
1997年我因为负责成都一个即将重张的高档商场的设计而第一次来到成都,马上就爱上了这个充斥着美食、美女和闲适气氛的城市,半年过后任务完成却舍不得离开了,恰好也因失恋不久再... 1997年我因为负责成都一个即将重张的高档商场的设计而第一次来到成都,马上就爱上了这个充斥着美食、美女和闲适气氛的城市,半年过后任务完成却舍不得离开了,恰好也因失恋不久再说自己本来也是个北漂,也就索性拉着一干部下留在成都做起了设计公司。




2008-12-04 · TA获得超过1382个赞
In 1997 because I am responsible for the Chengdu is about to re-establish a high-end design of shopping centers and first came to Chengdu, immediately fell in love with this full of food, beauty and leisurely atmosphere of the city, six months after the completion of the task but want to leave, also happens to As a result of their romance in the near future would have to say is a drift north, it simply took a cadres to stay in Chengdu to start a design company.
In the city to work and live is in fact quite enjoy the street at any time have a never-ending pattern never eat food; appropriate dress Yang Yan easy-going personality of the beautiful girls; Chafang the bar can be seen everywhere. A long history and profound cultural heritage and to cultivate a peaceful refined folk; leisurely life of the rich and created a local Lotte inclusive character of the people.

Also in that year together with friends for the first time to the Yulin Road near the opening of the "tavern" amiable understanding of the nature of her TANG Lei, there is also the beginning of the sun at high noon today to get to know the artist Zhang Xiaogang, Zhou Chun, and other people shoot, "bistro "At that time, they have become almost living in the sand near the weir of the artists of Sharon, in addition to those artists, architects are often able to see Liu Kun, Zhu sculptor, an artist than most acts, and Dai-yu, and so on. China's first private art gallery - on the River Museum in Chengdu is the bud, such as Zhou Chun Hu You were here at that time or architects + developers of the founder of Chen Gang, Chen now has just made himself an artist. Chengdu Biennale is also the first here in the planning.

Over the weekend when the "tavern" will become the underground rock scene of the only young people and shelters, known as the "mother of shaking," Tang's sister decades unreserved support for the pursuit of those ideals and children's music , "The voice of Toys", "infancy" and "Quake" and "small Rourou", "Asura", "spinach" and "other comrades 2", "Zhang Jing" and "betrayal of the pilgrims," and so many Later, the band's fame in the "tavern" TANG Lei and with the financial support of the stay. I am here from time to time to see a rock star Cui Jian, Dou Wei, Zhang; "Tito" Huang Liaoyuan, Yan Jun; Dadawa singer, Ding Wei, and so is no surprise, because they are not guests but old friends or family members. Last year, the tenth anniversary of the "tavern" to open more new stores, all over the country's culture and the arts star who is to join in congratulations came from all directions, unprecedented.

Later, I put the company's offices and his residence have also moved to Yulin, lived on and off in 2056, the period of Chengdu to get to know a lot of good friends of the cultural and arts sectors, which have now also become a close friend of Warren -- Li Yan, he's not only a DJ Chi Kuang is a business genius, and he is now the world is full of architects Liu Kun to a modified schedule Chengdu has become the largest one of the coolest bars and clubs - the "red era" , Hung inside the huge • Guevara cut, Mao, Lenin's portrait, and so on, and be able to Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, most of the night market on a par tide. Li Yan in 2002 invited avant-garde writer together with Cotton engineered the first ever DJ of the party, go to France, Canada, Switzerland, Israel, Hong Kong, as well as Beijing, Shanghai and other large number of high-level DJ. In the week-long carnival in from all over the world DJ Hurricane to the leisurely pleasure of the city has brought magic, crazy and new vertigo.

From the "tavern" a few steps away is what many artists and poets Ling Zhai Yongming open the "White Night Bar", where it can be said that South China's most important literary base, Zhai Yongming, hung toni, Bai Hua, Zhong, He Kotake Poet, and so on are living in the vicinity of the family in a different bedroom, and the "White Night" is the living room, and almost all the Chinese writers and poets living room. Some time ago the tenth anniversary of the "White Night" Chengdu is the width of the lane to pull to open more new stores, more than what a lot of days ago I asked Ling to have to come to join in the opening of new stores that day is a natural voices, almost a full house, 000 Jia Zhangke lead, publicity and so on all those people coming to congratulate a special trip. "Tavern" and "White Night" and "Red Age", Chengdu has become the city's contemporary culture marks a profound impact on the city's culture and to taste.

参考资料: google

2008-12-04 · TA获得超过2926个赞
In 1997 because I am responsible for the Chengdu is about to re-establish a high-end design of shopping centers and first came to Chengdu, immediately fell in love with this full of food, beauty and leisurely atmosphere of the city, six months after the completion of the task but want to leave, also happens to As a result of their romance in the near future would have to say is a drift north, it simply took a cadres to stay in Chengdu to start a design company.
In the city to work and live is in fact quite enjoy the street at any time have a never-ending pattern never eat food; appropriate dress Yang Yan easy-going personality of the beautiful girls; Chafang the bar can be seen everywhere. A long history and profound cultural heritage and to cultivate a peaceful refined folk; leisurely life of the rich and created a local Lotte inclusive character of the people.

Also in that year together with friends for the first time to the Yulin Road near the opening of the "tavern" amiable understanding of the nature of her TANG Lei, there is also the beginning of the sun at high noon today to get to know the artist Zhang Xiaogang, Zhou Chun, and other people shoot, "bistro "At that time, they have become almost living in the sand near the weir of the artists of Sharon, in addition to those artists, architects are often able to see Liu Kun, Zhu sculptor, an artist than most acts, and Dai-yu, and so on. China's first private art gallery - on the River Museum in Chengdu is the bud, such as Zhou Chun Hu You were here at that time or architects + developers of the founder of Chen Gang, Chen now has just made himself an artist. Chengdu Biennale is also the first here in the planning.

Over the weekend when the "tavern" will become the underground rock scene of the only young people and shelters, known as the "mother of shaking," Tang's sister decades unreserved support for the pursuit of those ideals and children's music , "The voice of Toys", "infancy" and "Quake" and "small Rourou", "Asura", "spinach" and "other comrades 2", "Zhang Jing" and "betrayal of the pilgrims," and so many Later, the band's fame in the "tavern" TANG Lei and with the financial support of the stay. I am here from time to time to see a rock star Cui Jian, Dou Wei, Zhang; "Tito" Huang Liaoyuan, Yan Jun; Dadawa singer, Ding Wei, and so is no surprise, because they are not guests but old friends or family members. Last year, the tenth anniversary of the "tavern" to open more new stores, all over the country's culture and the arts star who is to join in congratulations came from all directions, unprecedented.

Later, I put the company's offices and his residence have also moved to Yulin, lived on and off in 2056, the period of Chengdu to get to know a lot of good friends of the cultural and arts sectors, which have now also become a close friend of Warren -- Li Yan, he's not only a DJ Chi Kuang is a business genius, and he is now the world is full of architects Liu Kun to a modified schedule Chengdu has become the largest one of the coolest bars and clubs - the "red era" , Hung inside the huge • Guevara cut, Mao, Lenin's portrait, and so on, and be able to Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, most of the night market on a par tide. Li Yan in 2002 invited avant-garde writer together with Cotton engineered the first ever DJ of the party, go to France, Canada, Switzerland, Israel, Hong Kong, as well as Beijing, Shanghai and other large number of high-level DJ. In the week-long carnival in from all over the world DJ Hurricane to the leisurely pleasure of the city has brought magic, crazy and new vertigo.

From the "tavern" a few steps away is what many artists and poets Ling Zhai Yongming open the "White Night Bar", where it can be said that South China's most important literary base, Zhai Yongming, hung toni, Bai Hua, Zhong, He Kotake Poet, and so on are living in the vicinity of the family in a different bedroom, and the "White Night" is the living room, and almost all the Chinese writers and poets living room. Some time ago the tenth anniversary of the "White Night" Chengdu is the width of the lane to pull to open more new stores, more than what a lot of days ago I asked Ling to have to come to join in the opening of new stores that day is a natural voices, almost a full house, 000 Jia Zhangke lead, publicity and so on all those people coming to congratulate a special trip. "Tavern" and "White Night" and "Red Age", Chengdu has become the city's contemporary culture marks a profound impact on the city's culture and to taste.
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In 1997 because I am responsible for the Chengdu is about to re-establish a high-end design of shopping centers and first came to Chengdu, immediately fell in love with this full of food, beauty and leisurely atmosphere of the city, six months after the completion of the task but want to leave, also happens to As a result of their romance in the near future would have to say is a drift north, it simply took a cadres to stay in Chengdu to start a design company.
In the city to work and live is in fact quite enjoy the street at any time have a never-ending pattern never eat food; appropriate dress Yang Yan easy-going personality of the beautiful girls; Chafang the bar can be seen everywhere. A long history and profound cultural heritage and to cultivate a peaceful refined folk; leisurely life of the rich and created a local Lotte inclusive character of the people.

Yulin Road near the opening of the "tavern" amiable understanding of the nature of her TANG Lei, there is also the beginning of the sun at high noon today to get to know the artist Zhang Xiaogang, Zhou Chun, and other people shoot, "bistro "At that time, they have become almost living in the sand near the weir of the artists of Sharon, in addition to those artists, architects are often able to see Liu Kun, Zhu sculptor, an artist than most acts, and Dai-yu, and so on. China's first private art gallery - on the River Museum in Chengdu is the bud, such as Zhou Chun Hu You were here at that time or architects + developers of the founder of Chen Gang, Chen now has just made himself an artist. Chengdu Biennale is also the first here in the planning.

Over the weekend when the will become the underground rock scene of the only young people and shelters, known as the "mother of shaking," Tang's sister decades unreserved support for the pursuit of those ideals and children's music , "The voice of Toys", "infancy" and "Quake" and "small Rourou", "spinach" and "other comrades 2", "Zhang Jing" and "betrayal of the pilgrims," and so many Later, the band's fame in the "tavern" TANG Lei and with the financial support of the stay. I am here from time to time to see a rock star Cui Jian, Dou Wei, Zhang; "Tito" Huang Liaoyuan, Yan Jun; Dadawa singer, Ding Wei, and so is no surprise, because they are not guests but old friends or family members. Last year, the tenth anniversary of the "tavern" to open more new stores, over the country's culture and the arts star who is to join in congratulations came from all directions,
Later, I put the company's offices and his residence have also moved to Yulin, lived on and off in 2056, the period of Chengdu to get to know a lot of good friends of the cultural and arts sectors, which have now also become a close friend of Warren -- Li Yan, he's not only a DJ Chi Kuang is a business genius, and he is now the world is full of architects Liu Kun to a modified schedule Chengdu has become the largest one of the coolest bars and clubs - the "red era" , Hung inside the huge • Guevara cut, Mao, Lenin's portrait, and so on, and be able to Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, most of the night market on a par tide. Li Yan in 2002 invited avant-garde writer together with Cotton engineered the first ever DJ of the party, go to France, Canada, Switzerland, Israel, Hong Kong, as well as Beijing, Shanghai and other large number of high-level DJ. In the week-long carnival in from all over the world DJ Hurricane to the leisurely pleasure of the city has brought magic, crazy and new vertigo.

From the "tavern" a few steps away is what many artists and poets Ling Zhai Yongming open the "White Night Bar", where it can be said that South China's most important literary base, Zhai Yongming, hung toni, Bai Hua, Zhong, He Kotake Poet, and so on are living in the vicinity of the family in a different bedroom, and the "White Night" is the living room, and almost all the Chinese writers and poets living room. Some time ago the tenth anniversary of the "White Night" Chengdu is the width of the lane to pull to open more new stores, more than what a lot of days ago I asked Ling to have to come to join in the opening of new stores that day is a natural voices, almost a full house, Jia Zhangke lead, publicity and so on all those people coming to congratulate a special trip. "Tavern" and "White Night" and "Red Age", Chengdu has become the city's contemporary culture marks a profound impact on the city's culture and to taste.
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2008-12-04 · TA获得超过106个赞
In 1997 because I am responsible for the Chengdu is about to re-establish a high-end design of shopping centers and first came to Chengdu, immediately fell in love with this full of food, beauty and leisurely atmosphere of the city, six months after the completion of the task but want to leave, also happens to As a result of their romance in the near future would have to say is a drift north, it simply took a cadres to stay in Chengdu to start a design company.
In the city to work and live is in fact quite enjoy the street at any time have a never-ending pattern never eat food; appropriate dress Yang Yan easy-going personality of the beautiful girls; Chafang the bar can be seen everywhere. A long history and profound cultural heritage and to cultivate a peaceful refined folk; leisurely life of the rich and created a local Lotte inclusive character of the people.

Yulin Road near the opening of the "tavern" amiable understanding of the nature of her TANG Lei, there is also the beginning of the sun at high noon today to get to know the artist Zhang Xiaogang, Zhou Chun, and other people shoot, "bistro "At that time, they have become almost living in the sand near the weir of the artists of Sharon, in addition to those artists, architects are often able to see Liu Kun, Zhu sculptor, an artist than most acts, and Dai-yu, and so on. China's first private art gallery - on the River Museum in Chengdu is the bud, such as Zhou Chun Hu You were here at that time or architects + developers of the founder of Chen Gang, Chen now has just made himself an artist. Chengdu Biennale is also the first here in the planning.

Over the weekend when the will become the underground rock scene of the only young people and shelters, known as the "mother of shaking," Tang's sister decades unreserved support for the pursuit of those ideals and children's music , "The voice of Toys", "infancy" and "Quake" and "small Rourou", "spinach" and "other comrades 2", "Zhang Jing" and "betrayal of the pilgrims," and so many Later, the band's fame in the "tavern" TANG Lei and with the financial support of the stay. I am here from time to time to see a rock star Cui Jian, Dou Wei, Zhang; "Tito" Huang Liaoyuan, Yan Jun; Dadawa singer, Ding Wei, and so is no surprise, because they are not guests but old friends or family members. Last year, the tenth anniversary of the "tavern" to open more new stores, over the country's culture and the arts star who is to join in congratulations came from all directions,
Later, I put the company's offices and his residence have also moved to Yulin, lived on and off in 2056, the period of Chengdu to get to know a lot of good friends of the cultural and arts sectors, which have now also become a close friend of Warren -- Li Yan, he's not only a DJ Chi Kuang is a business genius, and he is now the world is full of architects Liu Kun to a modified schedule Chengdu has become the largest one of the coolest bars and clubs - the "red era" , Hung inside the huge • Guevara cut, Mao, Lenin's portrait, and so on, and be able to Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, most of the night market on a par tide. Li Yan in 2002 invited avant-garde writer together with Cotton engineered the first ever DJ of the party, go to France, Canada, Switzerland, Israel, Hong Kong, as well as Beijing, Shanghai and other large number of high-level DJ. In the week-long carnival in from all over the world DJ Hurricane to the leisurely pleasure of the city has brought magic, crazy and new vertigo.

From the "tavern" a few steps away is what many artists and poets Ling Zhai Yongming open the "White Night Bar", where it can be said that South China's most important literary base, Zhai Yongming, hung toni, Bai Hua, Zhong, He Kotake Poet, and so on are living in the vicinity of the family in a different bedroom, and the "White Night" is the living room, and almost all the Chinese writers and poets living room. Some time ago the tenth anniversary of the "White Night" Chengdu is the width of the lane to pull to open more new stores, more than what a lot of days ago I asked Ling to have to come to join in the opening of new stores that day is a natural voices, almost a full house, Jia Zhangke lead, publicity and so on all those people coming to congratulate a special trip. "Tavern" and "White Night" and "Red Age", Chengdu has become the city's contemporary culture marks a profound impact on the city's culture and to taste.
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