求大神,帮我修改一下英语翻译 5

同学们早上好!今天由我来介绍东莞的一个小镇--凤岗。它位于东莞市的最南边,靠近深圳和香港。如果要说凤岗有多特别,我也想不出什么Goodmorningguys!Todayi... 同学们早上好!今天由我来介绍东莞的一个小镇--凤岗。它位于东莞市的最南边,靠近深圳和香港。如果要说凤岗有多特别,我也想不出什么Good morning guys! Today ismy great honor to introduce a town inDongGuang, FengGang. It is located in the south of DongGuang city and nearingshenzhen and Hong Kong. If you want me to saidhow special FengGang it is, I can't say it accurately但是,凤岗有一个非常好玩的地方,叫龙凤山庄。它是官井头村的一个旅游景点,隔壁 However,therehas an amusing place in FengGang called the villa of dragon and phoenix,it is the tourist attractions ofGuangJingtTou village in the next door to it isanother towm call LongGang这是龙凤山庄门口的标志。到了晚上,灯光闪烁,显得很漂亮。Look,thisis the symbol of the villa of dragon and phoenix, duringthe night, the light shining there and looksvery beautiful进门后,你可以看到一个美丽的城堡,就好像白雪公主住的地方。我上次去的时候里面没有开门,但是从门外可以看见里面的样子,非常棒,跟电影里面的差不多。
After entering the door, you can see a beautiful castle,and it look just like a Snow White whohave ever lived. Last time I wentthere but no open, but it can be seen from outside ,isvery awesome just like the scene in the movie这是城堡的俯视图。在城堡后面有一个大的水池,里面是有鱼的。This is the top view of the castle, behind the castle has a big pooland the fish swim near the pool再往前走,你可以看见一条很长的桥,到了夏天,这里非常凉爽。Further on, you can see a long bridge, in summer, here is very cool
2014-03-15 · TA获得超过648个赞
同学们早上好!今天由我来介绍东莞的一个小镇--凤岗。它位于东莞市的最南边,靠近深圳和香港。如果要说凤岗有多特别,我也想不出什么Good morning boys! Today I will introduce a Dongguan town - Fenggang. The south it is located in Dongguan City, near Shenzhen and Hongkong. If you want to say Fenggang has many special, I couldn't think of what
但是,凤岗有一个非常好玩的地方,叫龙凤山庄。它是官井头村的一个旅游景点,隔壁However, there is a very interesting places in Fenggang, called the Dragon villa. It is a tourist attraction Guan Jing tou Cun, next door
这是龙凤山庄门口的标志。到了晚上,灯光闪烁,显得很漂亮。This is a sign of dragon and beautiful进门后,你可以看到一个美丽的城堡,就好像白雪公主住的地方。我上次去的时候里面没有开门,但是从门外可以看见里面的样子,非常棒,跟电影里面的差不多。Phoenix Mountain Villa door. At night, lights flashing, looks very beautiful.
After the door, you can see a beautiful castle, like snow white lived. The last time I went there did not open the door, but the door from the outside can see inside appearance, very good, with the movie almost.
这是城堡的俯视图,在城堡后面有一个大的水池,里面是有鱼的。This is a top view of the castle. There is a big pond behind the castle, which is the fish.
再往前走,你可以看见一条很长的桥,到了夏天,这里非常凉爽。Go, you can see a lot of long bridge, in summer, it is very cool.
如果不满意向我追问 我可以修改 望采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~~~
2014-03-15 · TA获得超过361个赞
Good morning guys! It is my great honor to introduce a small town in DongGuang with a beautiful name FengGang. It is located in the south of the city of DongGuang where is close to shenzhen and Hong Kong. To be honest, as a small down as it is, it is hardly to find something really exciting. However I have got one to tell you. It is a villa in a village.The name it got is a combination of the two places where it is next to, One as you know is FengGang and the other is LongGang. So its name is Villa of Dragon and Phoenix. Look, this is the symbol of the villa. The view is even fabulous at night when the darks come down and the lights lit up. When you enter it, there is a castle just standing in front of you, as great as the one in kids dream about where Snow White has ever lived. But there is only half of it I have seen in person, the other half I havent because on the day when I was there as a tourist, it was closed. So I didnt get a chance to get in. Even though, the view from outside is still enough for me to get impressed. It seems a castle only possible to be seen in a movie. This is the view of the castle from top. What's behind it is a big pool with fish. If you get further inside, you will find a very long bridge, where people will find very comfortable to stay in summer.
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2014-03-15 · TA获得超过6305个赞
Good morning guys! Today,it is my great honor to introduce a town of FengGang in DongGuan . It is located in the southest of DongGuan , and it is also very nearing Shenzhen and Hong Kong. If you want me to say how special FengGang it is, I can say nothing besides this.
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