
MakingfriendsandlearningthelanguageinArmeniatooklongerthanexpected-untiltheterrorista... Making friends and learning the language in Armenia took longer than expected-until the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
The house we moved into was huge and beatiful. The neighborhood was supposed to be one of the best in all of yerevan, the capital of Armenia, but it didn’t impress me.
2.Our elegant house was surrounded by an eight-foot wall topped with gleaming metal spikes. The neighboring houses were large, and while many walled like ours, others were protected by flapping plastic tarps or corrugated metal sheeting that rattled ominously in the wind. Stray dogs roamed streets full of potholes. Soviet-era cars careened down the hill, with no sidewalk separating pedestrians from vehicles.
3.Across the street was a small cinder-block building, a shop that had been tacked onto the front of a house as an afterthought. The windows fo this squat little place wre covered with bars. The walls were crumbling , the paint peeling. Two scrawny cats groomed themselves at the entrance.
4.Every day I walked past this little shop on my way down the hill to work, and the laughter I heard from within seemed directed at me, the foreigner. The metal shop door slammed closed behind customers who exited with loaves of bread tucked under their arms, hurrying past with surreptitious glances.
5. I couldn’t see past the bars and the dusty glass, so I avoided the store, choosing instead to frequent a larger one near my office, even though I had to lug bags fo groceries home on a rickety bus.
6.Then one day, I ran out of bread. I gathered my courage and opened that creaking metal door, squinting into the shadows. Makeshift shelves stretched from floor to ceiling, piled high with candy, shampoo, and flour, among other necessities. A glass case filled with cheese and sausage separated the customers from the cash register. Another glass case, which ran the length of the shop, was filled with ice cream. I stood cautiously near the door, looking for the bread.
7.The woman behind the counter smiled at me. In Russian, she greeted me: “So you’re the new neighbor. We’ve been expecting you. I’m Anna. Come in , come in.”
8.She called into a back room, summoning the rest of her family from the house for introductions: her white-haired husband, Gevorg; daughter-in-law, Hasmik; three sons; and two small grandchildren, who hid behind their mother.
9.They all lived together in the house behind the shop, and they ran the store together. They peppered me with questions, all speaking at once in Russian, which I didn’t.
10.It took 30 minutes to get the bread and cross the street again, and in that time, I realized what a fool I’d been to travel across town twice a week when everything I wanted was in that store.
11.A few days later, I ran out of eggs. I grabbed some change and dashed duced me to some of her other customers. It took almostan hour to buy my eggs, as the neighbors lined up to meet me, to ask me about America.
2009-03-28 · TA获得超过385个赞
5 。我看不到过去的酒吧和灰尘的玻璃,所以我避免了存储,而是选择一个较大的频繁我的办公室附近,即使我不得不耳袋杂货主页上摇摇晃晃的公共汽车。
7.The女子柜台后面的微笑我。在俄罗斯,她迎接我: “那么你的新邻居。我们一直在等着你。我是安娜。进来,进来“
8.She要求到后面的房间,召集其他家人的房子介绍:她满头白发的丈夫, Gevorg ;媳妇, Hasmik ;三个儿子和两个小孙子,谁躲在妈妈。
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