中文:在1505年米开朗基罗被邀请了回到罗马由最近当选教皇朱利叶斯II。 他被委任修造教皇的坟茔。在教皇的光顾之下,米开朗基罗必须经常停下来在坟茔的工作为了完成许多其他任务。 由于这些中断,米开朗基罗在坟茔工作了40年。坟茔,中央特点是摩西米开朗基罗的雕象,未曾被完成对米开朗基罗的满意。 它位于S. Pietro教会在Vincoli的在罗马。
在坟茔的The 主要中断是绘Sistine教堂的天花板的委员会,需要大约四年完成(1508–1512)。 根据米开朗基罗的自己的帐户,再生产在当代传记, Bramante和Raphael说服教皇委任不是媒介知交的米开朗基罗对艺术家,为了他也许被牵制免受他的雕塑的特选入壁画绘画和因而遭受与他的敌手 Raphael的不赞同的比较。 然而,这个故事由现代史学家打折根据当代证据,并且也许仅仅是艺术家的自己的透视的反射。
Michelangelo最初被委任绘12位传道者,但是为一份不同和更加复杂的计划被游说了,代表创作、人倒台和救世诺言通过基督先知和谱学。 工作是装饰一份更大的计划的一部分在代表许多天主教教会的教条的教堂之内的
The 构成最终包含300个图和有在它的从创世纪书的中心九情节,被划分成三个小组: 地球的上帝的创作; 人类和他们的从上帝的雍容的秋天的上帝的创作; 并且最后,人类状态如代表由诺亚和他的家庭。 在支持天花板的pendentives被绘预测来临耶稣的十二名男人和妇女。他们是以色列的七个先知和五个女巫,古典世界的预言妇女。
Among在天花板的最著名的绘画是亚当的创作,亚当和伊芙在伊甸园里,伟大的洪水、先知艾赛尔和Cumaean女巫。 在窗口附近被绘基督的祖先。
In 1505 Michelangelo was invited back to Rome by the newly elected Pope Julius II. He was commissioned to build the Pope's tomb. Under the patronage of the Pope, Michelangelo had to constantly stop work on the tomb in order to accomplish numerous other tasks. Because of these interruptions, Michelangelo worked on the tomb for 40 years. The tomb, of which the central feature is Michelangelo's statue of Moses, was never finished to Michelangelo's satisfaction. It is located in the Church of S. Pietro in Vincoli in Rome.
The major interruption on the tomb was the commission to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which took approximately four years to complete (1508–1512). According to Michelangelo's own account, reproduced in contemporary biographies, Bramante and Raphael convinced the Pope to commission Michelangelo in a medium not familiar to the artist, in order that he might be diverted from his preference for sculpture into fresco painting, and thus suffer from unfavorable comparisons with his rival Raphael. However, this story is discounted by modern historians on the grounds of contemporary evidence, and may be merely a reflection of the artist's own perspective.
Michelangelo was originally commissioned to paint the 12 Apostles, but lobbied for a different and more complex scheme, representing creation, the Downfall of Man and the Promise of Salvation through the prophets and Genealogy of Christ. The work is part of a larger scheme of decoration within the chapel which represents much of the doctrine of the Catholic Church
The composition eventually contained over 300 figures and had at its centre nine episodes from the Book of Genesis, divided into three groups: God's Creation of the Earth; God's Creation of Humankind and their fall from God's grace; and lastly, the state of Humanity as represented by Noah and his family. On the pendentives supporting the ceiling are painted twelve men and women who prophesied the coming of the Jesus. They are seven prophets of Israel and five Sibyls, prophetic women of the Classical world.
Among the most famous paintings on the ceiling are the Creation of Adam, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the Great Flood, the Prophet Isaiah and the Cumaean Sibyl. Around the windows are painted the ancestors of Christ.
中文:在1505年米开朗基罗被邀请了回到罗马由最近当选教皇朱利叶斯II。 他被委任修造教皇的坟茔。在教皇的光顾之下,米开朗基罗必须经常停下来在坟茔的工作为了完成许多其他任务。 由于这些中断,米开朗基罗在坟茔工作了40年。坟茔,中央特点是摩西米开朗基罗的雕象,未曾被完成对米开朗基罗的满意。 它位于S. Pietro教会在Vincoli的在罗马。
在坟茔的The 主要中断是绘Sistine教堂的天花板的委员会,需要大约四年完成(1508–1512)。 根据米开朗基罗的自己的帐户,再生产在当代传记, Bramante和Raphael说服教皇委任不是媒介知交的米开朗基罗对艺术家,为了他也许被牵制免受他的雕塑的特选入壁画绘画和因而遭受与他的敌手 Raphael的不赞同的比较。 然而,这个故事由现代史学家打折根据当代证据,并且也许仅仅是艺术家的自己的透视的反射。
Michelangelo最初被委任绘12位传道者,但是为一份不同和更加复杂的计划被游说了,代表创作、人倒台和救世诺言通过基督先知和谱学。 工作是装饰一份更大的计划的一部分在代表许多天主教教会的教条的教堂之内的
The 构成最终包含300个图和有在它的从创世纪书的中心九情节,被划分成三个小组: 地球的上帝的创作; 人类和他们的从上帝的雍容的秋天的上帝的创作; 并且最后,人类状态如代表由诺亚和他的家庭。 在支持天花板的pendentives被绘预测来临耶稣的十二名男人和妇女。他们是以色列的七个先知和五个女巫,古典世界的预言妇女。
Among在天花板的最著名的绘画是亚当的创作,亚当和伊芙在伊甸园里,伟大的洪水、先知艾赛尔和Cumaean女巫。 在窗口附近被绘基督的祖先。
In 1505 Michelangelo was invited back to Rome by the newly elected Pope Julius II. He was commissioned to build the Pope's tomb. Under the patronage of the Pope, Michelangelo had to constantly stop work on the tomb in order to accomplish numerous other tasks. Because of these interruptions, Michelangelo worked on the tomb for 40 years. The tomb, of which the central feature is Michelangelo's statue of Moses, was never finished to Michelangelo's satisfaction. It is located in the Church of S. Pietro in Vincoli in Rome.
The major interruption on the tomb was the commission to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which took approximately four years to complete (1508–1512). According to Michelangelo's own account, reproduced in contemporary biographies, Bramante and Raphael convinced the Pope to commission Michelangelo in a medium not familiar to the artist, in order that he might be diverted from his preference for sculpture into fresco painting, and thus suffer from unfavorable comparisons with his rival Raphael. However, this story is discounted by modern historians on the grounds of contemporary evidence, and may be merely a reflection of the artist's own perspective.
Michelangelo was originally commissioned to paint the 12 Apostles, but lobbied for a different and more complex scheme, representing creation, the Downfall of Man and the Promise of Salvation through the prophets and Genealogy of Christ. The work is part of a larger scheme of decoration within the chapel which represents much of the doctrine of the Catholic Church
The composition eventually contained over 300 figures and had at its centre nine episodes from the Book of Genesis, divided into three groups: God's Creation of the Earth; God's Creation of Humankind and their fall from God's grace; and lastly, the state of Humanity as represented by Noah and his family. On the pendentives supporting the ceiling are painted twelve men and women who prophesied the coming of the Jesus. They are seven prophets of Israel and five Sibyls, prophetic women of the Classical world.
Among the most famous paintings on the ceiling are the Creation of Adam, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the Great Flood, the Prophet Isaiah and the Cumaean Sibyl. Around the windows are painted the ancestors of Christ.
米开朗琪罗传 内容简介
米开朗琪罗传 本书目录
第一章 童年和青年(1475-1505)
第二章 英雄时代(1505-1513)
第三章 宏图未果(1513-1534)
第四章 情感波折(1535-1547)
第五章 迟暮之年(1547-1564)
第六章 艺术影响
米开朗琪罗传 相关资料
米开朗琪罗传 作者介绍
罗曼·罗兰,我们曾经敬奉之至的多少座丰碑都已坍塌破碎,被动荡夷为平地;罗曼·罗兰树起的丰碑却挺过枪林弹雨,穿过唇枪舌剑,傲然屹立。 罗曼·罗兰,20世纪最伟大的小说家、剧作家、随笔作家和法国文学的伟大神秘主义者之一。他不仅代表正义与良心,而且代表卓越的智慧。 他的作品是人们强大的精神支柱,在这个骚动的世界上,一切具有自由灵魂的人们,都可以到这儿寻求安慰。 他的著作经过高温熔炉的反复冶炼,盈溢着一种悲天悯人的宗教情怀,以及对人类无限深情的眷爱。他恰像一具精致的小提琴,既能弹奏出无限温柔与和谐嫩口天婴般的妙唱,也能加入到庞大乐队中合奏出汪洋大海汹涌澎湃的洪音。他的思想在席卷着欧洲的战争风暴中巍然不动。他的目标不是成功,而是忠于信仰。
米开朗琪罗传 本书目录
第一章 童年和青年(1475-1505)
第二章 英雄时代(1505-1513)
第三章 宏图未果(1513-1534)
第四章 情感波折(1535-1547)
第五章 迟暮之年(1547-1564)
第六章 艺术影响
米开朗琪罗传 相关资料
米开朗琪罗传 作者介绍
罗曼·罗兰,我们曾经敬奉之至的多少座丰碑都已坍塌破碎,被动荡夷为平地;罗曼·罗兰树起的丰碑却挺过枪林弹雨,穿过唇枪舌剑,傲然屹立。 罗曼·罗兰,20世纪最伟大的小说家、剧作家、随笔作家和法国文学的伟大神秘主义者之一。他不仅代表正义与良心,而且代表卓越的智慧。 他的作品是人们强大的精神支柱,在这个骚动的世界上,一切具有自由灵魂的人们,都可以到这儿寻求安慰。 他的著作经过高温熔炉的反复冶炼,盈溢着一种悲天悯人的宗教情怀,以及对人类无限深情的眷爱。他恰像一具精致的小提琴,既能弹奏出无限温柔与和谐嫩口天婴般的妙唱,也能加入到庞大乐队中合奏出汪洋大海汹涌澎湃的洪音。他的思想在席卷着欧洲的战争风暴中巍然不动。他的目标不是成功,而是忠于信仰。