
在从江短短的几天时间,我们见到了从江美丽的大山,见到了淳朴善良的老百姓,见到了努力学习自强不息的大山学子,也见到了豪华的楼堂馆所与民间陋室形成的鲜明对比,这是大山美丽背后... 在从江短短的几天时间,我们见到了从江美丽的大山,见到了淳朴善良的老百姓,见到了努力学习自强不息的大山学子,也见到了豪华的楼堂馆所与民间陋室形成的鲜明对比,这是大山美丽背后的爱与哀愁。初识从江,不仅惊叹于那里秀丽的风景,而且感慨那里村村寨寨居民贫苦的生活。



学校座落在村子的中央,那是一幢已经很破旧的木制房子,几乎没有什么教学设施,要不是看到了教室里的桌椅黑板我从未见过如此班驳的黑板,如此简陋的课桌椅),你根本就无法想象那是一所学校。待老师把学生召集到一起后,我们将Marco带来得巧克力,体育用品和文具分发给孩子们,Marco将涂有巧克力浆的饼干分给孩子们吃,然儿另人吃惊的是,当问起他们什么是巧克力时,居然所有的孩子都一脸的疑惑。村民告诉我,在这里即使有钱也买不到这些东西,更何况他们生活过得如此的窘迫。于是,文具,书籍,体育用品成了孩子们的奢望。看到这一切,使人不禁感到心酸。记得《管子.权修》中曾说:"一年之际,莫于树谷;十年之际,莫于树木;终生之际,莫于树人。" 我们没有黄金万两,但爱心却贵于一切,我们也许无法给孩子们带来金房玉瓦的生活环境,但是我们的善良之举却可以帮助他们去学会创造一个美好的未来,我们的善良之心却可以教会他们要活出一份真善美,教他们懂得虽然生活艰苦,但不该穷志。


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2009-03-15 · 超过21用户采纳过TA的回答
Congjiang at just a few days time, we saw the beauty Congjiang big mountain, see the simple kindness of the people, to see the efforts to study self-improvement dashan students also met with civil wallluxurious shared the formation of distinct contrast, it is beauty behind the mountains love and sad. Congjiang acquaintance, not only marvel at the beautiful scenery there, and feeling Walled villages where residents of the village life of the poor.

This trip, we visited two villages to inspect the distribution at two local schools. Take our visit to the Ukrainian-British Walled for example, into the Village is very difficult to take the car for nearly eight hours and rural living at Village on one night, the next day by car to the District Three, and then have to walk 2 more than an hour to get into the stockade. Never imagined such suffering are climbing, uphill downhill, mountain almost to the vertical. County Congjiang most adverse natural conditions, big mountain, high elevation, Hill Top, local residents spread "between the mountains into the clouds, down to the river, the two mountain to dialogue, to meet a half-day" of the word, traffic is not convenient interval distant villages, living scattered, no wonder that a considerable portion of the masses have not yet out of poverty, education is lagging behind.

Into the stockade, come into view is a structure of scattered wooden houses, a few old, a few years, although are national characteristics, that it seemed at the house to tell us where the occlusion, where the backward, but also Living there is hardship. Nothing village basically modern facilities, appliances, Living the villagers themselves are basically hand-made and natural economy were dominant. From the conversation with the villagers I was informed that because of the barren land, they have to rely on the Government's annual food subsidy to maintain their livelihood. However, the villagers did not begrudge them the best out of things to entertain us in the most sincere smile to greet the arrival of us.

School is located at the central village, which is a very old wooden house, almost no teaching facilities, if not see the blackboard in the classroom desks and chairs, I have never seen such a blackboard so simple lesson tables and chairs), you simply can not imagine it is a School. Student Teacher to be put together, we will bring a chocolate Marco, sporting goods and stationery for distribution to children, Marco will be coated with chocolate cookies pulp to the children to eat, but children are another surprise people, when asked What is the chocolate when they are actually all the kids are puzzled face. Villagers told me, in here, even if the money can not buy these things, not to mention their life such distress. Thus, stationery, books, sporting goods has become a children's hopes. See all this, one can not help but feel sad. Remember "Guanzi. The right to repair" in the said: "A year, the Mo Valley in the tree; decades, the Mo in the trees; lifetime occasion, MO in the tree people." We do not have HuangJin two million, but love it You in all, we may be unable to give the children bring gold jade tile room living environment, but our act of kindness can help them learn to go to create a better future for our kind of heart can teach them to live out A Sound of Music, to teach them to understand Although hard to make a living, but not poor Zhi.

Silently here at the teachers are great, are to do same thing, they have to pay even more and greater efforts and labor, is difficult to receive due return, still living at the edge of poverty (monthly wages are only about 300 yuan), but they are still struggling to protest, hoping to use their next generation of hard-working people take out can warm sun. The lack of teachers is also an urgent need to solve one big problem, because of occlusion of the region, poverty and backwardness, almost no Walled graduates willing to enter teaching, Zhaizi where only two teachers, are the local villagers, although their spirit is really valuable, But to be truly improve the quality of teaching.
Where the people are hardworking, however, in the context of poverty, their hard work can only be regarded as a life struggle.
They are keen to change the destiny through knowledge and improve their livelihood, they need our help, we also hope that more people can add to the spread caring team, make their own modest 1 pm to help the children to create a good learning environment. Children are tomorrow is hope, hope that one day the eyes of the mountain at their side is no longer a mountain, hoping that they can use knowledge of the beauty Congjiang to create a better tomorrow.
2009-03-15 · 超过25用户采纳过TA的回答
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Congjiang at just a few days time, we saw the beauty Congjiang big mountain, see the simple kindness of the people, to see the efforts to study self-improvement dashan students also met with civil楼堂馆所luxurious shared the formation of distinct contrast, it is beauty behind the mountains爱与哀愁. Congjiang acquaintance, not only marvel at the beautiful scenery there, and feeling Walled villages where residents of the village life of the poor.

This trip, we visited two villages to inspect the distribution at two local schools. Take our visit to the Ukrainian-British Walled for example, into the Village is very difficult to take the car for nearly eight hours and rural living at Village on one night, the next day by car to the District Three, and then have to walk 2 more than an hour to get into the stockade. Never imagined such suffering are climbing, uphill downhill, mountain almost to the vertical. County Congjiang most adverse natural conditions, big mountain, high elevation,坡陡, Hill Top, local residents spread "between the mountains into the clouds, down to the river, the two mountain to dialogue, to meet a half-day" of the word, traffic is not convenient interval distant villages, living scattered, no wonder that a considerable portion of the masses have not yet out of poverty, education is lagging behind.

Into the stockade, come into view is a structure of scattered wooden houses, a few old, a few years, although are national characteristics, that it seemed at the house to tell us where the occlusion, where the backward, but also Living there is hardship. Nothing village basically modern facilities, appliances, Living the villagers themselves are basically hand-made and natural economy were dominant. From the conversation with the villagers I was informed that because of the barren land, they have to rely on the Government's annual food subsidy to maintain their livelihood. However, the villagers did not begrudge them the best out of things to entertain us in the most sincere smile to greet the arrival of us.

School is located at the central village, which is a very old wooden house, almost no teaching facilities, if not see the blackboard in the classroom desks and chairs, I have never seen such a blackboard班驳so simple lesson tables and chairs), you simply can not imagine it is a School. Student Teacher to be put together, we will bring a chocolate Marco, sporting goods and stationery for distribution to children, Marco will be coated with chocolate cookies pulp to the children to eat, but children are another surprise people, when asked What is the chocolate when they are actually all the kids are puzzled face. Villagers told me, in here, even if the money can not buy these things, not to mention their life such distress. Thus, stationery, books, sporting goods has become a children's hopes. See all this, one can not help but feel sad. Remember "Guanzi. The right to repair" in the said: "A year, the Mo Valley in the tree; decades, the Mo in the trees; lifetime occasion, MO in the tree people." We do not have黄金万两, but love it You in all, we may be unable to give the children bring gold jade tile room living environment, but our act of kindness can help them learn to go to create a better future for our kind of heart can teach them to live out A Sound of Music, to teach them to understand Although hard to make a living, but not poor Zhi.
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2009-03-29 · TA获得超过163个赞
Congjiang at just a few days time, we saw the beauty Congjiang mountains, to see the kind of people the simple, self-study hard to see the mountains of the students also met with civilluxurious shared a distinct form comparison, this is the beauty behind the mountainsCongjiang acquaintance, not only marvel at the beautiful scenery there, and feeling Walled villages where residents of the village life of the poor.

This trip, we visited the two villages studied are located in two local schools. Take our visit to the Ukrainian-British Walled for example, into the Village is very difficult to take the car for nearly eight hours and rural living at Village on one night, the next day by car to the District Three, and then must get off to walk 2 can be more than an hour into the stockade. Never imagined such suffering are climbing, the mountain down the mountain, the mountain almost to the vertical. County Congjiang most adverse natural conditions, big mountain, high above sea level, mountain top, local residents spread "between the mountains into the clouds, down to the river, the two mountain to dialogue, want a half-day meet," the word, traffic is not convenient interval villages far scattered, it is no wonder some people have not yet quite out of poverty, education is lagging behind.

Into the stockade, one thing is the eye of the wooden structure of scattered houses, some old, some years, although the national characteristics, but the house as if to tell us where the occlusion, the backward here, but also Living there is hardship. Nothing village basically modern facilities, appliances, Living the villagers themselves are basically hand-made, of course, the dominant economy. From my conversations with the villagers that the land because of the poor, they have to rely on government subsidies of food each year to maintain their livelihood. However, the villagers did not begrudge them the best out of things to entertain us, the most sincere smile to greet the arrival of us.

School is located at the central village, which is a very old wooden house, almost no teaching facilities, if not see the blackboard in the classroom desks and chairs, I have never seen such a blackboardso simple lesson tables and chairs), you simply can not imagine a school that is. Student Teacher to be put together, we will bring a chocolate Marco, sporting goods and stationery for distribution to children, Marco will be coated with chocolate cookies pulp to the children to eat, but children are another surprise people, when asked What is the chocolate when they actually face all of the children of the doubt. Villagers told me, where even the rich can not buy these things, not to mention their life such distress. Thus, stationery, books, sporting goods children's hope to become. See all this, one can not help but feel sad. Remember the "tube. The right to repair" in the said: "A year when the tree Valley MO; decades, the Mo in the trees; life, the Mo people in the tree."we do not, but love it You in all, our children may be unable to bring gold jade watts Living room environment, but our act of kindness can help them learn to go to create a better future, we can kind of heart they have to live out the Church A Sound of Music, to teach them and hard to understand though, but the poor should not be Chi.

Silently here at the teachers are great, are to do the same thing, they have to pay even more and greater efforts and labor, is difficult to receive due return, still living at the edge of poverty (a month's wages were about 300 yuan), but they are still struggling to protest, hoping to use their hard-working peoplethe next generation be able to warm sun. The lack of teachers is also an urgent need to solve a major problem because of the occlusion region, poverty and backwardness, almost no Walled graduates willing to enter teaching, Zhaizi where the only two teachers, are the local villagers, although their spirit is really valuable, But to be truly improve the quality of teaching.
There are hard-working people, however, in the context of poverty, their hard work can only be regarded as a struggle of life.
Their desire to change destiny through knowledge and improve their livelihood, they need our help, we also hope to have more people add to the spread of the team love to do a little of their own force to help the children to create a good learning environment. Children are the hope that tomorrow, they hope that one day the eyes of the mountain at the other side is no longer a hill, hoping that they can use knowledge of the beauty Congjiang to create a better tomorrow.
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In a few days, we congjiang saw congjiang beautiful mountains, and see the honest good people, see the mountains of self-empowerment study hard, also meet the students with more luxurious cottage formation of folk shown contrast, this is the love behind the mountains and beautiful with sorrow. At first, not only in congjiang scenic beauty, but there CunCunZhaiZhai residents with poor living there.

Here, we visited two villages, the distribution of local two schools. Take our visit to the village of uzziah, into the village is very difficult, should take nearly eight hours in the car and Tracy lived in a village, the late bus, then must 400-calorie to walk more than two hours to enter the village. Never imagined that pain is climbing the mountain, the mountain to almost vertically. In most parts of CongJiangXian natural environments, landslides, altitude, slope steep mountain top, local residents, "up into the clouds, down to the river, the two mountains can meet dialogue, one day, to the" traffic convenience, not far, live scattered villages interval, no wonder people haven't quite part of poverty, relatively backward education.

Into the stockade, view is one of the wooden structure of strewn at random house, part of the ancient, though, is the national characteristics of the vicissitudes of that house, but again like telling us here, here's the occlusion, and life. The village are fundamentally no modern facilities, life appliance basically is the villagers his hand, nature is dominant. With the villagers from the conversation, I learned the barren land, because they had to rely on government subsidies to grain of each year. However, the villagers did not spare them out to entertain our best, with the most sincere smile to meet our arrival.

The school is located in the center of the village is a dilapidated wooden house has very little, but saw teaching facilities, the classroom desks and chairs, I have never seen such a streaming, so the blackboard humble desks and chairs, you cannot imagine that is a school. The student to the teacher called together, we will bring to chocolate, Marco sports and stationery out to the children, Marco will coated with chocolate cookies to children, however, other people are surprised when asked them what is chocolate, all children a face of doubt. The villagers told me here, even though rich will not buy these things, and what they live so embarrassed. Hence, stationery, books, sports supplies became the children. See all this, make the person can feel sad. Remember the tubes in practice. Right once said: "the year of tree, the valley; a decade, mo in trees, YuShuRen mo; life." We have no gold, but love is your donated 20,000ounces at all, we may not be able to give children JinFang brings the jade living environment, but we kind of can help them to learn is to create a better future, our good heart can teach them to live out a beauty, teach them to know that although a hard life, but not poor.

Here is the teachers offer silently, also is the greatest thing, they will pay greater efforts and labor, but hard to get the repayment, still live in poverty edge (each month of wages only 300 yuan), but they are still struggling with their struggle, hope to warm the industrious holding the next generation. The lack of teaching is a problem to solve, because the area of poverty and backwardness, and almost no graduates to enter the village, stockade of only two teachers, local villagers, although it is truly precious spirit, but they really need to further improve the quality of teaching.
Where the people are industrious, however, in the background of the poor, their hard work can only be a life of struggle.
They are eager to through the knowledge to change destiny and improve the quality of life, they need our help, we also hope to have more people can join the ranks of the love, do yourself a meager strength to help the children to create a good learning environment. Children's hope, tomorrow is to have one side of the mountain in their eyes, and hope that they will no longer be mountain with knowledge for beautiful congjiang to create a better tomorrow.
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