
世界上最大的行政建筑——美国五角大楼(thePentagon)。五角大楼坐落在美国华盛顿(Washington)附近波托马克河(PotomacRiver)畔的阿灵顿(Ar... 世界上最大的行政建筑——美国五角大楼(the Pentagon)。
五角大楼坐落在美国华盛顿(Washington)附近波托马克河(Potomac River)畔的阿灵顿(Arlington)镇,是美国国防部所在地。从空中俯瞰,这座建筑成正五边形,故名“五角大楼”。它占地面积235.9万平方米,大楼高22米,共有五层,总建筑面积60.8万平方米,使用面积约34.4万平方米,当时造价8700万美元,于1943年4月15日建成,同年五月启用,可供2.3万人办公。大楼南北两侧各有一大型停车场,可同时停放汽车一万辆。
世界上最长的桥——路易斯安那(Louisiana)的庞恰特雷恩湖堤道(Lake Pontchartrain Causeway)。
世界上最大的游乐场——奥兰多迪士尼乐园(Orlando Walt Disney World)
世界上最长的人造建筑——中国万里长城(the Great Wall)
世界上最大的巨石建筑——埃及胡夫金字塔(Khufu Pyramid)
世界上最大的古建筑群——北京故宫(the Forbidden City)
十分感谢您的回答!!!麻烦您再翻译出这句话:世界六大建筑之最 谢谢您!!!
The world's largest administrative building -- Pentagon (the 世界上最大的行政建筑——美国五角大楼(the Pentagon)。
五角大楼坐落在美国华盛顿(Washington)附近波托马克河(Potomac River)畔的阿灵顿(Arlington)镇,是美国国防部所在地。从空中俯瞰,这座建筑成正五边形,故名“五角大楼”。它占地面积235.9万平方米,大楼高22米,共有五层,总建筑面积60.8万平方米,使用面积约34.4万平方米,当时造价8700万美元,于1943年4月15日建成,同年五月启用,可供2.3万人办公。大楼南北两侧各有一大型停车场,可同时停放汽车一万辆。
世界上最长的桥——路易斯安那(Louisiana)的庞恰特雷恩湖堤道(Lake Pontchartrain Causeway)。
世界上最大的游乐场——奥兰多迪士尼乐园(Orlando Walt Disney World)
世界上最长的人造建筑——中国万里长城(the Great Wall)
世界上最大的巨石建筑——埃及胡夫金字塔(Khufu Pyramid)
世界上最大的古建筑群——北京故宫(the Forbidden City)
问题补充:十分感谢您的回答!!!麻烦您再翻译出这句话:世界六大建筑之最 谢谢您!!!
The pentagon is located in Washington (U.S.) near the Potomac River bank of Potomac Arlington Arlington, America's defence. Seen from the top, the building into the pentagon is, therefore, "the pentagon. It covers an area of 10,000 square meters, building 235.9 22 meters high, there are five layers, with a total construction area of 60.8 thousand square meters, use area is about 10,000 square meters, 34.4 at $87m per, 1943 15 April, may enable, built to 2.3 million office. Building with a north-south large parking, while parked cars 10,000 vehicles.
The longest bridge in the world -- Louisiana (Louisiana), Ryan Lake was Mr Lake Pontchartrain Causeway ways (.).
In 1969, Louisiana, Ryan lake was Mr. 2 causeway completion, it put mandela Mandeville) and mathevon (would connect 38.42 kilometers across, Mr, Ryan lake, which just eight miles you will only see land, water in the lake bridge over the oversight.
The World's largest playground -- Orlando Walt Disney World) gentlemen Orlando (
Orlando, Florida to Disney World, Florida) ($40,000 to invest. Is the world's largest theme park, is the headquarters of the Disney, redtown 124 square kilometers, equal to one fifth of Singapore, has four large theme park, 3 watertown, 32 resort hotel and 784 a campsite. Since 1971, open since October about 1,200 million visitors every year. Here are five sets of the international standard 18-hole golf course and comprehensive sports park, downtown shopping center - combined with Disney and shopping, dining, entertainment and recreation facilities have night, more than 250 shops and restaurants.
The world's longest man-made buildings - the Great Wall of China (by) near
The majestic Great Wall across the north, it is at the top of the mountains, the total length of 6,700 kilometres, founded in spring and autumn and warring states. It is the history of rare military defense engineering, with a long history, vast engineering, magnificent verve, well known as a UNESCO world heritage list ", is known as "the eighth wonder of the world".
The world's largest stone architecture - Egyptian Pyramid of Khufu Khufu (pour)
Egyptian pyramids built Egypt (khufu fourth dynasty) LaoHu law second Cardiff's reign (BC), 2670 considered khufu to build his tomb. In ancient Egypt, from the date of pharaoh's reign, for his tomb, in order to build for god. After the death of purgatory The great pyramid of khufu's four cant is on the east, south, west and north, error less than three points, the arc length 230 meters, the bottom layer due to the tower, now penciling limestone shorter for 227 meters, the Angle of 51 degrees 52 points. The high tower, 59 meters, 146, high 136.5 top spalling, equivalent to a 40 skyscrapers, the bottom layer, covering an area of about square 5.29 million square meters.
The pyramid of khufu concrete-encased 230 million by the size of the stone, each weight at 1.5 tons to 160 tons, GeFeng between rocks, no adhesion. If these stones cut into small pieces of cubic feet in length and line up, the equivalent of three half the earth's circumference.
The world's largest ancient building group, the Forbidden City in Beijing imperial palace (),
Beijing, China (also called forbidden palace located in downtown Beijing), and to the Ming and qing dynasties, the palace has 24 emperors of the ruling. Was founded in 1406, has nearly 600 years. The Forbidden City is the world's largest, most complete extant ancient wooden buildings, covers 720,000 square meters, with a construction area of about 15 million square meters, owns more than 9,000 buildings, including hall (also called JinLuanDian), is the emperor's throne, held a celebration and army troops such ceremonies. HuangWa eastward, golden palace, marble, ZhuYing hired DiaoLan overlap, majestic in ancient Chinese, is the essence. Within the past is precious cultural relics and art collections about 100 million pieces. December 1987 it was included in the <<world heritage list>>.

世界6大建筑之最:The six big buildings
The world's largest administrative building -- Pentagon (the Pentagon).
The pentagon is located in Washington (U.S.) near the Potomac River bank of Potomac Arlington Arlington, America's defence. Seen from the top, the building into the pentagon is, therefore, "the pentagon. It covers an area of 10,000 square meters, building 235.9 22 meters high, there are five layers, with a total construction area of 60.8 thousand square meters, use area is about 10,000 square meters, 34.4 at $87m per, 1943 15 April, may enable, built to 2.3 million office. Building with a north-south large parking, while parked cars 10,000 vehicles.
The longest bridge in the world -- Louisiana (Louisiana), Ryan Lake was Mr Lake Pontchartrain Causeway ways (.).
In 1969, Louisiana, Ryan lake was Mr. 2 causeway completion, it put mandela Mandeville) and mathevon (would connect 38.42 kilometers across, Mr, Ryan lake, which just eight miles you will only see land, water in the lake bridge over the oversight.
The World's largest playground -- Orlando Walt Disney World) gentlemen Orlando (
Orlando, Florida to Disney World, Florida) ($40,000 to invest. Is the world's largest theme park, is the headquarters of the Disney, redtown 124 square kilometers, equal to one fifth of Singapore, has four large theme park, 3 watertown, 32 resort hotel and 784 a campsite. Since 1971, open since October about 1,200 million visitors every year. Here are five sets of the international standard 18-hole golf course and comprehensive sports park, downtown shopping center - combined with Disney and shopping, dining, entertainment and recreation facilities have night, more than 250 shops and restaurants.
The world's longest man-made buildings - the Great Wall of China (by) near
The majestic Great Wall across the north, it is at the top of the mountains, the total length of 6,700 kilometres, founded in spring and autumn and warring states. It is the history of rare military defense engineering, with a long history, vast engineering, magnificent verve, well known as a UNESCO world heritage list ", is known as "the eighth wonder of the world".
The world's largest stone architecture - Egyptian Pyramid of Khufu Khufu (pour)
Egyptian pyramids built Egypt (khufu fourth dynasty) LaoHu law second Cardiff's reign (BC), 2670 considered khufu to build his tomb. In ancient Egypt, from the date of pharaoh's reign, for his tomb, in order to build for god. After the death of purgatory The great pyramid of khufu's four cant is on the east, south, west and north, error less than three points, the arc length 230 meters, the bottom layer due to the tower, now penciling limestone shorter for 227 meters, the Angle of 51 degrees 52 points. The high tower, 59 meters, 146, high 136.5 top spalling, equivalent to a 40 skyscrapers, the bottom layer, covering an area of about square 5.29 million square meters.
The pyramid of khufu concrete-encased 230 million by the size of the stone, each weight at 1.5 tons to 160 tons, GeFeng between rocks, no adhesion. If these stones cut into small pieces of cubic feet in length and line up, the equivalent of three half the earth's circumference.
The world's largest ancient building group, the Forbidden City in Beijing imperial palace (),
Beijing, China (also called forbidden palace located in downtown Beijing), and to the Ming and qing dynasties, the palace has 24 emperors of the ruling. Was founded in 1406, has nearly 600 years. The Forbidden City is the world's largest, most complete extant ancient wooden buildings, covers 720,000 square meters, with a construction area of about 15 million square meters, owns more than 9,000 buildings, including hall (also called JinLuanDian), is the emperor's throne, held a celebration and army troops such ceremonies. HuangWa eastward, golden palace, marble, ZhuYing hired DiaoLan overlap, majestic in ancient Chinese, is the essence. Within the past is precious cultural relics and art collections about 100 million pieces. December 1987 it was included in the <<world heritage list>>.

世界6大建筑之最:The six big buildings
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2009-04-01 · TA获得超过176个赞
Administration of the world's largest building - the Pentagon (the Pentagon).
The Pentagon is located in Washington, DC (Washington) near the Potomac River (Potomac River) River in Arlington (Arlington) the town is the seat of the United States Department of Defense. Bird's eye view from the air, this is building into a pentagon, named "the Pentagon." It covers an area of 2,359,000 square meters, 22 meters high building, a total of five, with a total building area of 608,000 square meters, the use of an area of about 344,000 square meters, cost 87 million U.S. dollars at that time, in April 15, 1943 built the same year opening in May, 23,000 people for office. Building a large-scale north-south on each side parking, car parking at the same time 10,000.
The world's longest bridge - Louisiana (Louisiana) of庞恰特雷恩湖堤Road (Lake Pontchartrain Causeway).
In 1969, the United States Louisiana Lake Pontchartrain causeway completed on the 2nd, which put曼德韦尔(Mandeville) and connect Metairie, a total length of 38.42 kilometers, across Lake Pontchartrain , there is one of only eight miles of water you will not see the land that the bridge runs through the middle of the lake over.
The world's largest amusement park - Disneyland in Orlando (Orlando Walt Disney World)
Disneyland is located in Orlando, Florida (Florida), the investment of 40,000 million. Is the world's largest theme park, Disney's headquarters is also a total area of 12.4 square kilometers, equivalent to about one-fifth of the Singapore area, with four large theme parks, three water parks, 32 resort hotel and 784 camp sites. Since opening in October 1971 has been approximately 1,200 per million people年接待游客. Here there are five 18-hole international standard golf courses and General Sports Park, downtown shopping malls have Disney - combining shopping, entertainment and dining facilities, which have night-time Recreation Area, all kinds of shops and more than 250 of the Restaurant.
The world's longest man-made architecture - The Great Wall of China (the Great Wall)
The Great Wall magnificent, the mountains north of its trans-top, with a total length of 6,700 kilometers, was founded in the Spring and Autumn. It is rare in the history of human building military defense project, which a long history, vast projects that the magnificent spirit of the world, was listed by UNESCO as "World Heritage List", as the "Eighth Wonder of the World" .
The world's largest stone building - Egypt Khufu pyramid (Khufu Pyramid)
Khufu pyramid was built in Egypt (Egypt) the fourth dynasty pharaoh Khufu second reign (about 2670 BC), be considered the construction of Khufu's tomb for themselves. In ancient Egypt, every pharaoh from the date of accession to the throne, that is, proceed to the construction of tombs for themselves to God after the death of spirits. Great Pyramid of Khufu slope is 4 to east, south, west, north Quartet, the error of not more than 3 arc minutes, the bottom edge of the original 230 meters long, because the outer layer of limestone towers falling, and now for the bottom edge of minus 227 meters short an inclination of 51 degrees 52 minutes. 146,59 original meter high tower, as the top off, it is 136.5 meters high, which is equivalent to a 40-story skyscraper, a square bottom surface, an area of 52,900 square meters.
Cheops pyramid tower by 2.3 million large and small boulders, each block in weight from 1.5 to 160 tons, close commissure between the stones, without any binding.凿成stones such as these put a small piece of 1 cubic feet and arranged in rows, and its length equal to the circumference of the Earth 3/2.
The world's largest group of ancient buildings - Beijing Palace Museum (the Forbidden City)
Palace Museum in Beijing, China (also known as the Forbidden City), located in central Beijing for the Ming and Qing dynasties of Imperial Palace, has 24-bit successive emperor ascended the throne in this ruling. Founded in 1406, has now operated for almost 600 years. Palace Museum is the world's existing largest and most complete ancient wood buildings, covers an area of 720,000 square meters, building area of about 150,000 square meters, with more than 9000 temples, of which Hall of Supreme Harmony (also known as金銮殿), are held emperor ascended the throne, the birth of holiday celebration and ceremony, such as sending troops to conquest of the place.黄瓦故宫red walls, gold Fei Zhu Ying, Bai雕栏, overlapping palace, majestic spectacle, are the essence of ancient Chinese architecture. Intrauterine collections are valuable heritage and history of about one million works of art. In December 1987 it was included in the "World Heritage List."
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2009-04-07 · TA获得超过416个赞
The world's largest administrative building -- Pentagon (the Pentagon).
The pentagon is located in Washington (U.S.) near the Potomac River bank of Potomac Arlington Arlington, America's defence. Seen from the top, the building into the pentagon is, therefore, "the pentagon. It covers an area of 10,000 square meters, building 235.9 22 meters high, there are five layers, with a total construction area of 60.8 thousand square meters, use area is about 10,000 square meters, 34.4 at $87m per, 1943 15 April, may enable, built to 2.3 million office. Building with a north-south large parking, while parked cars 10,000 vehicles.
The longest bridge in the world -- Louisiana (Louisiana), Ryan Lake was Mr Lake Pontchartrain Causeway ways (.).
In 1969, Louisiana, Ryan lake was Mr. 2 causeway completion, it put mandela Mandeville) and mathevon (would connect 38.42 kilometers across, Mr, Ryan lake, which just eight miles you will only see land, water in the lake bridge over the oversight.
The World's largest playground -- Orlando Walt Disney World) gentlemen Orlando (
Orlando, Florida to Disney World, Florida) ($40,000 to invest. Is the world's largest theme park, is the headquarters of the Disney, redtown 124 square kilometers, equal to one fifth of Singapore, has four large theme park, 3 watertown, 32 resort hotel and 784 a campsite. Since 1971, open since October about 1,200 million visitors every year. Here are five sets of the international standard 18-hole golf course and comprehensive sports park, downtown shopping center - combined with Disney and shopping, dining, entertainment and recreation facilities have night, more than 250 shops and restaurants.
The world's longest man-made buildings - the Great Wall of China (by) near
The majestic Great Wall across the north, it is at the top of the mountains, the total length of 6,700 kilometres, founded in spring and autumn and warring states. It is the history of rare military defense engineering, with a long history, vast engineering, magnificent verve, well known as a UNESCO world heritage list ", is known as "the eighth wonder of the world".
The world's largest stone architecture - Egyptian Pyramid of Khufu Khufu (pour)
Egyptian pyramids built Egypt (khufu fourth dynasty) LaoHu law second Cardiff's reign (BC), 2670 considered khufu to build his tomb. In ancient Egypt, from the date of pharaoh's reign, for his tomb, in order to build for god. After the death of purgatory The great pyramid of khufu's four cant is on the east, south, west and north, error less than three points, the arc length 230 meters, the bottom layer due to the tower, now penciling limestone shorter for 227 meters, the Angle of 51 degrees 52 points. The high tower, 59 meters, 146, high 136.5 top spalling, equivalent to a 40 skyscrapers, the bottom layer, covering an area of about square 5.29 million square meters.
The pyramid of khufu concrete-encased 230 million by the size of the stone, each weight at 1.5 tons to 160 tons, GeFeng between rocks, no adhesion. If these stones cut into small pieces of cubic feet in length and line up, the equivalent of three half the earth's circumference.
The world's largest ancient building group, the Forbidden City in Beijing imperial palace (),
Beijing, China (also called forbidden palace located in downtown Beijing), and to the Ming and qing dynasties, the palace has 24 emperors of the ruling. Was founded in 1406, has nearly 600 years. The Forbidden City is the world's largest, most complete extant ancient wooden buildings, covers 720,000 square meters, with a construction area of about 15 million square meters, owns more than 9,000 buildings, including hall (also called JinLuanDian), is the emperor's throne, held a celebration and army troops such ceremonies. HuangWa eastward, golden palace, marble, ZhuYing hired DiaoLan overlap, majestic in ancient Chinese, is the essence. Within the past is precious cultural relics and art collections about 100 million pieces. December 1987 it was included in the

世界6大建筑之最:The six big buildings
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Administration of the world's largest building - the Pentagon (the Pentagon).
The Pentagon is located in Washington, DC (Washington) near the Potomac River (Potomac River) River in Arlington (Arlington) the town is the seat of the United States Department of Defense. Bird's eye view from the air, this is building into a pentagon, named "the Pentagon." It covers an area of 2,359,000 square meters, 22 meters high building, a total of five, with a total building area of 608,000 square meters, the use of an area of about 344,000 square meters, cost 87 million U.S. dollars at that time, in April 15, 1943 built the same year opening in May, 23,000 people for office. Building a large-scale north-south on each side parking, car parking at the same time 10,000.
The world's longest bridge - Louisiana (Louisiana) of庞恰特雷恩湖堤Road (Lake Pontchartrain Causeway).
In 1969, the United States Louisiana Lake Pontchartrain causeway completed on the 2nd, which put曼德韦尔(Mandeville) and connect Metairie, a total length of 38.42 kilometers, across Lake Pontchartrain , there is one of only eight miles of water you will not see the land that the bridge runs through the middle of the lake over.
The world's largest amusement park - Disneyland in Orlando (Orlando Walt Disney World)
Disneyland is located in Orlando, Florida (Florida), the investment of 40,000 million. Is the world's largest theme park, Disney's headquarters is also a total area of 12.4 square kilometers, equivalent to about one-fifth of the Singapore area, with four large theme parks, three water parks, 32 resort hotel and 784 camp sites. Since opening in October 1971 has been approximately 1,200 per million people年接待游客. Here there are five 18-hole international standard golf courses and General Sports Park, downtown shopping malls have Disney - combining shopping, entertainment and dining facilities, which have night-time Recreation Area, all kinds of shops and more than 250 of the Restaurant.
The world's longest man-made architecture - The Great Wall of China (the Great Wall)
The Great Wall magnificent, the mountains north of its trans-top, with a total length of 6,700 kilometers, was founded in the Spring and Autumn. It is rare in the history of human building military defense project, which a long history, vast projects that the magnificent spirit of the world, was listed by UNESCO as "World Heritage List", as the "Eighth Wonder of the World" .
The world's largest stone building - Egypt Khufu pyramid (Khufu Pyramid)
Khufu pyramid was built in Egypt (Egypt) the fourth dynasty pharaoh Khufu second reign (about 2670 BC), be considered the construction of Khufu's tomb for themselves. In ancient Egypt, every pharaoh from the date of accession to the throne, that is, proceed to the construction of tombs for themselves to God after the death of spirits. Great Pyramid of Khufu slope is 4 to east, south, west, north Quartet, the error of not more than 3 arc minutes, the bottom edge of the original 230 meters long, because the outer layer of limestone towers falling, and now for the bottom edge of minus 227 meters short an inclination of 51 degrees 52 minutes. 146,59 original meter high tower, as the top off, it is 136.5 meters high, which is equivalent to a 40-story skyscraper, a square bottom surface, an area of 52,900 square meters.
Cheops pyramid tower by 2.3 million large and small boulders, each block in weight from 1.5 to 160 tons, close commissure between the stones, without any binding.凿成stones such as these put a small piece of 1 cubic feet and arranged in rows, and its length equal to the circumference of the Earth 3/2.
The world's largest group of ancient buildings - Beijing Palace Museum (the Forbidden City)
Palace Museum in Beijing, China (also known as the Forbidden City), located in central Beijing for the Ming and Qing dynasties of Imperial Palace, has 24-bit successive emperor ascended the throne in this ruling. Founded in 1406, has now operated for almost 600 years. Palace Museum is the world's existing largest and most complete ancient wood buildings, covers an area of 720,000 square meters, building area of about 150,000 square meters, with more than 9000 temples, of which Hall of Supreme Harmony (also known as金銮殿), is held emperor ascended the throne, the birth of holiday celebration and ceremony, such as sending troops to conquest of the place.黄瓦故宫red walls, gold Fei Zhu Ying, Bai雕栏, overlapping palace, majestic spectacle, is the essence of ancient Chinese architecture. Intrauterine collections are valuable heritage and history of about one million works of art. In December 1987 it was included in the "World Heritage List."
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