Hi ! I am the first group of form 1B class. We want everybody to write this survey. The target is to make the classroom tidy and clean. It can provide a good fortable learning environment for students. The following questions are as follows: ''你好
我们要大家填这份问卷目的 是希望能把课室改善得更好
问题如下:'' 2011-04-13 00:48:02 补充: 希望可以帮到你!
参考: 1995
After looking through all the wers
the one by Godfrey should be the best. At least
there are no grammatical mistakes.
I am a member of the first group in F1B. In order to provide you a more fortable and better learning environment
we need you to fill in this questionnaire which aims to improve the quality of classroom. The questions are as follow.
参考: myself
I am the first group of Form 1B. Weinvite all of you to fill in this questionnaire so as to improve the classroomin order to provide a better study environment for all students. The questionsas follows:highlight 左的地方
我认为用we are (我们)比较恰当. 2011-04-14 16:06:44 补充: 少许更正: Hello
I am the first group of Form 1B. We invite all of you to fill in this questionnaire so as to improve the classroom in order to provide a better study environment for all students. The questionsas follows:
I am b the class's first group
we want everybody to fill in this questionnaire goal are the hope can improve well the classroom
enables schoolmate to have more fortable learning environment
I'm group one of form 1b
we have to fill all the purpose of this questionnaire aims to improve the classroom
so students have a more fortable learning environment
the question is as follows:
I'm one of the first group b class
we must all fill in this questionnaire aims to improve the classroom better able to ensure students have a more fortable learning environment
the problem is as follows
答: "hello
I am grade one of middle school the group one in class B
we want to everybody fill out in the questionnaire purpose is hoping to classrooms
will improve students have more fortable study environment
the question below: "
参考: 我
I am from group one of form 1B class
could you please fill in this questionnaire on ways to improve the environment of the class rooms
the questions are as follows:
I'm one of the first group b class
we have to fill all the purpose of this questionnaire Is to be better able to improve the classroom
so students have a more fortable learning environment
the question is as follows:''
我们要大家填这份问卷目的 是希望能把课室改善得更好
问题如下:'' 2011-04-13 00:48:02 补充: 希望可以帮到你!
参考: 1995
After looking through all the wers
the one by Godfrey should be the best. At least
there are no grammatical mistakes.
I am a member of the first group in F1B. In order to provide you a more fortable and better learning environment
we need you to fill in this questionnaire which aims to improve the quality of classroom. The questions are as follow.
参考: myself
I am the first group of Form 1B. Weinvite all of you to fill in this questionnaire so as to improve the classroomin order to provide a better study environment for all students. The questionsas follows:highlight 左的地方
我认为用we are (我们)比较恰当. 2011-04-14 16:06:44 补充: 少许更正: Hello
I am the first group of Form 1B. We invite all of you to fill in this questionnaire so as to improve the classroom in order to provide a better study environment for all students. The questionsas follows:
I am b the class's first group
we want everybody to fill in this questionnaire goal are the hope can improve well the classroom
enables schoolmate to have more fortable learning environment
I'm group one of form 1b
we have to fill all the purpose of this questionnaire aims to improve the classroom
so students have a more fortable learning environment
the question is as follows:
I'm one of the first group b class
we must all fill in this questionnaire aims to improve the classroom better able to ensure students have a more fortable learning environment
the problem is as follows
答: "hello
I am grade one of middle school the group one in class B
we want to everybody fill out in the questionnaire purpose is hoping to classrooms
will improve students have more fortable study environment
the question below: "
参考: 我
I am from group one of form 1B class
could you please fill in this questionnaire on ways to improve the environment of the class rooms
the questions are as follows:
I'm one of the first group b class
we have to fill all the purpose of this questionnaire Is to be better able to improve the classroom
so students have a more fortable learning environment
the question is as follows:''