英语口语对话,有空的大神可以帮忙编写下面对话吗?每个要求3分钟对话时常。一定采纳, 1. What are the most important factors that encourage students to learn English? 2. What are the main factors affecting students' decision on choosing their majors?
3. Can you tell us how to bridge the generation gap?
4. Would you please tell us about your most memorable experience of eating out?
5. What is your ideal working condition?
6. How can college students handle their money efficiently?
7. Tell us about a friend who is different from you
9. What are the qualities you admire most in other people?
10. Which is more important when it comes to marriage, ones appearance or character? 展开
3. Can you tell us how to bridge the generation gap?
4. Would you please tell us about your most memorable experience of eating out?
5. What is your ideal working condition?
6. How can college students handle their money efficiently?
7. Tell us about a friend who is different from you
9. What are the qualities you admire most in other people?
10. Which is more important when it comes to marriage, ones appearance or character? 展开
1.What are the most important factors that encourage students to learn English?
鼓励学生学习英语的最重要因素是什么?Answer: Praise from the English teacher.答案:英语老师的表扬
2.What are the main factors affecting students' decision on choosing their majors?影响学生选择专业的主要因素是什么?Answer: personal interests and social needs.答案:个人爱好及社会需要
3.Can you tell us how to bridge the generation gap?你能告诉我们如何弥补代沟吗?
Answer: participate in the children's daily life.答案:参与孩子的日常生活
4.Would you please tell us about your most memorable experience of eating out?你能告诉我们你最难忘的外出就餐经历吗?Answer: ok!.I remember sometimes I almost fell into the river in the wild eating.答案:可以的。我记得有次野外就餐我差点掉到河里了。
5.What is your ideal working condition?你理想的工作条件是什么?Answer: Working near the neighborhood of my home, and have lunch in company every day.答案:上班就在居住地的附近,每天中午可在公司就餐
6.How can college students handle their money efficiently?大学生如何有效地处理他们的钱?Answer: deposit your money in alipay.答案:把钱存入支付宝中。
7.Tell us about a friend who is different from you告诉我们一个和你不同的朋友
Answer: she's Diana.答案:她是戴安娜。
9.What are the qualities you admire most in other people?在别人身上你最欣赏的品质是什么?Answer: it's best to be honest, brave and outgoing.答案:最好诚实、勇敢、开朗
10.Which is more important when it comes to marriage, ones appearance or character?当涉及到婚姻、外貌或性格时,哪个更重要?Answer: The character is the most important.答案:性格最重要
鼓励学生学习英语的最重要因素是什么?Answer: Praise from the English teacher.答案:英语老师的表扬
2.What are the main factors affecting students' decision on choosing their majors?影响学生选择专业的主要因素是什么?Answer: personal interests and social needs.答案:个人爱好及社会需要
3.Can you tell us how to bridge the generation gap?你能告诉我们如何弥补代沟吗?
Answer: participate in the children's daily life.答案:参与孩子的日常生活
4.Would you please tell us about your most memorable experience of eating out?你能告诉我们你最难忘的外出就餐经历吗?Answer: ok!.I remember sometimes I almost fell into the river in the wild eating.答案:可以的。我记得有次野外就餐我差点掉到河里了。
5.What is your ideal working condition?你理想的工作条件是什么?Answer: Working near the neighborhood of my home, and have lunch in company every day.答案:上班就在居住地的附近,每天中午可在公司就餐
6.How can college students handle their money efficiently?大学生如何有效地处理他们的钱?Answer: deposit your money in alipay.答案:把钱存入支付宝中。
7.Tell us about a friend who is different from you告诉我们一个和你不同的朋友
Answer: she's Diana.答案:她是戴安娜。
9.What are the qualities you admire most in other people?在别人身上你最欣赏的品质是什么?Answer: it's best to be honest, brave and outgoing.答案:最好诚实、勇敢、开朗
10.Which is more important when it comes to marriage, ones appearance or character?当涉及到婚姻、外貌或性格时,哪个更重要?Answer: The character is the most important.答案:性格最重要