
Particleswarmoptimizationisanextremelysimplealgorithmthatseemstobeeffectiveforoptimiz... Particle swarm optimization is an extremely simple algorithm that seems to be effective for optimizing a wide range of functions. We view it as a mid-level form of A-life or biologically derived algorithm, occupying the space in nature between evolutionary search, which requires eons, and neural processing, which occurs on the order of milliseconds. Social optimization occurs in the time frame of ordinary experience - in fact, it is ordinary experience. In addition to its ties with A-life, particle swarm optimization has obvious ties with evolutionary computation. Conceptually, it seems to lie somewhere between genetic algorithms and evolutionary programming. It is highly dependent on stochastic processes, like evolutionary programming. The adjustment toward pbest and gbest by the particle swarm optimizer is conceptually similar to the crossover operation utilized by genetic algorithms. It uses the concept of fitness, as do all evolutionary computation paradigms. Unique to the concept of particle swarm optimization is flying potential solutions through hyperspace, accelerating toward "better" solutions. Other evolutionary computation schemes operate directly on potential solutions which are represented as locations in hyperspace. Much of the success of particle swarms seems to lie in the agents' tendency to hurtle past their target. Holland's chapter on the "optimum allocation of trials" [5] reveals the delicate balance between conservative testing of known regions versus risky exploration of the unknown. It appears that the current version of the paradigm allocates trials nearly optimally. The stochastic factors allow thorough search of spaces between regions that have been found to be relatively good, and the momentum effect caused by modifying the extant velocities rather than replacing them results in overshooting, or exploration of unknown regions of the problem domain. The authors of this paper are a social psychologist and an electrical engineer. The particle swarm optimizer serves both of these fields equally well. Why is social behavior so ubiquitous in the animal kingdom? Because it optimizes. What is a good way to solve engineering optimization problems? Modeling social behavior. Much further research remains to be conducted on this simple new concept and paradigm. The goals in developing it have been to keep it simple and robust, and we seem to have succeeded at that. The algorithm is written in a very few lines of code, and requires only specification of the problem and a few parameters in order to solve it. This algorithm belongs ideologically to that philosophical school that allows wisdom to emerge rather than trying to impose it, that emulates nature rather than trying to control it, and that seeks to make things simpler rather than more complex. Once again nature has provided us with a technique for processing information that is at once elegant and versatile. 展开
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粒子群优化是一个非常简单的算法,似乎是有效的优化了广泛的职能。我们认为这是中级形式的生命或生物衍生算法,占用空间之间的进化性质的搜索,这需要eons ,和神经处理,这发生在以毫秒。发生在社会最优化的时限一般经验-事实上,它是普通的经验。除了它的联系,以生活,粒子群优化具有明显的关系,进化计算。从概念上来说,它似乎在于之间的遗传算法和进化规划。这是高度依赖于随机过程,就像进化规划。调整对pbest和gbest的粒子群优化概念类似交叉作业利用遗传算法。它使用的概念,健身一样,所有进化计算模式。独特的概念粒子群优化算法是可能的解决方案,通过悬挂超,加速走向“更好”的解决办法。其他进化计算办法上直接操作可能的解决办法是派地点超。许多成功的粒子群似乎在于代理人'的倾向hurtle过去他们的目标。荷兰的一章是关于“优化配置审判” [ 5 ]表明之间的微妙平衡测试已知保守区域与风险勘探不明。看来,目前的版本范式近优化配置审判。随机因素允许彻底搜查之间的空间区域,被认为是比较好的,而且这一势头的影响所造成的修改现存的速度,而不是取代它们过度的结果,或探索未知区域的问题域。作者本文件是一个社会心理学家和一个电子工程师。对粒子群优化服务,这些领域同样。为什么如此无处不在的社会行为在动物王国?因为它优化。什么是一个好办法来解决工程优化问题?建模的社会行为。进一步的研究还有待进行的这个简单的新概念和模式。在发展中国家的目标是已经保持简单和强大,我们似乎已经成功了。该算法是用一个非常几行代码,并且只需要规范的问题和一些参数,以便解决它。该算法属于这一哲学思想,使学校出现的智慧,而不是试图强加,这是模拟性的,而不是试图控制它,并设法使事情更简单,而不是更复杂。再次性质为我们提供了一个技术处理信息,这是一次优雅和多才多艺。

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