is exceedingly exciting, but our arrangement is walking into Oxford University of the most antiquited university of in the world in Ning Jing (University of Oxford). Establish Oxford University on 1096, not only being the most antiquited university, be also that in the world learning is shoulder one of the great reputation university most , not only attracting worldwide attention, beautiful scenery in school yard and whose learning atmosphere enjoy reputation whole world especially. University is other different and , Oxford University does not have the school gate and the enclosing wall , the city and university melt for an integral whole , the neighbourhood pass through campus , the building steeple is in drizzly middle of misty rain indistinct , be covered all over with the overgrown vine on the high wall , split in sparse greenery to be there be Carthamus tinctorious, the small town appears simple and unsophisticated simple but elegant. British regards Oxford as one kind of tradition , one kind of symbol , looks back upon nostalgically one kind and tracks down one kind. Happy times being able to recall that up over in there, not bad revive in former days splendid. United Kingdom has one folk saying: "Pass through the Oxford city , enter history just as". Walk into Oxford , linger at Baroque quietly, immerse in dense learning breath middle in gothic style building forest,a winding path leading to a secluded spot small had once been visiting (Oscar Wilde Wilde) on the way , Qian Zhong Shu had once been sitting to read a book on obsolete wood stool. The young old man who brushes against a person may be baker inside the city , also may be some's most distinguished field lining professors. Sprinkle the young student of small full sunlight grove lining on the study about being absorbed, there may act as also once Adams secret (Adam Smith) , Shidirenhuojin (Stephen William Hawking), possibly young moment Clinton (William Jefferson Clinton). In the sometimes Oxford quiet like the senile place old age old people, ponders over the matter , in the sometimes but fresh and vigorous, have the boundless vigour lease of life. All journeys tiredness disappears in this peaceful rambling in one day when come to an end to the utmost , late, route ending our possessions perfectly in serene beautiful Oxford setting sun.
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2008-11-06 · TA获得超过163个赞
However, our visitors will not be a case of exaggerated way across the Atlantic and comfortable aircraft will take us back to the global travel destination, is also the starting point, of course, the ancient and beautiful London.
London there are too many beautiful you make difficult trade-off is never slacken our efforts diligently to look up to the Big Ben (big ben), is still amazing to Windsor Castle (windsor castle) of the peerless luxury, or to see the magic of Magic School Hall Ge Woci the site of the shooting, extremely beautiful cathedral Keluosite (gloucester cathedral). It's exciting, but our arrangement is in a quiet into the world's oldest universities - Oxford University (University of Oxford).
Established in 1096 in Oxford, is not only the oldest university, but also the world's most prestigious universities, not only academic world, the beauty of the campus and its world-renowned academic atmosphere even more.
And various other universities, Oxford University and the school is no wall, and the City University into the streets across the campus buildings in the steeple Amidst the Rain, albeit not very clearly, high wall covered with Lao Teng, light green leaves are in full bloom Safflower, appears to be simple elegance of a Small Town. The Oxford English as a tradition, a symbol of a kind of nostalgia and a search. There could be recalled in the past the good old days, you can revisit past glories. Britain has a Minyan: "through the city of Oxford, as if to enter history."
Oxford went into the quiet, hovering in the Baroque, Gothic-style building Lin, immersed in the thick of the academic atmosphere, small winding streets on the road has come Oscar Wilde (Oscar Wilde), the old wooden bench Qian Zhongshu who sat on reading. Pass the old man may be a small town baker, or it may be a field of the most outstanding professors.
Saman sun small woods of young students in the focus of the study, there may have been Adam Smith (Adam Smith), Stephen Hawking (Stephen William Hawking), or when the young Bill Clinton (William Jefferson Clinton). Sometimes, like old Oxford-old, deeply quiet, but sometimes full of vigor and vitality, the vitality of life has infinite.
All the hard journey, in this day of quiet walk through the elimination of doing, Mo, in the serene beauty of the setting sun Oxford in the successful conclusion of all of our journey.
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