小短文翻译,请大家帮忙哦!急。 5
graduate turn down call on amaze determination create Loan
Emphasis on) 了创造机遇而不是等待机遇的重要性。
broaden correspond hesitate keen locate
Make one’s way overseas previous to sensible
李大伯自己虽然并不不富裕,但在别人需要帮助时他从不犹豫。退休前他从希望工程(Project Hope)那里得到两个家境贫穷但渴望求学的农村孩子的地址。从此他定期给他们汇款。这两个孩子后来都考上了大学,还获得了海外留学的机会。他们长长思念李大伯,一直跟他通信。每次重读他们的来信,李大伯就会脸绽笑容。他觉得这是自己一生最理智的投资。
请勿在线翻译 太雷人了。 展开
Emphasis on) 了创造机遇而不是等待机遇的重要性。
broaden correspond hesitate keen locate
Make one’s way overseas previous to sensible
李大伯自己虽然并不不富裕,但在别人需要帮助时他从不犹豫。退休前他从希望工程(Project Hope)那里得到两个家境贫穷但渴望求学的农村孩子的地址。从此他定期给他们汇款。这两个孩子后来都考上了大学,还获得了海外留学的机会。他们长长思念李大伯,一直跟他通信。每次重读他们的来信,李大伯就会脸绽笑容。他觉得这是自己一生最理智的投资。
请勿在线翻译 太雷人了。 展开
After graduating from college, Tony decided to open their own from the beginning a lot of banks have turned down his loan request. However, he did not discouraged, to continue to call on a banker for help. A banker by his determination and optimism touched by the end agreed to give him credit. Now, he became a wealthy businessman. When talking about what has been surprising success, the emphasis on Tony (Put
Emphasis on) the opportunity to create, rather than waiting for the opportunity.
broaden correspond hesitate keen locate
Make one's way overseas previous to sensible
Li Dabo do not own well-off, but others need help, he never hesitated. He retired from the Hope Project (Project Hope), where his family was poor but the two have been eager to study children in rural areas of the address. From then on a regular basis to give them his money. The two children were later admitted to the University, also received abroad. They miss the long Li Dabo has been communication with him. Every time they re-read the letter, Zhan Li Taibo will face smile. He finds that his life is the most sensible investment
After graduating from college, Tony decided to open their own from the beginning a lot of banks have turned down his loan request. However, he did not discouraged, to continue to call on a banker for help. A banker by his determination and optimism touched by the end agreed to give him credit. Now, he became a wealthy businessman. When talking about what has been surprising success, the emphasis on Tony (Put
Emphasis on) the opportunity to create, rather than waiting for the opportunity.
broaden correspond hesitate keen locate
Make one's way overseas previous to sensible
Li Dabo do not own well-off, but others need help, he never hesitated. He retired from the Hope Project (Project Hope), where his family was poor but the two have been eager to study children in rural areas of the address. From then on a regular basis to give them his money. The two children were later admitted to the University, also received abroad. They miss the long Li Dabo has been communication with him. Every time they re-read the letter, Zhan Li Taibo will face smile. He finds that his life is the most sensible investment